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The Space Patrol
by Jeffrey N. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/20/2017 20:30:38

Getting into the product, and it has some nice additions to my possible campaigns

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Space Patrol
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Thanks for the wonderful review!
TSAO: These Stars Are Ours!
by P-O B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/05/2017 13:34:35

“The more deeply we are cast under a story’s spell, the more potent its influence.” Underlying all passionate Traveller fans is a desire to tell and participate in grand science fiction narratives. We can worry about Canon and setting and what game Traveller is supposed to be. Or we can write sweeping histories such as “These Stars Are Ours!“. Published by Stellagama Publishing, its goal is to provide an immersive Traveller universe that explores a variety of themes and stories, drawing upon well known science fiction tropes. A consequence of separating the “engine” of Traveller from the “setting” is that it liberates writers and publishers to create their own settings for adventures. Echoing the great product the Twilight Sector, “These Stars Are Ours!” is a successful and comprehensive setting that includes new and modified rules relevant to the setting and takes advantage of Stellagama Publishing’s existing work in extending the Cepheus Engine. It entrances the reader immediately and provides a powerful basis for Traveller adventures.

Alegis Downport has already written an informative review. The comment thread below the review already contains positive responses from the publisher promising further material for the setting – great news for fans. This review will comment more on the history and nature of setting itself.

The star charts draw upon Stellagama’s earlier work “Near Space“. It makes Earth (“Terra”) the centre of the setting – and so players have an immediate stake in the game, connecting to the future of our own planet. The setting approximately 400 years into the future, not thousands, also making it more immediate to us as readers and players. The period is clearly parallel to Traveller 2300 but this setting has a very different flavour. The Reticulans are the almond-shaped-eyed aliens of Area 51 fame who conquer Terra and rule it with an iron fist until thrown off by the free-spirited, fighting and proud Terrans. Play begins in the aftermath of this revolutionary war.

The history of the war itself is a great read. This reviewer saw clear parallels to the Russian Civil War of the 1920’s and to World War II – there was even a ‘Stalingrad’ moment in this setting’s history. While the ‘fighting Terran’ spirit is reminiscent of fiction such as Starship Troopers, the setting is also clearly influenced by the gritty realism of Firefly and its themes of the real social consequences of war and oppression. This theme carries through in describing the history and culture of the various non-human sophonts of the setting. None are cardboard cut-out “bad guys” and all have redeeming qualities as well as flaws. How these various aliens react to the Reticulan Imperium and the United Terran Republic causes us to reflect upon the reasons for our actions – the best part of role play games (although I also enjoy blowing things up).

The patrons provided are all great hooks firmly grounded in this detailed and nuanced setting. There are familiar industrial espionage, smuggling and exploration themes, but all layered with the particular history of the setting, including a mysterious race of Precursors who have left artefacts. But on top of this there are very specific adventures interacting with the various alien races in ways other than at the other end of a weapon. The Reticulans are divided into competing feudal houses. The Zhuzzh are untrustworthy and nomadic – but as a wise man once said, you can always trust an untrustworthy man to be untrustworthy. The Cicek are fierce fighters and dashing pirates, but also divided along gender lines Aslan-style. The Ssesslessians are mysterious respecters of ancient traditions. Once more familiar with the setting, all of these species would make interesting player characters.

This setting book also offers careers and advanced career rules including setting-based events that affect characters, drawing players into the history and engaging them with the background. All of the new rules and alternate career paths are clearly based on the story needs of the setting. This is an excellent use of a rules engine: it obeys the story needs, not the other way around.

While the deck plans and starship designs are few, the generic ship designs from the Cepheus Engine will fit this setting well. The publishers have promised further ships for the setting in the future. The ‘flying saucer’ designs were a real treat, and the text justifies ‘mysterious UFOs’ at TL13 by showing how mysterious true gravitics would be to 20th Century earth – but always by example, never by telling the reader. This kind of excellent descriptive writing strengthens the setting and is an excellent example of ‘show don’t tell’ in RPG writing.

