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Glyphs RPG Blueprint - Digital Edition
by Carlos V. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/11/2017 18:55:19

Had a chance to play this game at a con a few months ago. It took me about an hour of gameplay to really get a good feel for the Token, which is a very intricate challenge coin used to control your PC’s actions by sliding or tossing it into special grids. I originally downloaded the book on their site and purchased my own Token and fancy board, but I wanted to give mad props to the maker.

When I first sat down to play, I was skeptical and using the Token felt a bit awkward as we are all used to playing RPG’s with dice, but I soon found myself completely addicted to Glyph’s unique gameplay. It seems to add more energy and fun into roleplaying. Once I got the hang of it, I loved the fact that my ability to maneuver the Token into the proper target affected the outcome of my rogue’s actions instead of crossing my fingers for my D20 set to generate favorable numbers. Everyone knows the dice are out to get you, but with Glyphs, I truly felt like I was in control over my character, and that a sense of competition was instilled with this method of gameplay. The game room got loud, and my fellow party members were focused on what the next player was going to do with the coin. What a blast!

I’ve spent some time getting to know this incredible system with my own gaming group. D&D night is now being alternated with Glyphs night. The book is loaded with tons of rules and charts which are intended to be construed in a way that best fits the game master’s setting, so it’s perfect for homebrew campaigns or those made from complete scratch. Since it is intended to be a generic universal system, where any character, ability, monster or world can easily be made, Glyphs is beautifully laid out in 26 Chapters that cover very specific topics that a GM should know.

It took me about a month to read and be familiar enough with the book’s contents to make my own content and run games of my own. A word of advice. Take it in one bite at a time. Absorbing about 1 chapter a day felt about right for me, as it looks like a lot to read and memorize. It’s much easier than it looks, so take your time. It will be worth it.

The most unique part about Glyphs besides the dexterity-driven resolution system and the universal rules has to be the Token’s symbols. As will become apparent throughout the book, Glyphs strongly embraces the idea of random content generation, so you have to understand the basic meanings behind the Glyphs symbols if you want to effectively run a game. It’s original, incredibly powerful and beautiful, but I don’t think a run of the mill GM will catch on. Glyphs is probably a better fit for someone who prefers to make their own content and customized characters as opposed to those who would rather have a canned RPG.

As someone who’s had some good hands on time with this game as a PC and GM here’s my 2 centavos:


• Extremely flexible. You can literally make any character, monster, item or power you want. The mechanics in the book help you fill in the blanks, and the website provides some tools and freebies to make the process easier, and the character sheets are very user friendly.

• Very fun! I can’t say this enough. Playing Glyphs means you need to have a degree of skill in mastering the Token’s full potential. I spent more time actually playing than simply waiting for my turn or hoping for lucky dice roll. I foresee tournaments being played as this game.

• A lot of thought and passion went into creating this game. While not without flaws, the author’s attention to detail and top quality work shows. One person made the entire damn thing, including the artwork.

• New PC’s can very quickly learn to play. They simply need to make their characters, and the GM will show them the rest while the game is in session. Anyone who loves making really neat characters and who can get the hang of sliding a coin can play this game and really enjoy it.

• I really enjoyed the combat and damage system. It makes things a bit more challenging and consequences are generally brutal. Also, I love the fact that Glyphs does away with linear character leveling, which compels me to role-play certain aspects of my character if I want him to advance.

• It’s free! Yes, you obviously need the Token to play, but it’s very generous not having to buy the whole rulebook.


• Glyphs requires time to learn the system (for a GM), about 1 month. It may appear very complicated, especially with the use of symbols, but is deceivingly simple once you put it to use. Sorry, there are no shortcuts. Stupid people need not apply.

• The damage system. Personally, I like the fact that there are consequences for every decision a player makes. However, it can come off as a bit unforgiving. Be sure to have good armor, get a little lucky with your defenses, and make good choices when fighting something.

• The Token System. Overall, I love the application of the Token and Glyph symbols and their potential that they offer. However, as a GM, you should understand what each symbol means and get comfortable using the Token as a randomizer. This takes a little commitment.

