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The Intervention: The Official Series Bible

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The Intervention: The Official Series Bible
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The Intervention: The Official Series Bible
Publisher: Lightspress Media
by Tim L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/19/2012 07:33:46

One of the Official Series Bible series. You will need the main document for this. Greek-inspired superheros plus soap-opera roleplaying. Good for "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" television-style series or can be used to rough-out a campaign using Legends Walk (available on this site) as your own TV series.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Intervention: The Official Series Bible
Publisher: Lightspress Media
by Dennis S. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 07/23/2012 12:51:14

The Intervention is another Series Bible by Asparagus Jumpsuit. The premise of these books is that they offer you a system-agnostic campaign idea complete with characters, player roles, backstory and other information. You have enough to jump-start you into playing this campaign if you're interested. The Intervention is a "super-heroic soap opera" where the players are descended from Greek deities and must uphold their mythic responsibilities while wishing to lead normal lives.

Like its sister product The Knights of Torque & Recoil, this book does a great job in organizing its content and dividing things into constituent elements that are easy to digest and understand. It has a clearly defined central conflict, its factions are broken down into their strengths and weaknesses in scope, equipment and personnel, and the detailed character archetypes have stat suggestions listed in abstracts that fit any kind of RPG. There are plot hooks and rumors and a bibliography at the end. It's an interesting read, and I could see it played in anything from a smallville-esque storygame to GURPS. I rate it more highly than Knights because I found the premise more interesting – I'm not really a huge fan of pulp action. If you need an off-beat idea for your next superhero campaign, you might want to look here for Inspiration.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Intervention: The Official Series Bible
Publisher: Lightspress Media
by Larry B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/01/2012 18:08:38

Another setting in the Official Series Bible line. Just the way I like it, no system required.

In a twist from the Percy Jackson craze, heroes and demigods aren't exactly hiding; they've taken up new management and are acting as super heroes. As you would expect from an Official Series Bible, there is enough material to provide some interesting twists and intrique into to the setting.

While the setting notes gets into the Christian deity, it does avoid trying to do much with that other than having some of the old gods working with the representatives of the new. It would have been interesting to develop the heroes of the Christian deity a bit more (perhaps that will be a future supplement).

Disclosure note: while I have never met Berin in meat-space, I have know him online for quite some time. I have enjoyed his writing for many years.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Intervention: The Official Series Bible
Publisher: Lightspress Media
by Steve N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/30/2012 11:11:13

I got notification of this product and my first thought was, "Oh a knock-off of the 'Percy Jackson' school of thought." Was I wrong, and in a very mind-bending good way. Berin has taken the myths of the Greek gods and woven them into a global conspiracy/superhero setting.


Full disclosure, though I have met Berin face-to-face once, he is my friend. That said, it is his writing that brought the two of us together. I'll be glad to say I knew him when...

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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