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Inked Adventures: Savage Cellar Floor Plan Tile $2.20 $1.90
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Inked Adventures: Savage Cellar Floor Plan Tile
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Inked Adventures: Savage Cellar Floor Plan Tile
Publisher: Inked Adventures
by Alastair M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/08/2013 07:58:51

A deep cellar room tiled over three printout pages, whose wood-plank floor has been largely, and none-too-gently, removed, revealing an even deeper, stone-floored cellar beneath, the whole full of all kinds of weird & wonderful items, from bookshelves and scattered papers on the upper level, with its chipped, plastered walls, to curious statues and a red mosaic floor-inlay magic circle on the lower. This is a glorious example of Inked Adventures' products at their very best, with a huge range of visual potential story hooks. The entire floor has an inch-square grid across it, which looks only as if it is part of the flooring - that's something really special - and this even extends to the rickety wooden staircase leading down from the printed-in doorway, despite the fact the stairs are drafted with perspective showing how they descend, so the whole still looks entirely natural. A one-page colour drawing of the complete room rounds-off the package, showing how the whole should look when finished, which can be copied & pasted for use in a separate personal description of the Cellar for game-use. Inspirational!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Inked Adventures: Savage Cellar Floor Plan Tile
Publisher: Inked Adventures
by JERRY M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/08/2012 16:40:39

This is a fun set that immediately evokes several advenutre ideas.

The three pages of room overlap to form one large, two-level encounter area with lots of fun details (I love the strange, Cthonian/ Cimmerian looking statues and idols in the basement.)

And of course, it fits well with the other Inked Adventures sets.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Inked Adventures: Savage Cellar Floor Plan Tile
Publisher: Inked Adventures
by David W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/11/2012 14:39:39

BilliamBabble strikes gold AGAIN! This set is a great map that gives you the illusion of multiple layers.

In his genius, he made a way to show squares on the map without solid lines... the tiles of course, but the planks and nails on the wood... GENIUS!

This large map was just over a dollar (USD), and WELL worth it.

I suggest picking this up, as well as his other sets! Search the Savage Cellar... IF YOU DARE!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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