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Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
by Darya [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/14/2023 14:31:52

A simple but colorful role-playing game based on a cooperative card game about superheroes. In general, it is probably aimed at beginners or people who just want to spend a relaxed evening. There is no deep background that needs to be studied here (the source game imitated typical superhero comics, only with its own heroes, so as not to spend money on licenses), characters are created relatively quickly, the rules are quite short and somewhat simplified compared to typical role-playing games.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
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Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
by Paul M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/25/2023 00:08:26

I kickstarted this RPG back in... what, 2019?... based purely on my love of the Sentinels of the Multiverse cooperative card game. I've only recently (like, in the last month) gotten around to testing it out after getting into the SotM "The Letters Page" podcast and man, lemme tell ya, if you are looking for something that really feels like you're playing out a superhero comic, look no further. It's essentially a much more fleshed out and mechanically sound evolution of the Marvel Heroic Roleplaying system, and while it can be a little bit daunting if you're not used to narrative-first roleplaying, it's been an absolute blast to make characters for and run. I heartily recommend picking it up if you're into supers RPGs at all, as character creation is largely setting-agnostic if you're not a Sentinels fanboy (but you should be, they deserve it).

[5 of 5 Stars!]
BRAWL: Bennett Deck
by Zachary E. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/20/2023 09:10:38

The card stock feels good, is heavy enough to play without being unwieldy, and the print is clean.

The game itself is incredibly fun. Fast-paced, brutal; a little pushy in total, but in a way that works for the game system.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
BRAWL: Bennett Deck
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Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
by Luke S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/08/2023 19:06:13

This is a damn good RPG. I probably like it about as much as the 5 star raters do, I'm just stingier with my ratings.

The only problem I could find here is that character creation can be a bit challenging to learn at first. And even there, after a short adjustment period, it becomes easy, fun and very flexible. Able to create almost any superhero you might want to play.

In play, this is a fairly light game and runs quick and smooth. It's the kind of game where if the players don't roll high enough, they can still succeed with a complication, called a twist here. I appreciate that there are a lot of twists in the book, so you're not constantly sucking them out of your thumb with no support. PCs put twists on their character sheets during character creation, villains have twists that can happen while fighting them, the environments have twists that can happen during action scenes that take place there. Even with just the core, I feel like I'm being supported as the GM.

Do note that this is not a general purpose RPG. It is very focussed on superhero action and tends to skim over everything else. The book even reffers to the time between action scenes as montages.

If you want a fast, fun and flexible superhero RPG, the Sentinel Comics RPG is a good choice.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
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Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game — The Guise Book
by Nathan R. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/27/2022 12:16:37

The modules are wacky and may not be for everyone but the premade villains and pcs are a lot of fun. You need to be a fan of Deadpool to enjoy this book really or in mood for a comedy

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game — The Guise Book
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Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
by COREY M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/08/2022 02:03:01

I had no interest in the Sentinel Comics setting and character, so I spent two years trying out everything I could (Mutants & Masterminds, Icons, MASKS, and the newer Champions--I had 2nd ed. in the 80s) before giving SCRPG a shot. I joined an online Play-by-Forum and played for 6 months before we had to end it. I didn't want to stop--it's such a great system (and the other reviewers can give you more details). So now I am using Mythic Game Master Emulator and playing a solo campaign.

Other systems try to either codify comic book physics or go heavy interpersonal drama (MASKS--hated it), but SCRPG somehow lets you be specific in your hero and villain creations without limiting you in how your chosen powers work. In fact, every action is a mini-game in how creatively you can justify the use of one Power with one Quality (like Self-Disciplined, Close Combat, or Leadership) to get the best result. With practice and experience, you'll discover the great combos and synergies your specific Abilities (specific game actions "themed" by one of your Powers or Qualities) possess when combined with your others, or the ones possessed by teammates.

I could go on...

It's pretty easy to learn, but has depth. The only con is that the GM side is pretty demanding. Not in prep work, but in getting a good feel for how much to throw at the PCs to properly challenge them and what kinds of Twists to throw at them that improve the experience. I learned by being a player and picked it up from our GM's hits and misses.

Underrated game that needs more love and probably more promotion from the publisher.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
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Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
by Colin B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/17/2022 10:06:31

I'd been playing Sentinels of the Multiverse, the card game set in the same universe as this RPG, for a number of years before I heard about this game being kickstarted, and as a fan of the universe and superhero RPGs in particular, I decided to back it to see what innovations it would bring to my table. I'm always initially wary of new superhero RPGs, having been burned by systems that promised more than they could deliver in the past, but I had faith that the same attention to detail and tight design that went into SotM would be repeated here. I am happy to report that my faith has been rewarded, and then some. As a lifelong GM (not my choice, believe me, I'd love to play!), I've been looking for a system that walks that fine line between narrative freedom and systemic crunch, capable of satisfying the roleplayers and the gamers at the session. Sentinel Comics is that game.

