This pdf is 15 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial, 1 page advertisement and 1 page SRD, leaving 11 pages of content for the latest installment of the FoTS-series, so what kind of far-out NPC do we get this time?
Our culprit this time is Z.Z. Grimshanks and he's a goblin - but not a regular one. Where Bonetonbgue was an inversion of the chaotic nature of goblins, Grimshanks revels in it - in fact, the psychotic little goblin is not only a fearsome gladiator, but also the Tarnished Souk's newfound champion of thieves - even better, the goblin is a time thief whose dreams have been replaced by a strange static due to his constant tweaking of his own timeline. The fact that the time thief is used here is a cause for applause on my behalf, as I'm a huge fan of the Rite Publishing/Super Genius Games-synergy I've seen in the last couple of months and consider the expansion of it awesome. But back to Z.Z. - which by the way stands for "zeee...zeee...greatest!" - but don't ask, unless you want to be stabbed in the kneecap, that is! The goblins comes with 4 magic item properties, alterable, greater alterable, sync and critical sync weapons, which make his armament able to change form and adjust to a foe, adding luck bonuses to his attacks and his 6 magic items, including ones to facilitate his roguish abilities and two powerful weapons, one of which is an artifact, make this goblin a deadly foe indeed. Even better, the strange bug-eyed glasses he always wears and pretends that hide him from the eldritch things lurking between seconds are also a hook - for the time-scrambling goblin may actually be on to something!
One of my favorite templates from the Book of Monster Templates, the Betrayer creature (CR+1) also makes an appearance, as do the Accelerated Creature (CR+1), Charming Creature (CR +1), Stealthy (CR+2), Wounding (CR+2) and Jaunting Creature (CR+1) templates - quite a selection there! The low-level incarnation of Grimshanks clocks in at CR 8 and comes with 3 variants, using the accelerated creature, stealthy and wounding templates. This incarnation is a jaunting goblin monk (martial artist) 1/time thief 5.
His mid-level incarnation is a charming jaunting goblin monk (martial artist) 2/time thief 9 and clocks in at CR 14 - this incarnation also comes with 3 alternate versions using the aforementioned templates.
Have I already mentioned the Time Reaver-feat, which may rip temporal powers from foes to refresh your motes of time, but at the expense of becoming more vulnerable to said foe. It should be noted that Grimshanks CR 21 statblock is a beauty to behold (he's a betrayer charming jaunting goblin monk[martial artist]3/ time thief 14) and also comes with 3 alternates, which may amp him up to CR 23! If you don't have access to SGG'S Time Thief (Why? It's an AWESOME class, one of the best out there!), don't fret - all the information necessary to run Grimshanks is included in the pdf!
Editing and formatting are once again up to RiP's excellent standard - I didn't notice any glitches. Layout adheres to RiP's old b/w-rune-covered standard and the pdf comes with full bookmarks. What can I say about a character that not only oozes comedic potential, can be used as both foe and ally and utilizes arguably one of the best 3pp-classes out there? The goblin makes not only for an unconventional and smart adversary, the amount of additional content and customization options ensure that you can get more out of this pdf than one character and his neat magic items make him even more compelling. In the end, I'm practically forced to acknowledge Grimshanks as a stellar NPC and thus will settle on a final verdict of 5 stars + Endzeitgeist seal of approval.
Endzeitgeist out.