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Gamescapes: Story Maps: Above the Clouds

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Gamescapes: Story Maps: Above the Clouds
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Gamescapes: Story Maps: Above the Clouds
Publisher: Savage Mojo
by Christopher H. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 06/12/2012 17:53:54

Some map products commend themselves as merely “useful.” Others—like this one—scream “Use me!” at the top of their lungs. Although I tend to prefer a more “realistic” style over Alida Saxon’s soft-edged watercolor-type style, I found my mind racing with story ideas and adventure hooks to get the players in my D&D campaign to visit this place. Small stone spires jut high above the clouds, and atop these are small lawns, dwellings, a statue, and mysterious standing stones. Just getting from one spire to another could pose a reasonable challenge for even mid-range PCs. “Above the Clouds” surely qualifies as my favorite Alida Saxon map to date (June 9, 2012). Like most Story Maps, the whole assembled map measures 24 x 32 inches, and features a square grid. My only concern is that the 8x8 tiles might get clipped on some printers, especially older printers requiring more than a quarter-inch margin.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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