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Gregorius21778: Vengeance of a Burned Witch
by Timothy B. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 10/20/2022 09:05:09

Originally posted here:

Tonight we have a slightly different take on the "Witch comes back for Vengeance" adventure. But is it different enough from what we have seen all month?

Vengeance of a Burned Witch

PDF. 15 pages. Color cover and interior art.

Or more properly, "Gregorius21778: Vengeance of a Burned Witch" with Gregorius21778 the label of Kai Pütz.

This is a tight little investigation adventure. The premise is simple, the PCs will stumble onto this village of Hillsgreen Crossing where last year they burned a witch, Ginniver by name, and now her ghost is back.

It is billed as a Halloween adventure, so perfect for this time of year.

I could go over the plot, but we have seen this sort before here. Instead I want to talk about what makes this one good. The idea is the PCs know nothing. Zip. Nada. If they want to know anything they have to go ask the mostly terrified villagers. They need to investigate, ask around, and piece the history and the present together. Plus they will need to figure out how to rid the village of this pesky witch.

Ginniver comes back not just as one, but two creatures. The first his her burned skeleton (which needs to be destroyed) and as a "Witch-Wraith" the ghost of a burned witch.

So to destroy this witch you have to destroy her skeleton and destroy the contract she signed, gives her something of what I would call a Unique Kill in other games.

Note we are warned up front that English is not the author's first language, but I did not find that to be an issue really. There is some canned text, but I use that only as a suggestion anyway.

All in all there is a lot of fun packed into just 13 pages of content.

It is PWYW with a suggested price of $1.00. Following my guidelines (which I haven't all year,b but whatever) a $1.50 is better. I say to encourage more like this toss them $2.00.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Gregorius21778: Vengeance of a Burned Witch
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Gregorius21778: Sentient Androids
by Chris R. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/27/2021 09:35:07

Picked this up to add some options for a Solar Blades and Cosmic Spells project in an alternate setting, and this supplement is a great addition to what is in the core game. In a really smart move, the androids are done as an archetype rather than an alien species, which gives more room for custom abilities. "Species" are still an option for your android, but as types of androids (basically warbot, hazardous environment bot, construction bot, and a high skills bot). Lots of gear options too, for the android and for those living and working with androids.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Gregorius21778: Sentient Androids
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Gregorius21778: Strain and the Fraying Mind
by Ed S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/01/2021 22:42:56

Great little book on disorders that can be easily adapted to any system featuring a sanity mechanism. Not only that, it's FREE.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Gregorius21778: Strain and the Fraying Mind
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Post-Apocalyptic Names [BUNDLE]
by Darryl J. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/10/2019 03:24:00

Good bundle collecting four useful generators. As system agnostic products these are good for GMs of any post-apocylptic setting.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Post-Apocalyptic Names [BUNDLE]
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Gregorius21778: 100 names of post-apocalyptic tribes
by Darryl J. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/10/2019 03:19:04

This is a useful generator for the GM needing a quick on the fly tribal name: Fireborn Clan, Plasticwrap People, or Metalsnake Tribe all are nice examples quickly firing up the imagination.

The only negative being the names are already constructed whole, (descriptor)(noun)(organization). The list would have greater variety if these elements had been broken apart. Easy enough to do on the fly, but would have been nice to have already.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Gregorius21778: 100 names of post-apocalyptic tribes
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Gregorius21778: Almanac of Animated Skeletons
by Darryl J. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/10/2019 01:57:14

Good product offering a nice variety of skeletons. Even if you're using a different system (as my group does) there's plenty of description in each stat block to still provide inspiration.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Gregorius21778: Almanac of Animated Skeletons
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Gregorius21778: The Blood-Drenched Room
by Alexander N. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/16/2017 14:42:09

I love it. Not only is the concept writen clearly but the rules are as well. This can work with many other table top games with some minor tweaking. I cannot wait to play around with the Blood-Dreched Room.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Gregorius21778: The Blood-Drenched Room
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Gregorius21778: 100 names for androids and other artificial beings
by Jeff D. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/24/2017 00:50:46

Decently presented. It is what it says it is...

And now I see that this form requires fifty-characters... Dear DriveThru, as a small humble publisher myself, some might prefer a lesser character requirement. Say 10 characters. I'd like to see that put to vote if possible, as not all products reviewed need the fifty word format. Better yet, (down the road) even leaving the minimum based on the products themselves and up to the publisher, would be awesome.

Sorry, Greg.

J.L. Duncan

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Gregorius21778: 100 names for androids and other artificial beings
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Gregorius21778: 30 drawbacks for sci-fi vampires
by A customer [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/05/2016 11:20:07

I'm planning to start a Baroque Space opera campaign soon when I spotted this little gem while browsing rpgnow. And it is a little gem. I wasn't planning to use vampires in my future campaign but now I've changed my mind.

2 files, one printer-friendly. 30 cool ideas to replace regular vampire weaknesses (e.g., holy water) with limitations more appropriate to a SF setting. Truly a steal at 50 cents!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Gregorius21778: 30 drawbacks for sci-fi vampires
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