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One Page 5e
by Norbert [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/17/2024 15:40:26

I think this is a great little game and I don't understand why it only 1 Star.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
One Page 5e
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The Black Ink Depths (Countdown to Halloween Oct 1)
by Chad [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/19/2024 12:14:47

I got the Week 1 Bundle and am loving it so far, but I do have one issue. The character sheet has (to me) a big problem. The picture in the Main Stat & Sub Stat bubbles makes it difficult to read anything entered into them. Perhaps either extremely lightening or even eliminating the pictures would vastly increase their usability. Beyond that, I'm enjoying this immensely!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Black Ink Depths (Countdown to Halloween Oct 1)
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Adventures Simplified: Basic Rules Book
by Matthew [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/31/2024 17:25:06

What is Adventures Simplified? Adventures Simplified is a D20 Tri-Stat system of Body, Mind, and Spirit. The core rule is you roll a D20 and add the relevant stat bonus to meet or beat 15 to succeed.

This book includes instructions for creating a basic character, a basic equipment list, running a basic map crawl and "dungeon" crawl, and includes a basic creature list. Also included are some rules for miniatures combat and a note on playing this as a TTRPG.

Noah promises to release a number of "Adventure Add-Ons" of various genres (one has released as of this review) that will expand on the various crawls, item and creature lists, and character creation options.

What's my take? If you want a solo game that includes simple map crawling and dungeon crawling, this book is worth picking up, but you may find - as I did - it necessary to do some tweaking.

This book is basic. Almost too basic, and really needs to be balanced in the areas of level advancement and economy. You have to spend 50 coin to advance a level, but the rewards are very small. You only have a 50% chance after a successful encounter rewarding you from 1 to 6 coins (more if you encounter a group of creatures - but there is a problem there too).

Creature encounters are also in need of better balancing. Creatures have Danger Dice which denote their threat level. This die will be rolled to determine how much damage they do when you are unable to dodge their attacks. However, this die is also rolled once to determine how tough their are (Life Points) and once to determine how many of this creature are encountered!

I hope you see how broken that can be! At first level you might encoutner 1 or two Field Rats with 1 or 2 LP. But you have just at much chance of encountering 1 to 12 Young Flame Dragons with 1 to 12 LP! (⊙﹏⊙)

I have already tweaked a number of the rules to better balance the rules for my plays of the game, and hope that Noah will release an official update to address these imbalances.

I would also love to see a "Monster Manual" which would be a beneficial add to this product, as well as an updated Mimble's Book of Many Things and/or Madame Mimble's Star Codex.

My favorite part of this product has been the inclusion of the Map Crawl for overland travel from a home base to search for quest locations (you roll your quest and then where it takes place). I also appreciate that each move in the crawl (both Overland Map and "Dungeon" Maps) are not always going to be monster fights with the inclusion of Social, Puzzle and Obstacle encounters.

I look forward to see where this product goes and what new Adventure Add-Ons will get released.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Adventures Simplified: Basic Rules Book
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Skull of the Vampire: The Lord VanDrac Chronicles V.1
by Zachary [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/23/2024 01:21:00

This is a wonderful adventure and terrific gameplay. This was my first step into this system and I was blown away by how easy it was to pick up. After 2 attempts I was able to see where I had been lacking and correctly pivot and on my third attempt I was able to hold my own and make it through. Despite this being a small adventure it felt like a larger scope thing. The story and world were immediately interesting and very fitting for the Hammer horror films vibe the team went for. The descriptions for environments and characters was perfect. Just enough to describe and let me fill in the spaces in between. The room, exit and monster generation tables were terrific and once again quick to explain and pick up. I was thoroughly impressed with my outing to Mother's Light Abbey and have already started on the next module. For the low price point and ease of play this should be in everyones library and back pocket. Great time all in all!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Skull of the Vampire: The Lord VanDrac Chronicles V.1
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Video Tape Stars: Micro Borg
by Davide [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/19/2024 04:53:57