Let's start with the visuals; from the moment you open the book and see the beautifully-rendered (but sadly very fake) comic covers from throught the faux-publisher's history, you know you're in a fully realised universe with its own laws and stories and characters. The keyword here is love. The designers have poured their love of the genre into the aesthetic of this book, and it shows on every bright, full-colour page.

From there we're introduced to a few key concepts that detail what to expect from reading the book. It's all written in a friendly, encouraging style that feels more conversational than instructive, which will no doubt help put younger or less experienced gamers at their ease.

After this, we're treated to a discussion of the core concepts of the system, including Environments and the very exciting Scene Tracker. For GMs who struggle to insert a sense of urgency into their action scenes, this idea is made for the scene progresses, the stakes are raised both dramatically and mechanically, and characters and their abilities evolve along with the scene to create a palpable sense of tension and urgency. Another neat side-effect of this part of the rules is how well it promotes the idea of teamwork. Even characters who have been taken out of the fight can still contribute to the story. And somehow, the system achieves all this with a pool of only three dice at maximum for any given situation. The dice consciously take a back-seat to the action, a welcome change for an old-school gamer like me who's been looking for a supers game that promotes that level of narrative freedom.

Next up is character creation. There are several options for this, the default being random. I was skeptical at first, having been saddled with way too many characters with serial reincarnation and prehensile hair from the old FASERIP system, but once I started following the steps and saw just how much breadth of choice was presented within a few die-rolls, I was on board. While this is a great idea for anyone who turns up to a session without a concept for a character, what impressed me most was how ideas sprang to life with every new die-roll. I have no doubt this was the author's intent, and he nailed it on the first go. Next came a very helpful chapter on running the game. Again, everything is explained in clear, simple language that encapsulates all the core concepts of the rules without bogging you down with excessive minutiae. From the start, the GM is encouraged to be creative, both with their ideas for settings, environments and villains, and with their interpretations of events during play.

The Bullpen chapter is a useful tool for designing all the stuff a GM will need to set up his game. It explains exactly how to create the above-mentioned environments, twists, villains and minions, with an emphasis on balance and fairness. Too often in superhero games, a GM might feel inclined to create a small army of bad guys for the players to fight, to lengthen a scene or create a false sense of drama. In Sentinel Comics, the Environment, the Scene Tracker, the villain and minions all combine seamlessly to create that tension without it turning into a dreary 'I punch bad-guy A' process. The sense of investment created in the sessions I've run has been noticeable, and even my players have commented on it. Treating the environment the scene is set in like a character in itself was a surprising and welcome addition that forces GMs to rethink how they frame action scenes, which is no bad thing in my opinion.

Next, we're given a couple of short adventures to introduce new players to the game. While I felt these didn't do as good a job of this as the excellent Sentinel Comics Starter Kit, they're a great launchpad for the players' own characters, and a nice introduction to the world of Sentinel Comics.

After this comes a huge chapter on established characters from the setting. During the Kickstarter, I asked the author if there'd be a good bit of attention paid to the established universe's characters, and he told me I'd be pleasantly surprised. He wasn't wrong. Some of the big-hitters are here, like Legacy, Bunker, Absolute Zero and my personal favourite, Wraith (I'm a massive Batman mark), along with a rogues gallery of villains and pregenerated minions that will come in very handy. There are also pre-built environments from some of the recognised settings in the card game, serving as both play-aids and inspiration for your own ideas. A useful addition both from a gaming standpoint, and for a fan of the universe.

Lastly comes an appendix that acts as both a glossary of mechanical terms and index at the same time, a thoughtful and helpful nod to GMs who don't have a lot of time to look stuff up. And lastly, we're given blank character, auxilliary and villain sheets in both black & white and full colour.

From an outsider's perspective, this whole book read like an answer to a question from the publishers, being "What kind of superhero game would we like to play ourselves?" The answer is a fast-paced, exciting and most importantly fun game where the rules take a backseat to the story and the group come together as a team to defeat whatever threats arise. I myself loved the way the system promoted the possibility of mixing street-level vigilantes like Batman or Daredevil with powerhouses like Superman or Thor, without feeling like you were throwing the little guy a bone. Here, everyone has something to contribute, and the mechanics ensure that the guy who uses gadgets and billy-clubs has as much part to play as the guy who can throw tanks around. Best of all, it doesn't even get mentioned in the text, because the authors understand how teams like the Avengers and the Justice League work, and incorporated that balance intentionally to better emulate that comic-book team feel.

