This was a shocking success with my group and well negative experience at the same time. I pulled this out to be different. My group had fun and it became one of our main games. The system is okay, but sometimes you forget humans can be lower cast as well. The problem came when we did more than this game seems to be designed for. It is great for one shots and maybe a bit more. We played it for 2 months straight. My girlfriend got pissed because she was playing a character not mea to really work she was introduced with my sister DMing as a slave sold to the company by the rebels. I said it made no sense but she was happy. I had the problem she just had her character hide in their room and then she got pissed no one interacted with him. It blew up into a fight between my sister and girlfriend leading to us not playing for a month.
This is a great one shot and fine for what it was made for. Just remember in this world no one cares about your character and it is up to the players and GM to make it into more. It was good enough I hunted down a few hard copies of this book and supplements. Note DriveThruRPG does not have all the books from this RPG, but it has most of them.