• Content. I get the fact that Glyphs is meant to be used to make your own stuff, and it does a really good job at it. I would however like to see more content, such as pregens and downloadable scenarios.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Glyphs RPG Blueprint - Digital Edition
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Creator Reply:
Carlos, Thank you for your thorough review. This is exactly the type of feedback I need from people who are actually playing the game. Your objective pro / con approach gives me better insight on what people like the most and what areas need some more attention. In regards, to content, yes, Glyphs is a tool meant for Game Masters to make their content as they see fit. I'm a D&D guy myself, but used to play around with my home brews back in the day before I took game design seriously. However, I do plan on making content available for purchase as well now that I have a platform built. My apologies, but I have been extremely busy and it takes me a while to complete anything these days. I'm a one man operation and I likely intend to remain that way. This year I am shifting focus on writing a new novel, but also expect to see at least 1 or 2 modules over the next year or two. I plan on doing something with serial killers, pioneer punk, space exploration and hyper-real fantasy. Additionally, I encourage all users to share their content on the Glyphs website. Cheers! ------ CW Smith III
Glyphs RPG Blueprint - Digital Edition
by Mike J. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/01/2016 15:02:08

As a Comic Shop owner and all around geek, I have to say that this games has impressed me and my staff with it's open mechanics. The customers that participate or walk in and see a game running are intrigued and captivated by the familiarity to other RPGs but instantly recognize that this is very different from your everyday RPG. The added dexterity factor with the unique coin dice is an added bonus as most of these type games rely on on person controlling the dice. We have even started regular game nights just for the Glyphs players because it is such an amazing system. I highly recommend this game to any level of gamer.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks for the review Mike! This is excellent feedback from someone like you in a similar industry. The people actually playing or overseeing it are having a blast so far. The Game\'s Fun factor is key and it shall continue to thrive in wonderful places like yours. Godspeed to you, your staff and your shop. Cheers!
Glyphs RPG Blueprint - Digital Edition
by Andrew A. T. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/17/2016 23:49:38

This roleplaying system is becoming my favorite system as a GM and player. Once one has familiarized themselves with the mechanics and shortcuts provided in the rulebook, everything becomes as easy as the flick of a coin. The Token, and board system can be amalgamated into any other roleplaying game pretty seemlessly, and can provide unburdenning boons to the GM in the realm of random generation. This system can also be used by an individual in a form of creative meditation to journey on a solo adventure. I have found that after becoming familiar with the core rule book, I was able to help more casual table top gamers understand the concepts behind the skill checks, and flow of gameplay. Plus the application of a dexterity based skill check to determin a result just seems so 'right' to me, and it does a very good job at not breaknig the immersion because of how simple it is in application. I even carry the Token (along with my 2-D Dice coin) in my wallet, because ya' never know... an adventure might be a coin flick away. (very cheesey, but I love this system!)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Andrew, Thank you for your feedback! I truly appreciate you and am glad you are happy with the system. Please feel free to contact me any time with any questions you may have. Happy gaming!
Glyphs RPG Blueprint - Digital Edition
by Michael J. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/07/2016 17:54:20

