Layout -- Ultimately, the visual layout is too simple to be interesting. It is functional and utilitarian but bland and boring for a game about four-color, computer-art-generated comic book super heroes. So much more could have been done with this product art-wise; it needs more of everything. More charts, more lists, more illustrations, etc. The cover is so-so: it's a very good illustration of a boring pose -- the super girl blowing something up could have been drawn with more OOMF, and the thing she is shooting at could have been illustrated as an explosion. Overall, the layout falls flat.
Text -- Written to-the-point, as though it were a technical manual. This is not a bad thing for this product, though. The text is factual and informative, but it lacks "pizazz". A little more descriptive language and colorful story-telling, along with a sample of playing the game, would have been nice but not necessary. It did unintentionally take one of my ideas that I had about 7 years ago for super hero games, and it seems most games are going this route as they shoot more for the "story telling over mechanics" concept. // If you don't know what that idea is, I can't tell you. I am designing my own game to present later. Sorry!
Game Play -- This is where SU will shine. It is deceptively simple, IF you are a creative and imaginative person. You can do a lot with this product as you play it, IF you have the time, talent, and treasure to put into it. SU is a skeletal framework to build the super-hero comic book story that YOU want to build YOURSELF. No preconceived notions here!
Money -- You can't beat the price with an ugly stick! One dollar is a good price point, even with all the things this game lacks.
Compared to others like it -- I don't own many games like this, but compared to the other "simple, to-the-point" games I do have (and adding my bias to super hero games anyway), I think if you take all of these things in consideration, you will like this game.