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Netherworld #5 $1.99
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Netherworld #5
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Netherworld #5
Publisher: Top Cow
by John G. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 05/08/2012 07:53:50

While this is a serviceable issue, it is better as the last chapter of the full series than it is as a single book. As a single issue, it has good action, solid pacing, and an interesting wrap-up to the story. But Netherworld as a whole is a fresh take on some common themes in comics and sci-fi.

There was a page or two where the artwork seemed rushed, but the layouts and storytelling stayed true to the series. Now that it is complete, it is worth grabbing this story as a trade or complete set of 5 issues.

It is clear that this team is ready to tell more stories about this world and it's main character. I'll be interested to know what kind of twists that they can create, since the real fun of Netherworld was in figuring out what the place really was and how the characters got there.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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