The star maps provided give plenty of contrasting settings for adventure, right on the border of four different political entities. “The Frontier” is always a good source of adventures and conflict. What These Stars Are Ours! shows is that you can pack a lot of adventure and campaign ideas into just two subsectors. This is plenty for a typical Traveller sandbox campaign.

Priced at a very reasonable $20, any Referee can pick this up and plan adventures for hungry players quickly. You will not regret the purchase.

Original review here:

[5 of 5 Stars!]
TSAO: These Stars Are Ours!
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TSAO: These Stars Are Ours!
by Rudolf S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/20/2017 11:39:28

A very interesting alternative setting for the Cepheus Engine and related 2D6 science fiction games. I especially liked the detailed history of the setting and the comprehensive descriptions of the Terran society and of the societies of the various alien species, they make it easy to "get into" the setting. Of course, the other parts of the setting are also very interesting and useful, too. Overall highly recommended, even people who do not intend to use the setting itself can find and borrow some nice ideas. I am looking forward to additional material for this setting.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks for the wonderful review! There are indeed further and very exciting products being worked on, adventures and ship-books included!
Alien Capsules Book One
by Raymond M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/08/2017 10:08:04

Provides enough information to inspire the imagination and encourages using variant and "off-type" examples. Rob also sugessts having your alien adversaries work together - as if they weren't enough of a challenge alone! The Skels on page 10 are my new favorite nighmare. They are original and terrifying - I don't want to spoil it, get your own copy and find out! Recommended.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Alien Capsules Book One
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World Guide: Zaonia
by Raymond M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/11/2017 09:06:41

I've been following the evolution of this setting - because you're not just getting a world book, but potentially an entire campaign setting - since it's very beginning, and am very pleased to see available as a complete book! There are two things I like best about the Zaonia world book. First, it seems like every section, even every paragraph, offers me a new adventure hook I could use in a game. While the book doesn't itemize these in a list somewhere, the story being told in the text is rich with possibilities. Second, the setting, the world, the places and animals, all have personality. This is neither a dry text full of sterile facts and stats, nor is it a novel-pretending-to-be-a-game-book that railroads a group along a narrow path. The Zaonia world book is full of interesting locations, colorful characters, and is presented in enough detail that it feels like there is an actual planet out there I could visit...just as soon as I can afford something better than Low Passage! Recommended.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
World Guide: Zaonia
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Near Space
by Jeremiah E. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/10/2017 10:49:46

This is exactly what I was looking for in my home grown Traveller-esque campaign. Thank you for the product!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Near Space
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The Space Patrol
by A customer [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/10/2017 00:32:55

A four page introduction is followed by sections on the History and Mission of the Space Patrol. It's generic enough to fit into any campaign. Then there are several sections on codes of law, prize money, jurisdiction, interstelalr law enforcement, legal and court systems. I haven't looked at these sections in depth yet, but they seem like they would be quite useful, particularly if your player characters tend to skirt the law a bit. Next comes sections on organisation, rank and careers (creating a Space Patrol Officer). A must for any module describing a new organisation. Next up is ships and equipment. also a must when presenting a new organisation. The section on Space Patrol campaigns describes what sort of setting works best, and how to integrate the space patrol into existing campaign universes. Helpful advice is always appreaciated. The final sections provide some typical (or atypical npcs), adventure seeds and some scenarios. Again very useful and a must in this type of book.

