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Amazing Templates (Supepowered by M&M)
by Robert K. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/06/2024 00:11:34

Disappointed in what this book offers for what was promised and for the price.

The graphic design is good but the book layout is poor.

For better flow on book layout, I would suggest starting an archetype at the top of the page each time next to a picture of the archetype. The layout literally makes the entries look crammed in... almost claustraphobic

The writing doesn't really seem like archetypes so much as individual characters with variations which is fine. The writing seems somewhat inconsistent but I do like some of the variations you offered.

You advertised the book with a lot of hype which did set off a lot of warning bells but I bought it. I do want you to improve in quality and quantity.

I am VERY pleased with the quality of artwork and Moonee Art is amazing. The occasional AI art sticks out like a sore thumb, though and there is a distinct disconnect between the artwork and the subject of the text.

I hope you continue with your work and I would like to see more of it but i do want the quality and quantity to improve.

The graphics are very good. I like much of the basic graphics but I want to see more fleshed out entries with more in depth archtype entries and artwork congruous with the entry.

This, in my opinion, needs to be slightly less expensive for the quantity and no AI art if avoidable. I would rather the artwork match the text better as well.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Amazing Templates (Supepowered by M&M)
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Amazing Powers (Super-Powered by M&M)
by Robert K. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/05/2024 23:53:56

Sorely disappointed in what this book offers for what was promised and for the price. The graphic design is top-notch but the book layout is poor. The actual power descriptions are sorely lacking. An example: Under Animal Powers "STINK SPRAY Like the Skunk, the Hero can unleash a nonlethal but foul smelling spray at their foes. Those sprayed become dazed, and may even fall unconscious! Stink Spray: Ranged Affliction. 2 Points per Rank."

This is incomplete as under the power it should list what each tier of the Affliction does. You could easily surmise it is Tier 1 - Dazed, Tier 2 - Stunned, and Tier 3 - Unconscious but I shouldn't have to do the work. For $19.99 it should be spelled out for me.

Sadly, this a lot of hype and I had hoped the quality would improve from Amazing Templates. I want you to improve in quality.

I am VERY pleased with the quality of artwork and Moonee Art is amazing.

I hope you continue with their work and I would like to see more of it.

I like much of the basic graphics but I want to see more actual writing and fleshed out entries with more in depth power entries.

This, in my opinion, needs to be nearly double in entries and MUCH more detail in powers for the price paid.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Amazing Powers (Super-Powered by M&M)
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Amazing Universe Adventure: Forces of Nature (Super-Powered by M&M)
by Charles [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/03/2023 13:15:47

My favorite adventure so far in The Helix Agenda and the Paramentals are solid villains to play against no matter your hero level.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Amazing Universe Adventure: Forces of Nature (Super-Powered by M&M)
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Ultimate Feat Decks [BUNDLE]
by Jacquelyn W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/26/2023 21:59:02

Almost gave this a 2, bit fiddly to print.

Print Settings Example

But very extensive, well-formatted cards. Happy to have bought the bundle :)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Ultimate Feat Decks [BUNDLE]
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Image Portfolio Platinum Edition 78: Natalie Chenard
by Scott C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/23/2022 08:58:17

As is usual for LPJ Design products, this stock artwork is high quality. Natalie Chenard’s style brings some new ideas to the line that look great and fit a variety of layouts. Can’t wait to see more from this artist.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Image Portfolio Platinum Edition 78: Natalie Chenard
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Image Portfolio 012 Superhero
by Simon B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/24/2021 02:11:02

Incredibly useful set of a Superhero Images which, like all the range from this publisher, are pretty much essential to independent creators of Superhero RPGs due to the extremely creator-friendly license. Higlhy recommended.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Image Portfolio 012 Superhero
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Races of Pirates of the Bronze Sky: Tocarra (PFRPG)
by Raf B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/31/2021 14:18:00

Good fluff, but the racial mechanics weren't included, so it would be hard to use them in a game.

This should not be listed as a PFRP1e product, it's system-neutral due to lack of included mechanics.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Races of Pirates of the Bronze Sky: Tocarra (PFRPG)
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Image Portfolio Platinum Free Edition: Jarek Madyda
by Stephen H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/26/2021 10:34:15

The description doesn't do this justice. You get three excellent images for use in your publication. Three wizards - and they are suggesting you throw them $0.50 as this is a 'sample' pack.

As an independent published of RPG material - - with 12 crowdsourcing campaigns behind me in the #ttrpg space my needs are different to the casual user. I'd have really liked the licence to have been included in the download folder, the file names could reflect the credit I need to give when I use them commercially. Luckily, I have their licence from other products of theirs I have bought but still...

Art - 5/5 Technical details 2/5 - needs the licence, better file names

For more on my views on stock art best practice I invite you to read

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Image Portfolio Platinum Free Edition: Jarek Madyda
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Template: Energy Infused (Super-Powered by M&M)
by Brian B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/07/2020 10:18:37

This is the first of the templates from LPJ Design that I have purchased. I'm very pleased with the quality/value.

Several years ago, I was actually in communication with Image Comics over a character that I wanted to write and they were interested in publishing. Due to other circumstances, it never went forward, but I still think about that character. We're about to start a M&M 3rd edition campaign and this template looked like a good match for creating my character in game terms.

The PDF opens with a nice section reasoning through the origin story for such a character. There are some good ideas here, worth at least considering when building your character.

