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Publisher: Slloyd14
by Desmond M. M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/27/2020 21:35:03

I've played the Trailblazers T&T solo by Stuart LLoyd a few times now with a Level 1 character. Each time I've had a great time and perhaps equally importantly I've been encouarged to reflect on how differently T&T can be played. As others have noted there is a good section on skills and combat maneauvers in the introduction (not to mention a description of spells and interesting some magical items for sale). The writing style is clear and keeps the reader engaged (and raises ideas for how Trollworld might be settled/ populated). I'm going to give it another go as soon as I finish typing. Worth far more than the small recomended amount and well worth your time.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Slloyd14
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/24/2016 12:32:05

The Author takes 15 pages to explain the newest version of T&T which give so much more than the older versions. That in itself is well worth the price. And then the solo itself about colonising a new land is excellent.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Slloyd14
by Billiam B. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 04/09/2012 18:25:57

Stuart Lloyd is changing the way we play Tunnels & Trolls solos and he is changing the way I look at T&T as a whole.

Rather than moping back to Edition 5 of T&T (which would be my primary instinct when writing a solo game) Mr Lloyd takes 7.5 with all it's suggested talents, he embraces the opportunities for customised skill checks (SRs), adapts to the new types/classes and tackles in-book spell-use head-on. Text sections provide options to perform "stunts" which make even the most mundane encounter memorable to play. The situations in Trailblazers! are refreshingly original. The plot can switch from the lowly to the epic - from scrambling about about to saving the day - of this stuff heroes are born.

There's a sprinkling of humour and chagrin, very much in the style of older T&T solitaire games, so T&T old school regulars will like this. The replayability factor is very high. (Do not be discouraged by the charming public domain art! This is high class content! High-production values of the mind!) - I should also add that his solos are easy on the ink cartridge and his PDF prices are kept extremely low. As well as a one off, you can also play Trailblazers! as the third in the series of T&T solos Stuart Lloyd has written.

-Billiam B.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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