The layout is pretty good and sections are fairly easy to find, and I didn't notice too many typos. All in all, a pretty good book, that adds useful material to the referees gaming arsenal. Buy it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Space Patrol
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Thank you for your great review!
Near Space
by Raymond M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/21/2016 11:17:43

If you ever wanted to play in a near-earth patch of space but were daunted by the fact that we actually know about the planets out there, then this book is for you. Stellagamma not only does the work of researching the star system in our neigborhood and presenting them in a Traveller compatible format, they have also provided expanded world creation rules and guidlines so you can create your own realistic planets. The most amazing thing is the price and the licenses. You can use this however you want in whatever product you want, and the prive is Pay what you Want.
Methane oceans. Rainstorms of molten glass. Cryo-volcanoes and Super-Earths - you can have all of these and more, with Near Space. Recommended.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Near Space
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Thank you for your wonderful review!
The Space Patrol
by Brian I. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/06/2016 21:19:48

Solid book! It wasn't quite as Terran Trade Authority as my tired brain was wanting in the moment (Space Patrol!), but a well done look at a "missing" branch. Especially well suited to plug and play into an emergent 2d6 classic science fiction "Empire" setting.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Space Patrol
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Thank you for your excellent review!
Near Space
by Thomas E. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/04/2016 22:31:18

This is a really great little set of well-researched hex maps of the area around the Solar System.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Near Space
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Thank you for the good review!
The Space Patrol
by A customer [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/31/2016 00:07:10

A decent treatment of an interstellar law enforcement agency for the Cepheus Engine Core Rules (or even gasp Mongoose Traveller). The Space Patrol is presented very much in the tradition of Classic SF forebearers such as E.E. Doc Smith, Robert A. Heinlein, Harry Harrison, and Jack Vance's Gaean Reach stories. It would have been nice to have some information on the role of psionics in the Space Patrol - does the patrol maintain units of trained psionicists, does it investigate psionic crimes, is evidence gathered via telepathy or clairvoyance admissable in court, etc. It also would be nice to have a bit more detail on the kinds of criminal activities that the Space patrol targets. What does organized crime look like in universes where there is FTL travel but no FTL communication? Other than these two minor caveats, this is a solid book covering a law enforcement campaign style rarely tackled by SF RPGs. I note with interest that the book is listed as being both Cepheus Engine compatible and compatible with the 2D6 OGL SciFi system (with a nice logo!) Does this imply that Stellagama Publishing are working on their own derivative of the old Mongoose Traveller SRD? Curiously the copy of the Open Game Licence on the final page is missing making it difficult to say for certain - they probably want to fix this for legal reasons.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Space Patrol
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Thank you for the wonderful review! As for your question, we are not working right now on any ruleset - the Cepheus Engine is perfect for our needs. However, there are other rulesets using the 2D6 OGL Sci-Fi rules, and our products are compatible with them as well. Regarding the OGL license - good catch! This somehow fell out of editing and will be corrected ASAP.
Expanded World Generation
by Jay W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/20/2016 13:26:06

This is a great product which expands upon the world generation rules in the Stars without Number (SWN).

A good bit of the material in it was previously published in an article in the Infinite Stars fanzine #2. The Infinite Stars #2 article has some minor changes to some of the text and doesn’t have the sample world creation section, with the sample worlds.

The PDF gives charts new charts and rules for world generation and also modifies some of the world generation charts from the core SWN game.

This supplement is not a full star system generator, so do be aware that no rules to determine gas giants, star type, number of other planets, moons, etc. are in it.

New charts for generating the Atmosphere, Biosphere and Population of worlds are given. The new Atmosphere chart has two new atmosphere types on it.

Two new Atmosphere types are given Airless and Thin. These are slightly different from the way they are in the basic SWN rule book, which groups the two into one description.

Also, these 2 Atmospheres both show up in Stellagama’s Lurian Trailing Cluster Book 1 for some worlds so you may want to be aware of that as those atmosphere descriptions aren’t reprinted in that other product.

New Biosphere and Temperature charts are given. These new charts use a world’s Atmosphere as a factor in what sort of Biospheres and Temperatures can be generated for it.

The Population Tables are greatly expanded. You can get a more specific numbers now on what sort of population a World has.