This is probably my favourite work from Micro RPG: using the well tested MorkBorg framework, "Video Tape Stars" brings you into a hilarious sci-fi (or sci-punk?!) dimension. The layout is absolute top: funny and chaotic, yet clear and easy to navigate. I played a few games solo and one casual with friends and we loved it. The universe definetly needs MORE MICRO BORG!!! Please Noah, make more of this!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Video Tape Stars: Micro Borg
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Galactic Heroes, Rebel Stars
by Atreao [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/11/2024 17:08:10

Apparently, the best choice is a is a human, inclusive, pirate so much for being inclusive.... i want my money back ... No force powers for pcs and jk live also defeats the purpose to have being inclusive as the strongest thing as it doesn't fit the meaning of the game

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Galactic Heroes, Rebel Stars
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The Academy of Mystikhog (Micro RPG Midnight Series)
by Kat [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/09/2024 09:03:55

Always looking for a good solo game to pass the time. This was fun, simple to play yet full of variation.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Academy of Mystikhog (Micro RPG Midnight Series)
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Skeleton Cavern: A Micro Chapbook RPG
by Steven [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/15/2024 14:36:35

This little game delivers on its promise. It is a simple, fast dungeon crawl that can be mapped and noted on a pair of file cards. You can explore,, and hopefully survive, five or six rooms in about thirty minutes. Once you get the flow figured out, it is very fast to play. There ARE some decisions to make, and sometimes you need to know when to leave, buy better equipment, and come back later.

Additional modules by Micro-RPG can add a lot of variation, such as different schools of magic, but just playing the module, "as is' is still an enjoyable way to spend a lunch hour, or wind down at the end of the day. i have since bought a bundle with about thirty of these modules, and look forward to delving into each of them.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Skeleton Cavern: A Micro Chapbook RPG
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Hammer + Cross: Deluxe Core Rulebook
by A customer [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/11/2024 09:18:58

What a wonderful product line! Bought the whole set for few dollars on a whim and was very pleasantly surprised and impressed. Simple yet fun rules for location-based monster hunting. Full of atmosphere and obvious love for the genre from the author.

Also, if you have minis and flip-maps/map tiles you can bling it up and create a very fun experience.

Having fun is what gaming is all about.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Hammer + Cross: Deluxe Core Rulebook
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Galactic Heroes, Rebel Stars
by Christoph [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/01/2024 14:37:51

This booklet contains a set of rules for simple randomised combat. It is not really a role-playing game but rather a combat system, as all rules relate to combat actions. It offers very little character development and is based more on board games.

However, the queer attitude is more than commendable, unfortunately it is only mentioned in the foreword. The "adventures" themselves are free of it.

The graphics are very cute. All the characters drawn are female. Which leads to the suspicion that it's not about fairness. I would have found an equal distribution of all gender characteristics in the pictures appropriate in terms of attitude.

In conclusion, it is a nice system that is easy to read and quick to play.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Galactic Heroes, Rebel Stars
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Heroes & Hollows
by Curt [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/10/2024 11:20:28

I appreciate this light weight approach to 5e. I also like that it’s readable on a phone. These days I tend to game with a nine year old who doesn’t have the attention span for the complexity of standard D&D. I can see using these rules straight from the phone, so to speak. I followup with additional classes and ancestries would be nice, maybe some naval rules?

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Heroes & Hollows
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Heroes & Hollows
by zewen [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/28/2023 00:27:50

Nice and easy to get into, quick read and understandable. Very efficient system with stamina instead of HP. Definitely feels better for one shots or shorter campaigns vs years long adventures with money and inventory being more flavor.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Frost City Blues
by Shelby M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/14/2023 07:16:35

Another excellent game. Ive already recommended it on several Discord groups

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Frost City Blues
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Creator Reply:
Shelby! Thank you so much! I'm glad you're enjoying the games! I hope the new rules update for this system are to your liking!
Transcendent Heroes of the Power Dimension
by Shelby M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/28/2023 04:46:41

This is a great game. I recommend it to anyone looking for a fun friendly game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Transcendent Heroes of the Power Dimension
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Galactic Heroes, Rebel Stars
by Shelby M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/28/2023 04:45:31

Excellent. Good content, very easy to learn. Id recommend this to anyone

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Galactic Heroes, Rebel Stars
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