In summary, Sentinel Comics sets out to provide a fast, fun love-letter to silver-age comic action, while offering GMs the opportunity to take the rules in any direction they wish. In my opinion, they succeeded above & beyond expectations. I have transported my homebrew campaign setting from its original system across to Sentinel Comics, and already love how the new versions of the characters somehow feel more like they were intended. A well-deserved 5 stars from me. Get the PDF, by all means, but don't deny yourself the pure pleasure of reading the hardcopy when it becomes available. This is a must-have for any fan of comic-book RPGs, and my go-to system going forward.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Button Men: Vampyres and Samurai
by Alexander M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/28/2021 07:49:09

High quality printing of two sets. Unfortunately, as is usually the case, the Samurai set is missing the rare: Tsusuko.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Button Men: Vampyres and Samurai
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Button Men: Soldiers
by Alexander M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/28/2021 07:39:01

The very first Button Men set made available in a medium which can truly fit your pocket. Colours, formatting and cut look great. These are standard sized cards, unlike those offered in the Button Men Originals product, which allows them to be used for blind drafts with all your other Button Men cards.

Unfortunately you will have to purchase the rare Changeling separately.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Button Men: Soldiers
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Button Men: Fightball
by Alexander M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/28/2021 07:29:20

Excellent printing of the full set of Fightball Button Men with good formatting and includes the "Take Five" rule on the card itself ("From these seven dice, choose any five"). Great addition to your Button Men library.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Button Men: Fightball
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Button Men: BROM
by Alexander M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/28/2021 07:24:54

The beautiful Brom Button Men set made available in an excellent printing and cheaper medium!

To have the complete set you will have to purchase the rares separately. These should have been included in this pack.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Button Men: BROM
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Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
by Eric C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/10/2021 16:58:40

Full disclosure: I am a total fan boy for all things Sentinels, from the original card game to the video game on iOS and Steam. That being said, as a professional storyteller and someone who has ADHD and struggles digesting rules of new RPG',. this one has been a total thrill to read. It's easy to absorb and understand. The book itself is playfully written, the information design is clean and its continuity through example play and explination is top notch. The rules themselves are refreshing, innovative and in true true spirit of the original game that brought us the world of Sentinels of the Multiverse. Highly recommended.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
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Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game Starter Kit
by Thomas B. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 01/15/2020 21:22:58

FINAL THOUGHTS: I dig the system. Feels like it has a few gaps in it, like when you juuuust can't make a Quality or Power fit the action, but they did a great job of capturing the feel of the card game in an RPG rule system, even the "one against many" "boss fight" feel of Sentinels, which has proven pretty hard for a lot of games (including Savage Worlds) to truly nail. So thumbs up for the game system. I'll buy the rulebook when it gets released, because I really wanna see for myself how they handled character creation, as well as anything that might be missing from the Starter Kit system-wise. That said, the adventures are of an uneven quality, with issues 1 and 2 being very strong points and issue 6 reading well...but that's not an indictment of the game, because those adventures clearly show what the system is capable of. If you're a Sentinels fan, check this out, even if you're planning to buy the full book, because the scenarios can serve as a nice "what to do/what not to do" when making your own.

For my full, in-depth review, please visit

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game Starter Kit
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Button Men: Soldiers
by Jensen B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/08/2018 10:36:04

Great set, great quality, but this set is now available as part of the "Button Men Originals" set.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Button Men: Soldiers
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Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game Starter Kit
by Cedric C. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 09/10/2018 05:19:58

If you're a fan of Sentinel Comics, pick up this game! The PDF version is a few dollars cheaper than the printed version, so consider buying the print. The mechanics do a good job of supporting superhero cinematics, particularly the GYRO (Green-Yellow-Red-(Knocked) Out) mechanics, which support more abilities as combat becomes more intense. Other mechanics support superhero roleplaying, including roleplaying, itself. My only minor complaint is that you'll often take, after rolling three dice, the middle die result, which is normative, but doesn't feel superheroic (various abilities will allow you to use the other dice, though). I prefer it to the Marvel Cortex system, since the rules are easier to understand, yet still support superhero roleplaying. As for gamers looking only for a superhero system, wait for the core rules. The Starter Kit, as the name suggests, doesn't include character generation, and only uses premade characteres from the Sentinel Universe. Myself, I'm not a fan of the card game, so didn't feel much attachment to the characters.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game Starter Kit
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