The Failed Colony is given a population range rules and the rules for determining the exact population of the others are expanded to give a more detailed range of what the population of a world is.

it doesn't mention that the Suns of Goldsupplement as specific rules to cover the generation of Colonies and failed colonies and taht a GM ought to consolut that supplement if more details are needed.

The Tech Level chart is expanded to take into account a world’s population with that being a factor in what TL a world will have.

A new Tech Level (TL) can be generated now for tech level for TL3 worlds that have some TL4 capability. The chart has a TL 4+ on it but it is indicated what this represents. I’m thinking it is Tech level 4 with specialties that is in the Core SWN rule book.

Tech Level 4- that is in Stellagama’s Lurian Trailing Cluster Book 1 isn’t on the charts, nor is the rules for it in this PDF. So, you can’t generate a World with that TL using the charts given.

The Tags charts are expanded to include several new Tags the book covers. These will be famialr to 2d6 OGL players.

The product ends with a sample world creation section which shows a full walkthrough of the creation of the two worlds. This was very well written and it shows how to take your simple rolls to generate the world and flesh the m out. I t was my favorite part of the book.

I do hope that at some point those 2 sample worlds will show up in a fully developed sector map that Stellagama Publishing releases in the future.

I also would have liked to have each of the sample worlds when finished given each their own page with a picture of the world or some sort of image.

One thing that the product could use is a little interior art.

A full set of star system generation rules is something I do hope Stellagama does tackle at some point for the SWN at some point in the future as that would compliment this product greatly.

Overall, this is a must have for any SWN GM, especially if your game focuses on exploring new worlds. I definetly recommend it..

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Expanded World Generation
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Lurian Trailing Cluster - Book 1
by Jay W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/18/2016 15:10:57

This is the 1st book of a trilogy that will detail the Lurian Trailing Cluster for the Star Withou Number (SWN) RPG.

Before I continue with my review I will mention that the publisher did update the PDF shortly after it was released so my review is going to be based on the updated one.

It starts off with a simple intro of what books are needed and which additional ones are recommended. The only one you definitely need according to the intro is the basic SWN rule book.

Suns of Gold and a copy of Skyward Steel are also recommended as the detailed systems it gives give material for use with some of the rules in them.

A short history of the cluster is given along with some info on the deluge, which is what the scream is called in this area.

2 new Tech Level are covered next, though these levels appear in Expanded World Generation product.

A table covering the main worlds, tags they have is next, followed by a GMs map, and a brief description of the major world.

The planet Lur uses 2 of the new Tags from Expanded World Generation, and the publisher did reprint the description of those Tags for those who don’t have that product.

The number of gas giants in the location of each system a world is in is covered along with the stars in the system. No information is given on how these were generated.

One thing that would be useful would be an appendix just listing the star types with star color, etc. I actually had to look those up in other books.

One problem I had is that the worlds descriptions are given in order based on the hex number they are on instead of alphabetical. So this can be a problem if you’re trying to find a particular planet and then realize you need to look in hex number order.

The world descriptions are very well done.

The major factions of Cluster are detailed next.

This chapter is extremely well written and was a pleasure to read.

Two of the factionare connected to Camros that is a government (world) beyond the Cluster, but no details are given on the Camros, where it is, etc.

Camrosan Hierarchate Intelligence could be developed in to a Darkness Visible agency at some future point it looks like, since the faction is meant to represent only a small part of it (agents) that are in the Cluster.

I was wondering if that other Sectors connected to the Cluster after I got to those 2 factions.

Finally, we get details on 3 of the star system that contain 3 major worlds of the cluster.

These worlds which in an early chapter just got a paragraph or two, now get a map for them, detailed backgrounds, societies, etc. and we get info on the other planets, asteroids, etc. in their system.

Information on spacecraft fleet resources by mentioning the Build Points it has, what ships it has, the starship building/maintenance resources the world has is given for those with Skyward Steel.

For those running Merchant campaigns using Suns of Gold a trade goods table is given, along with the Friction, etc. for use with the supplement’s rules.

