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Von 20 Seiten entfallen 5 Seiten auf Einband, Inhaltsverzeichnis und Werbung (2 Seiten am Ende). Es bleiben also 15 Seiten an Inhalt.
Hierbei wird auf 15 Seiten allgemein beschrieben, was ein Bordell oder eine Spielhölle ist bzw. historisch war. Sorry, aber das wusste ich vorher auch schon. Die "Adventure-Hooks" die angeboten werden (etwa 3 bis 4 pro Hintergrund) sind sehr allgemein und wenig originell.
Natürlich kann man bei US-$ 1,99 keine Wunder erwarten. Da wäre es mir aber deutlich lieber, wenn ich eine Tabelle mit Zufallsgenerator bekomme oder "Adventure-Hooks". Den "historischen Abriss" kann ich bei Wikipedia kostenlos bekommen.
Finger weg!
Considering the package was free, it was quite good. The fillable nature of the cards lends itself to being clean and precise, which is a must-have for someone as OCD as myself. If I had one complaint it's that there isn't a suitable back for them. Something nice and fancy to look at is all I'm saying. Otherwise, an amazing product that I now use in all my games.
This was a brilliant idea and a must have for any d20 3.X GM. There is also a version for d20 Modern.
As a new GM running my first campaign, these cards are incredibly helpful. They are clear, easy to use, and definitely worth more than the tiny price! I can pull the cards that I am planning to use for the session and have them at-hand, so the players don't get the helpful clue of me paging through the bestiary and start warming up for an attack.
When I first started this campaign, my original promise was to deliver a game filled with zombies. It took nearly 40 sessions to finally deliver on that promise.
I combined this scenario with Delta Green: Countdown's Dead Letter. My primary issue with Dead Letter was that it provided a host of details without a clear plot to follow. It's entirely possible to conduct a raid without encountering any zombies whatsoever (a crying shame!) or the Karotechia. So I of course manipulated the plot to ensure both Reinhard Galt, the Neo-Nazi cannibal, released the Sapphire pathogen just as the agents arrived, ensuring zombies of all types.
I used the mansion (along with its secret lab) from Come for the Reaping to flesh out the one in Dead Letter, which wasn't nearly as detailed. The placement of the zombies, their attire, and what key cards worked in what location were invaluable.
What I didn't plan on was the forethought of the players, who so energized the plot with their role-playing that they convinced Fiona Lin-Wei, an irritating hippy activist and one-note NPC, into a full-blown radical eco-terrorist. She became far more important than I ever imagined, and suddenly the entire campaign revolved around her: Hammer's relationship with her, Archive's Elder Sign, and the very future itself.
The only thing more shocking thing than delightful turn of events was how close this scenario mirrored the plot of the new Terminator movie. We all went to see it afterwards, and the similarities are eerie: the protagonist meets an exotic woman of mixed Asian/European descent and teams up with her, special forces raid a processing plant, encounter mindless humanoid killing machines, and finally a heavily accented and indestructible Austrian stalks our hero through a dangerous industrial site.
Sometimes it's the simple things that make the best accessories. These initiative cards answer the age old question that's bedeviled gamers for as long as games have existed: Who's turn is it?
The cards are much more useful than just determining initiative. There are monster cards, character cards, and end of round cards for concluding effects. All of the cards are editable in Adobe.
The character cards cover class, race, level, AC, all the d20 attributes and saves, speed, vision, select skills useful in hiding and spotting, languages, and special notes. The monster cards are similar but more open-ended, with space for attacks, open-ended skills, and a scratch area for hit points.
The cards all have a spot in the top right for initiative. The game master records initiative on each card, shuffles the deck accordingly, and then cycles through the cards and each opponents' actions. Since there's limited space to fill in initiative, it's likely game masters will be printing multiple sheets of these for each character and each encounter.
This concept – cards as a critical accessory to role-playing games – is so intuitive that it eventually became a proper part of Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition. These cards can also be used for a variety of D20 games that use similar statistics. And best of all, it's free!
Fantastic cards! They're roughly system-independent, even though they were designed to work with 3rd Edition OGL. They work with 4th Edition D&D as well, though. In fact, these are easily on par with the cards made by the 4th Edition Character Builder, but more flexible, allowing for DMs and players to write in their own values. And it's free--who can complain?
1 - Everyone needs initiative cards, even if you don't think you do.
2 - These are great initiative cards.
3 - They are free.
Conclusion: You are dumb if you don't download these initiative cards.
This item set the standard for our campaign on how to track not only initiative, but also tracking monster information.
The only down side was when the monster got it, if you were using the card to track HP, you had to pull it out of the initiative stack to record it and sometimes it went back into the wrong spot.
This was only replaced by the Paizo Magnetic initiative board several years later.
These are the best 3.x initiative cards I have found. I use them in all my face to face 3.5 games. I think they are the best because the designers managed to find the right trade off between the size of the information boxes and trying to get the biggest area for each box.
Initiative Cards are one of the greatest rpg tools I've ever seen, they streamline combat and make the gm's job easier by providing a tool to make tracking combat simpler, I've tried using spread sheets to track games to no avail., but the card are simple and easy to use.
I wish they made them for more then just D20 based systems.
Interesting and somewhat useful if you don't know anything about criminal organizations and how they work. If you already know that you might want to pass on this one.
Thought this would solve a problem but they didn't
Its free. Why bother reading a review? I threw them away because I had them confused with another product, and I don't use the system they were for, but they were FREE, so no harm done.
A top-quality product with one significant flaw.
Temple Quarter: A City Quarters Sourcebook is well-made, with good art, layout, and maps -- the same as every other recent Game Mechanics game product I've seen. WotC game designer JD Wiker does the writing here, and his professional skill definitely shows through.
The biggest problem I had with the product? I didn't realize when I bought it that this "sourcebook" is more accurately a setting book. You're buying a specific Temple Quarter, with specific fantasy deities, that are all part of a specific fantasy city -- the city of Liberty. Even the major maps are pre-marked as "Liberty".
Certainly, an ambitious GM could tinker with the content to make it mesh more with his or her home campaign -- but this would be rather like genericizing Greyhawk, Ptolus, Waterdeep, Freeport, or Stormreach content. If you strip out these deities, and the temple story-elements which surround them, you're also stripping out a lot of the unique content that you paid money for ...
So, it's an excellent product, but the product title can be a bit misleading. This is not so much a general-use sourcebook for your fantasy cities; rather, it's a close-up view of the Temple Quarter of an existing fantasy city named Liberty.
All in all, a good product, provided you know in advance what you're actually buying.