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Junction Room
Publisher: DramaScape
by Matthew B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/22/2013 14:41:33

Nice image, good detail. Still generic enough to use with just about any high-ish tech setting.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Junction Room
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Drones & Atmospherics Volume One
Publisher: Toxic Bag Productions, Inc.
by Matthew B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/21/2012 13:47:58

Very good generic atmospherics. Useful for those times when there is no specific sound or music you want to play but you still don't want that awkward silence. ;)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Drones & Atmospherics Volume One
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GODLIKE: Superhero Roleplaying in a World on Fire, 1936-1946
Publisher: Arc Dream Publishing
by Matthew B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/27/2012 17:53:28

The first edition of GODLIKE was the first One Roll Enjine game I ever purchaced. When I heard about a second edition of course I jumped on it!

A sleek and simple gaming engine running one of the most original superhero backgrounds imaginable; this is a real gritty super's game. No spandex here your character is just another grunt on the front lines of history's greatest conflict. A grunt who can lift a tank, or fly, or make people's head explode just by looking at them!

But look out that grunt on the other side can do those things too.

The background and infilration of amazing superpowers into the historic conflict of World War 2 is genius. Other super games are forced to hand waive the whys of superpowers not affecting the larger pace of the conflict, but in GODLIKE the sheer numbers of powered individuals can do that for you. Or you could let your characters have a huger impact on the war! It's all up to you.

The game engine is one of my favorites. A single roll tells you if you succeded at a task, how well, how fast... everything you need to know. It is an excelent and beautiful mechanic and as is seen by the wied array of other ORE games can be used to simulate a wide variety of genres.

In short I highly recomend this game, and any ORE products.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
GODLIKE: Superhero Roleplaying in a World on Fire, 1936-1946
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Spirit of the Century
Publisher: Evil Hat Productions
by Matthew B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/18/2012 14:47:36

Awesome use of the ruleset!

I am quite enamored of the setting and the assumptions about the larger than life aspects of the characters.

I love a big freewheeling game and this is easily one of the best for that style of pley.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Spirit of the Century
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Once Upon A Time In The Far West
Publisher: Adamant Entertainment
by Matthew B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/30/2012 15:48:13

A wonderfully realized group of tracks which successfully combine the seemingly disparate elements of Eastern music with that of the American frontier. Each new release in the Far West catalogue is an awesome fulfillment of the promise of this unique endeavour.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Once Upon A Time In The Far West
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FU: The Freeform Universal RPG (Classic rules)
Publisher: Peril Planet
by Matthew B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/13/2012 18:36:40

As a free system you expect that the rules will be a little light...

This is one of the best narrative systems I've ever encountered! The system is all but diceless and an entire character can be described in a few bullet points and a couple of sentences of descriptive text.

I think this is just the thing to get my group back into role-playing.

Excellent work.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
FU: The Freeform Universal RPG (Classic rules)
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Game Masters Soundpack: Eldritch Horror: Cult Ceremonies
Publisher: Toxic Bag Productions, Inc.
by Matthew B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/10/2012 15:13:43

Toxic Bag has some of the best sound files for gaming!

I love that these can all be played in the background during a gaming session to provide mood and atmosphere but don't intrude themselves so much that they interupt play.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Game Masters Soundpack: Eldritch Horror: Cult Ceremonies
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GDW's Space 1889 Adventures [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Heliograph, Inc.
by Matthew B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/10/2012 15:11:11

I've been a fan of the Space: 1889 concept since I first saw it. This bundle is a wonderfully inexpensive way to get the PDF's of my favoerite adventures.

Even though I already have hardcopies of all these books I like the ability to use them on my computer during a game so I can reference them without carrying around a ton of books. Sometimes a game may break out when I'm away from home!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
GDW's Space 1889 Adventures [BUNDLE]
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Far West: Amble's Map
Publisher: Adamant Entertainment
by Matthew B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/10/2012 15:06:15

I love maps.

Real maps, alternate history maps, fictional maps, game maps. I don't care; I love pouring over them for hours. This map is for a setting that I have barely introduced myself to but it is already proving useful and fascinating. Reading the Tales of the Far West collection of short stories and being able to follow the travels of the heroes, and villains, is a truly wonderful experience.

The map itself is also well put together, it comes with a full version to view on your monitor as well as a multi-page version suitable for printing. The details and cartographic artistry make it a beautiful and seemingly authentic example of the kind of map one would expect from the setting.

All in all, a wonderful little package for any cartographil fan out there.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Far West:  Amble's Map
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Game Masters Complete Collection
Publisher: Toxic Bag Productions, Inc.
by Matthew B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/23/2011 21:46:42

I like this product!

I bet you'd like a more comprehensive review, eh?

The variety of tracks in this collection make for a very versatile audio environment. I will use these as atmospheric back ground as well as specific effects for events within games I run. The tracks themselves are specific enough to be recognizable and generic enough to be reused in a variety of ways. Another positive aspect of this collection over standard 'Hollywood' sound effect collections is that the tracks are designed to have a more direct use in a gaming environment without overwhelming the gaming experience.

I like and endorse this product!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Game Masters Complete Collection
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