No ship stats, NPC stats, creature stats are given in the book.

The enemies and friends could be fleshed out more than what is given for the detailed world. They are to barebones maybe giving each a paragraph or more might be something to do in future volumes.

I could see a future supplemental book giving stats for the various spacecraft specific to each world and the cluster. I can easily see them being built with the Reduce Fuel Bunkers from the old Infinite Stats fanzine being a fitting on several ships, given that some are patrol craft just made for system defense.

The Engines of Babylon product might also useful to design ships from as it covers system ships in detail and some world don’t have the capability for TL4 ships and those ships could be found on TL3 planets that are working to or had TL4 interstellar space flight, If the spacecraft of the various worlds were to be detailed at a future time in addition to the basic SWN rules.

The book concludes with a player map done in a similar style like the Hydra Sector one in the SWN rule book.

The worlds with a short sentence or two description bellow the map are again given in order by hex location instead of alphabetical one. This might have been better put in alphabetical order as you can already info on the page on the left of the map.

One error on the player map is that you see a question mark for some world’s names on the chart next to the map but you can clearly see the world’s name on the map. Moloch is an example of this. The hex map also has some worlds marked with question marks, with the world name bellow the mark, and the world is named and has no question mark on the chart to the left. The world Vanth is a good example of this on the map.

I’d most likely redo the player’s map handout to make it appear more attractive, using a mapping program like CC3 or Hexographer, along with a graphics editing program and have the description section is done in alphabetical order instead of using the one in the PDF.

One thing I noticed when just doing a quick attempt to redraw the map in Hexographer and latter with some other mapping software is that the hex numbers that are generated are not going to match up and you’ll have to change the hex location for some planets for it to look right. This is due to what hex number those programs assign to a hex not matching. For example, in a recreation done in Hexographer, Kadmon is in 0607 instead of 0606, but Moloch is still in 0506, and a few other planets had to be moved to an adjacent hex for the map to look correct. So do be aware of this if you redraw the map or wish to incorporate it into a larger map, as most GMs I'm sure will do.

A few of the planets have routes that go to locations not depicted on the map at all. Where they go is going to be up to the GM to determine.

One good thing I did like is that the player’s and GM’s map both indicate that the distances are meta-dimensional and do not reflective of real distances.

That Sector Maps are meta-dimensional is something that I’ve seen have to be stated a few times when on various forms when various people asked about the distances on sector maps in SWN.

Future books in the series are going to cover in detail the other 11 worlds in the extended detail and give 2 campaign settings.

When all 3 books are released it might be a good idea to put them all in a bundle. Another idea might be when all 3 books are done for the setting is to combine them all into a deluxe edition, and maybe add in some new content or set it up so it can be ordered in a print version based on how big it is

One thing I did like is that color art was put in various places among the book and it had full color planet surface maps for the 3 worlds it covered in detail. The art images fit perfectly and made it a little more enjoyable to read and look at, along with giving it a more polished look.

An index might be useful to add too or a consolidated index to cover all 3 Volumes to show up in the final volume.

One other thing that could be done is put in a one page ad for other Stellagama products that are out or will be out soon.

This is definitely a 5 star product despite the few little minor flaws I found. Plus, the worlds with a little work can easily be used in other sci fi games.

I’m eagerly awaiting Volumes 2 and 3. Plus I do hope we will see more products like maybe a full adventure, etc. for the setting.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Lurian Trailing Cluster - Book 1
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Thank you for your very detailed review. We are now working on Books 2 and 3. Eventually, we will release them as a bundle and work on a \"one big LTC book\" product, probably with updated art and eventually PoD.
Near Space
by Jonathan S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/17/2016 03:33:48

Classic Traveller Supplement 10 The Solomani Rim never claimed to be an accurate star chart, but GDW wanted to put Earth ("Terra") on the map of charted space in the official Traveller Universe.

