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Fantasy Grounds: D&D Complete Dungeon Master's Guide
by Kyle f. Date Added: 07/30/2017 10:42:12

Its a sham. It looks like the dmg for 5e but its not. Dont waste your money on this scam. I wish there was a way i could get a refund.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Fantasy Grounds: D&D Complete Dungeon Master's Guide
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Online Gaming Tokens Pack #3: PCs & NPCs
by Lyndon D. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/10/2016 16:49:58


I saw the bad reviews, and figured they couldn't be that bad. All I needed was 50px for maptools, but these really are bad. They're very low res. Dont. Just Dont. Not worth $8

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Online Gaming Tokens Pack #3: PCs & NPCs
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Fantasy Grounds - Full License
by Michael W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/31/2013 21:30:16

I bought this system on the strength of the other user reviews. I am a deaf roleplayer and thought the chat-window orientated nature of this product would enable enjoyable online roleplaying. It may well do, but the system is so incredibly hard to use I may never know. I expected that there may be a Help file or toolkit that I could read to familiarise myself with the product but no, all I can see are a collection on tutorial videos hosted on youtube which I cannot hear. Ultimately, this was a waste of my time and money and I am pretty annoyed that anyone would release a product without providing clear instructions as to how it works.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Fantasy Grounds - Full License
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Creator Reply:
Hello Michael, Your feedback is unfortunately very valid. The user manual we used to ship with the download has been deprecated since many of the screens referenced now have a different appearance. We have started to rely upon video instructions for many of the steps without properly considering what that would mean for the deaf community. I would be happy to send you the slightly out of date user manual. It won't cover the newer features, but it does show you the basic functionality which still exists today. In addition, I think you would find that there is additional online documentation on the site and a helpful community willing to help. If you are unhappy with the product and support, we would grant a full refund of your purchase. You can contact me at - Doug
Mutants and Masterminds Ruleset for Fantasy Grounds
by Malcolm M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/23/2013 15:46:47

It gets the job done, but the default color palette used is fairly hideous, not to mention hard on the eyes.

The default background color is this semi-radioactive bright blue; given how long a GM and players tend to be staring at their screens during a Fantasy Grounds 2 session, I truly wish that the creators had toned down the color intensity.

From a technical standpoint, the program delivers what it promises, in full.

M&M3e gamemasters will probably want to add in powers and other game details which have appeared since this Ruleset arrived, but the core functionality of the game rules are here for virtual tabetop play.

Final score? I'm giving it a 3 out of 5. Full marks for functionality, but a virtual tabletop that's this hard to look at over extended periods of time needs some work.

Buy it if you need what it does, but wear sunglasses.

My opinion, anyway.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Mutants and Masterminds Ruleset for Fantasy Grounds
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Fantasy Grounds - Full License
by Rick K. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/10/2013 17:05:58

This product is almost perfect. The only thing I didn't like is when buying rulesets, beware that they may not get the attention of being updated (see my review of Iron Heroes for FG2).

But however, I did enjoy playing with other players and GM'ing that I did upgrade to an Ultimate license. This utility hase everything you need to play a pen&paper game online, however you do need to buy supported rulesets to expand beyond 3.5srd

Playing with the addition of a voice chat client speeds up your game over Fantasy Grounds greatly. The community of players is large, so the only problem is finding those who can attend at your prefered times. I have created a friendship with a dozen other players that play in my games consistently (all of them full license users) and I have hosted games for those who only have the demo version. You will be surprised at how many Ultimate License holders host games so demo players can experience a "full" game experience.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Fantasy Grounds - Full License
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Savage Worlds: Eye of Kilquato for Fantasy Grounds II
by Andrew M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/13/2012 23:41:48

