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Fantastic Maps - Illfrost: Coastal Encampment $1.99
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Fantastic Maps - Illfrost: Coastal Encampment
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Fantastic Maps - Illfrost: Coastal Encampment
Publisher: Illusionary Press
by Christopher H. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 06/25/2012 00:12:44

With five substantial buildings, apparently designed for permanence, this looks more like a “settlement” than an “encampment” to me. Two buildings seem to be sleeping quarters; one seems to be a kitchen; two (without doors) are apparently for storage. Paths lead off the map in at least four different directions (maybe five, if that snow-covered path leads somewhere). The map is large and brimming with story possibilities. You could easily stage several different encounters on this map, giving you good replay value. At some point, it could even become a home base (albeit a sparse one) for the PCs. Although labeled for use with the Illfrost campaign setting, there’s nothing here that’s unique to that setting; any visit to a snowy clime will create an opportunity to use this map.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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