The Monsters of Sin series is an excellent series of PDFs written by Ryan Costello, Jr. which explores the "seven deadly sins." Although these products have been written with the Midgard setting in mind they can easily be used at any game table using the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game (or even Dungeons & Dragons 3.5).
Sloth is a tricky sin to represent at the game table because by definition a slothful character tends to not engage the world around them. To help game masters and players bring sloth to life at the game table he boils the sin down to one of two approaches; "sluggish, unmotivated monsters, and monsters that drain characters of their ability to physically continue."
The Slothful Creature is a CR -2 template which is completely detrimental to the creature on which the template has been placed. This is an interesting tool for game masters who want to introduce creatures into their game which may be a bit too powerful for the party while also adding interesting elements to the story. Or even making an average level challenge less challenging can be a nice twist.
The Flab Giant (CR 4) is a new breed of giant. The origin of this breed is left to the imagination of the game master but whatever the cause for the genesis of this race they are a nasty bunch. Overweight and lazy love to use their greatest strength against those who bother them, their sheer girth.
If drakes are lesser versions of the dragons then a Scrap Drake (CR 6) would be the drake of the drakes. Does that make sense? The scrap drakes don't care if it does or not. In fact, they don't care about much at all. The best thing about a scrap drake is once you drag them in front of something to guard the odds are good they will stay. They are too lazy to go anywhere else.
Slow Storms (CR 15) are nasty outsiders which afflict their enemies with debilitating arthritis. The abilities of this creature are a good way to get PCs to slow down and can be a very interesting story development.
The Embodiment of Sloth (CR 17) is a master manipulator who does a good job of motivating others to get the job done for them. As a giant lump of flesh it can easily be mistaken for a nasty slime or pudding but it is far, far more dangerous.
As with the other PDFs in this series this is a well written product. For $2.99 game masters will not only be provided with some interesting tools but a great deal of inspiration as well.