Came with a virus. I'm glad it was free. I tried to determine if my system just didn't like something about this download, but every attempt came back with the same virus warning. So I'm glad it was free, but disappointed, too - I really like the Savage Worlds line and was looking forward to another resource for it.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Savage Worlds: Eye of Kilquato for Fantasy Grounds II
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Creator Reply:
Thanks for letting us know about your concern. The file scans clean from our end and I suspect this is the same issue reported by another user on a different product falsely flagged as a virus by Symantec. Please let us know if you have a different message than that below or if you are getting an error in a different A/V program. The good news is that it is not a virus and is a false positive warning from Symantec simply because it is "unknown" or the file is not well known enough to have a good reputation among the Symantec user community. I re-scanned the file with AVG and did a quick search of the reported error ""WS.REPUTATION.1" and there are pages of results verifying this case. This is an interesting article describing why software from smaller, lesser known companies gets automatically flagged by Symantec as being untrustworthy and how to remedy the problem.
Savage Suzerain for Fantasy Grounds
by Eric L. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/03/2012 04:17:42

Beautiful skin extension but came with a few bugs. I believe it's been fixed. If not, contact Doswelk on the fantasy grounds II forums and he'll send you a file pack to fix it.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Savage Suzerain for Fantasy Grounds
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Iron Heroes Ruleset for Fantasy Grounds II
by Rick K. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/02/2012 22:44:32

Although I love Fantasy Grounds, and I LOVE the Iron Heroes Ruleset.

DO NOT buy this product. Not until they either update it for Fantasy Grounds 2 or create a D20 JPG extension for FG2. With every passing update of Fantasy Grounds, this ruleset is become more and more buggy and unplayable, and my group has been playing my Iron Heroes campaign faithfully through Fantasy Grounds for over a year now.

Though Smiteworks has offered me a refund, I did not take it. I really just want to keep on GM'ing my Iron Heroes campaign... and my faithful players feel my pain with each session.

My players would buy this, if it worked. They love playing Iron heroes, the changes in Armor/Magic is awesome, its way more fun being a hero (not a paper-doll layered in Magic Items) If Smite would have kept updating it I'm sure everyone I've GM'ed this game with would have bought the Ruleset.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Iron Heroes Ruleset for Fantasy Grounds II
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Online Gaming Tokens Pack #3: PCs & NPCs
by Ty F. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/22/2012 14:51:17

I should have heeded the review before me. These token are all a mere 60 pixels wide. So, practically useless. Even digitally in most cases. Not to say that the art isn't great, just the delivered format. And price.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Online Gaming Tokens Pack #3: PCs & NPCs
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Savage Worlds: Eye of Kilquato for Fantasy Grounds II
by Michael S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/23/2012 05:29:18

As with all Fantasy Grounds products from smith Works, this is another excellent addition. Priviosly ran this adventure on face-to-face tabletop and now on Fantasy Grounds. Virtually no difference.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Savage Worlds: Eye of Kilquato for Fantasy Grounds II
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Online Gaming Tokens Pack #4: d20 Modern
by Mattias L. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/03/2011 03:26:58

Decent quality of pictures but a wide range. I was disappointed that they were not available for licensing, i.e. no use in my own products.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Online Gaming Tokens Pack #4: d20 Modern
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Rolemaster Classic Ruleset for Fantasy Grounds II
by Terry B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/07/2010 10:57:37

Excellent rendition of the Rolemaster ruleset. It brings back great memories.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Rolemaster Classic Ruleset for Fantasy Grounds II
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Fantasy Grounds II - Lite License
by Denise D. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/19/2010 19:28:45

I'm having trouble installing the patches to Fantasy Grounds II lite.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Fantasy Grounds II - Lite License
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Online Map Adventures #1 - Forests & Mountains
by Jeremy G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/27/2009 14:49:57

Nice, quick and easy maps to drop into your campaign. Ideal for those of you using virtual table tops like Maptool.

To be honest I could probably achieved the same results given a little time (some of the component objects are freely available on the internet) but at the price I can't fault them. If time is money then these are well worth it.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Online Map Adventures #1 - Forests & Mountains
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Call of Cthulhu Ruleset for Fantasy Grounds II
by George H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/27/2009 09:47:31

Very good works well with Fantasy grounds! Call of cthulhu is one of my favourite RPG's and being away from ym gaing goup this really helps.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Call of Cthulhu Ruleset for Fantasy Grounds II
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