The good. It is origional. Doing something so totally origional in games is extremely rare these days. The computerized 3d (three dimention, not three dice) artwork looks very well done. The bad. I couldn't understand it. Perhaps if I saw someone doing it. Or it had a few more explanations of some of those more origional parts and wordings. Or maybe had a shock threrapy session to jolt my brain into working better.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Michael, Thank you for your excellent, honest feedback! Let me see if I can help you out. Yes, since Glyphs handles RPG\'s so differently than what we are all used to, I anticipated a high barrier of entry. As time progresses, more gamers will get acclimated. I will personally be providing several video tutorials to help players out. The book has a lot of info that may appear overwhelming, and a lot of the meta-mechanics are optional. I simply ran out of time and have an immense workload on my plate right now. I anticipate having the tutorials online in the next 2-3 months. The biggest tip I can suggest is simply not to overthink it, especially when it comes to the Token and how to interpret the Glyphs. Each symbol is universal in nature, and using the Token as a GM should be a fast and intuitive process once grasped. Otherwise, all targeted Character or Monster actions are activated by landing the Token within its targeted section on the action grid. Here\'s a quick reference of each main application: * The Token: The Glyph to be read is the one in the most upright or centered position, much like a compass because it is a 2-dimensional plane. As a GM, it is important to gain a basic understanding of each Glyph, but ultimately the symbols serve to trigger clues in the GM\'s mind, which minimizes the amount of time resorting to reference material.Yes, it\'s like a new language, but it is simple and intuitive once you practice. * Character Creation: Each level tier (Neophyte, Veteran, Adept) has different Gambits, which function much like a point buy method. The process is very simply outlined on the Character Sheets themselves and explained in the book. The whole process takes about 30 minutes. The Character Sheets and reference material can be found at * Focused Attacks, Skills, Powers and Techniques: These are activated by simply sliding or tossing the Token into the respective target on the action grid. * Free-Form Attacks: Lightly spin the Token within the center of the action grid. When it lands, the sights mark the numerical zone that corresponds to the affected target. * Defense opportunities: Spin the Token and add in the proper attributes. The higher number wins. * Attribute Challenges: Character vs Character - Each opponent spins the Token and factors in the respective attribute. The highest number wins. Character vs. Fate - The GM and the Player each spin the Token. The player adds in their attribute or modifier score and the highest number wins. * Environments and Civilizations: Glyphs embraces a randomized approach. Simply use the Token\'s Glyphs to give you clues pertaining to the Environment\'s physical features, or a Civilization\'s aspects. * Random Encounters: The Function Glyphs are relied on to denote the nature of the encounter. From there, simply use the digits from the pre-made list, or make your own list to determine the specifics of the encounter. * Random Characters: Using the Token for this part can be very overwhelming if you are creating and rendering every detail using the Token. For this reason, I recommend using the Token to flesh out details on the fly as they are needed. As far as antagonist aspects go, the Token can provide excellent clues very quickly. Most of all, the best way to understand Glyphs is to simply experience Glyphs. In fact, because I truly appreciate your genuine feedback as opposed to mindless trolling from others who simply skim through the book, I would like to send you a free Token and a Board so you can experience it for yourself and then be more comfortable with the game. If you are interested, please shoot me an email to with your details and I will have my office ship out a Token and Board at no cost to you whatsoever. Obviously, I can\'t make this offer for everyone, but I think you will enjoy it once you actually play it. Cheers!
Glyphs RPG Blueprint - Digital Edition
by Philip W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/06/2016 20:15:46

This is a good professional product, however it is very incomplete. For it to be usable one has to buy all the tokens that area needed to make the game playable.

Furthermore, my initial thoughts and impressions of this gaming system is that it appears complicated and difficult to understand.

For such a profssionally produced gaming system I really wanted to be more generous in my review, I know how hard it is to produce anything these days.   Unfortunately that is not possible here. Athough this was a free product, ti me it was a bit of a waste of bandwidth.

There are plenty of other products out there that are better.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you for your feedback Philip! Glyphs is intentionally a bare-bones product, which is mentioned in the beginning so there are no misconceptions. It is meant to be a set of mechanics and some default content to be used to make virtually any setting or content. I liken it to a box of Legos. I took a somewhat minimalist approach as far as content was concerned to encourage users to use their imagination and give freedom of creativity. It is not incomplete by any stretch and is exactly as I intended it to be, although I realize this approach may not be for everyone. It looks like a lot to take in, but it\'s actually simple to learn. Glyphs is simply a new approach to RPG\'s that have otherwise been played the same exact way for the last 40 years. I wanted to do something completely new, and I understand the inherent risks in deviating from the norm. The reason I went with the Tokens instead of dice is because they accomplish more, specifically the dexterity component as well as random context. This adds a new take on the game instead of solely relying on the randomness of dice. Otherwise, thank you for your kind words regarding the quality! Give it a chance and you will find Glyphs to be a very fun gameplay experience. Cheers!
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