Now, 34 years later, there is a Traveller product based on modern astronomy data to capture the feeling of near-Earth interstellar space. Fully compatible with the Cepheus Engine, it is also compatible with many other editions of Traveller including Mongoose, Classic Traveller and its descendents, and Traveller5.

With the social and population statistics blank, the Referee is free to create his or her own universe using the data of the real universe as the skeleton. There are also spaces for suggested hypothetical stars that could exist at certain locations for the Referee to create their own worlds.

The product is well laid out and deceptively simple - a lot of work went into putting those statistics and those dots onto the map.

The download comes with to PNG files so that a Referee can edit the map to suit their own campaign.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Near Space
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Thank you for the excellent review!
Civilian Starships
by Jay W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/14/2016 16:09:15

This is a nice little supplement for the Stars without Number. It requires the Stars Without Number (SWN) core rule book and the Skyward Steel (SS )book to use fully.

It is broken up into 3 main sections.

The first covers starship operation costs and clarifies the operation costs and other things in those books and has some stuff to help in determining operation cost for ships. This was pretty well written and helpful.

I was surprised that it didn’t mention that Kevin Crawford , the designer of SWN, advised changing the Life Support cost for maximum crew from two weeks to one month in the past when asked about the duration on and this errata/rule change is now found in know SWN core book errata lists on several sites.

Next, comes some new fitting for starships some of these I’m surprised were not in the basic book. This only takes up one page.

Finally you get a bunch of pre-built ships. The ship designs are useful ones and I can see using several of them in my SWN games.

Unfortunately, the PDF has a couple of errors are in this book, that caused me to drop my rating of it from 4 stars to 3 and make me almost give it a 2 star one. These errors make it unable to fully use everything in the book currently. I do hope the publisher updates the PDF to fix them. If so my rating would go up.

Now if your wondering what the errors are these are the ones I spotted.

In a few cases some of the material is different from an older version that was in a fanzine a few years back, so it isn’t clear if these are changes or errors that occurred when the material was put into this PDF.

1.) Several of the new starships have a New Fitting called Fuel Bunkers but no rules are given for them in the book. Fuel bunkers are also mentioned in the Refueling section on page 6 (7 in the PDF) too.

The author of Richard Hazelwood did give rules for this New Fitting in the Infinite Stars #1 fanzine, in an article he wrote which contained some of the material in this PDF, but they got omitted from the New Ship Fittings in the PDF for some reason.

2.) Most of the ships have different stats (especially cost) compared to the earlier version given for them in Infinite Stars #1 article.

Aside from the cost being different in most of the article versions they got changing on what fittings they have.

Which version is the “correct” one for a ship isn’t clear and no reason is given for why that ship had its stats changed is ever given.

3.) The Tech Level for the Booster Pack and Laboratory in the New Starship Fittings section on page 9 (10 in the PDF) are given as 3, but they are given as 4 in the old Infinite Stars #1 article but they are listed as TL 3 in this PDF.

This leads to the question of which version is correct. (I’m inclined to think the TL 4 one is since all ships in the core SWN are at the least TL4 and this is the lowest TL for any fitting for a standard SWN starship. (The Engines of Babylon does cover lower than 4 TL, but none of these ships are of that type.)

I recommend you get this PDF only if you have the old Infinite Stars fanzine issue #1 till the PDFs gets fixed as you’ll need it for the details on the missing Fuel Bunkers rules and to see the for the ships that appear in that fanzine and this PDF so you can figure out which one is correct..

Overall, it would ve a great product if it it didn't have the problems I mentioned so notw it is just a ok product.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Civilian Starships
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Creator Reply:
Many thanks for the detailed feedback! We will work on correcting the errors you have spotted and update the file.
As for the fuel bunkers, they do appear in the core SWN book. Look on pp.52-53 of the free PDF version.
Thanks for the clarification. We will try to fix the errata as soon as possible.
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