I will say that the headers between sections, sometimes the font size & outlines around fonts makes them a bit difficult to read. If you are reading it full screen, it's not so bad, but if you are on a smaller screen or not maximized, it can be difficult to read - not a major problem, but perhaps something to consider from a design perspective in future revisions.

This section is followed by considerations for complications. Again, some good ideas here. If I may allude to one of these, what happens of the Energy-Infused hero encounters a villain who can manipulate that form of energy? Good stuff.

The next section gives three options for creating the character. One of these includes three stat examples of how this origin could be added to an existing character. A sample origin story is then given, along with full game stats for the character.

All in all, this was certainly an enjoyable read. There were several very good ideas given - they prompted several trains of thought for me that I look forward to exploring with the character.

If you are interested in creating an Energy Infused type character, I definitely recommend purchasing the PDF and reflecting on the ideas given. Also, if you are GMing a game that includes an Energy Infused PC or NPC, I also recommend you take a look at the PDF. You'll get several ideas worth considering for your campaign.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Template: Energy Infused (Super-Powered by M&M)
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Secret Societies of NeoExodus: Section Omega (PFRPG)
by Trampas W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/26/2020 23:26:25

This is my mini-review of Section Omega.

As a fan of psionics, I loved that there was a psionic society in the NeoExodus setting. Section Omega is basically the Psi-Corps of NeoExodus. Psionic characters have a choice: join Section Omega, have your psionic powers removed, or die. They're reminiscent of the Wizards of High Sorcery in Dragonlance.

There's a lot of setting info here. Section Omega is entrenched in the history of NeoExodus. There are sections on the history, current status, HQ, and methods of the organization are all addressed, as well as other topics.

Plus a fair amount of crunch, all compatible with the psionics rules from Dreamscarred Press.

As for downsides, there are a few editing errors, including an incomplete sentence and some grammar mistakes. u

Overall, good product. I'd like to rate it higher, but the editing errors prohibit that.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Secret Societies of NeoExodus: Section Omega (PFRPG)
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Weapons of Mecha Destruction 2 (D20 Future)
by Bruce G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/08/2020 08:46:38

Great if you want to try D20 "Battletech". Just a collection of weapons for Mechs.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Weapons of Mecha Destruction 2 (D20 Future)
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Infinite Space Starfinder Bundle [BUNDLE]
by David B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/23/2020 20:36:51

Its hard to know what you are getting for the money ahead of time so here goes.

Expect the $1 to $2 products to be about 2-4 pages if you leave out the title, advertisement and OGL declaration. Whats in them is crunchy, and pretty balanced and well written.

The maps are well done. Ill use them. Each book is about 8-10 maps.
They are all space maps appropriate to have space battles on, no ship interiors or planetary terrain. If I had it to do again I would just choose one of the map books and left the rest.

The best product is the Expanded Ship Building Rules. Its 25 solid pages of starship building inspration and clarity. A+

The art is solid in all products. The layout and editing is professional. No Page numbers.

All bound together it would be about a pretty good 100 page book with an additional 50 pages of star maps.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Infinite Space Starfinder Bundle [BUNDLE]
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Image Portfolio Platinum Free Edition: Matt Forsyth
by Cadera S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/12/2019 05:13:55

Great art, and the price can't be beat -- it's free! A really nice find.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Image Portfolio Platinum Free Edition: Matt Forsyth
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Image Portfolio Mega Bundle [BUNDLE]
by Max E. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/15/2019 09:30:18


This is a good bundle, very rich in contents, but

permissions aren't explained in the bundle nor in single products

The permission states that:

This license pertains only to those art resources found in the Image Portfolio.This art resource can be used for independent game companies creation and non-profit use ONLY. This excludes use by “mainstream” game publishers, (Wizards of the Coast, Hasbro, Alderac Entertainment Group, Games Workshop, Palladium, Pinnacle Entertainment Group, their subsidiaries, and any other “mainstream” companies to be determined by Louis Porter, Jr. Design) without a license fee. Use by a “mainstream” publisher (or it’s employee), and use for commercial noncomic book production (eg. magazine ads, merchandise lables etc.) incurs a license fee be paid to the owner, Louis porter, Jr. Design. In Essence, this means:

• Anyone may use these art resource for non-profit projects.

• If you are a self-publisher/creator you may use these art resource for any independently published project, for profit or non profit.

• If you are an independent publishing games through a mainstream company (see above) there is a license fee.

• If you are not an independent game creator and you intend to use these art resource in a commercial project, there is a license fee.

• E-mail Image Portfolio at for specific art resource’ license fees, and for an invoice for your records.

By completing your Image Portfolio order (online or in print), you (or you on behalf of your employer) are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the complete agreement between you and Louis Porter, Jr. Design.

This means I'm not completely free to use the images and there's another fee on them in many cases

This is totally unethical to me

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Image Portfolio Mega Bundle [BUNDLE]
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Creator Reply:
Actually if you are NOT a independent game creator, like Wizards of the Coast, Hasbro, Alderac Entertainment Group, Games Workshop, Palladium, Pinnacle Entertainment Group, their subsidiaries are not able about to use it. Small independent game creators basically 99% of the gaming industry can use this product with no extra fee. If you have a question you can contect me didrectly and will will tell you YES or NO if you can't. In the nearly 20 years of selling stock art we have not denied anyones usage. I hope this helps.
Image Portfolio Mega Bundle [BUNDLE]
by Alex C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/13/2019 07:41:03

I already owned a few of these titles when the bundle came up, and I always have 3+ of these portfolios wishlisted. Picking up this bundle was a no-brainer for me!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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