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Forgotten Tales of Sword & Sorcery (OSR)
by David D. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/07/2023 01:58:33

Pretty barebones and straightforward Sword and Sorcery OSR with an excellent essay on what the genre is and how to run it at the beginning of the book. The kind of game you can easily pick up and play with minimal prep and minimal rules consultation as you go. Well worth the price of admission.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Forgotten Tales of Sword & Sorcery (OSR)
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Have Death Ray, Will Travel
by Eric F. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/14/2022 20:42:35

'Have Death Ray, Will Travel' is by Chuck Thorin and it presents a retro futurish solar system for the White Star rpg . This is a very solid local solar system campaign and works very at what it does. And Have Death Ray, Will Travel works with the White Star rpg & the retro future campaign aspect pulls the White Star game into a solar system centric. You get enemies, monsters, pirates, and much more. Everything in 'Have Death Ray, Will Travel' is geared into getting your PC's into the adventure & campaign elements of the retro future solar system campaign setting. The brain masters are the nasties in 'Have Death Ray, Will Travel' and these alien nasties are perfect for over arching vile aliens with connections with the brain lashers of Mutant Future rpg from Goblinoid Games. ''Have Death Ray, Will Travel' is by Chuck Thorin takes the PC's across the solar system while presenting two new character classes. The new classes (Scientist and Gunfighter), within 'Have Death Ray, Will Travel' are perfect for both PC's & NPC's. These PC classes have been woven into the solar system & the adventure presented within 'Lost Mines of the Brain Masters.' The fact is that Chuck Thorin did an excellent job with 'Have Death Ray, Will Travel'. And is well worth the three dollar price point. Thanks for reading our review. Eric Fabiaschi Swords & Stitchery blog Want more OSR action? Please Subscribe

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Have Death Ray, Will Travel
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Back Alleys
by Jayme A. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/29/2021 17:03:14

This is a must-have for anyone planning to run Dark Streets & Darker Secrets. The new classes add a lot to the game. I really like how their Prime Attributes don't always include Intelligence. The Average Joe is kind of a cross between Jack Burton from Big Trouble in Little China and Xander from Buffy -- in other words, they're decidedly not the Chosen One, but they can hang with that crowd. The Face has a special ability called Know a Guy, which allows them to gather information or call upon a favor from a contact, though the book notes that contact is not necessarily on good terms with The Face. Finally, the bestiary reads like a Best Monsters of the 80s article, with everything from Jason, to Pinhead, to Graboids from Tremors (all with serial numbers filed off, of course.)

Seriously, get this. BackAlleys is possibly the best dollar I ever spent on DriveThruRPG. Even if you don't want to add classes to your game, the monsters alone are totally worth it.

And to the author I say, keep up the good work!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Back Alleys
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Death Stalkers of Antediluvia (Quantum)
by Eric F. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/20/2021 13:36:33

"Death Stalkers of Antediluvia is a set of supplemental rules for Barbaric! and an introduction to the forth coming setting of Antediluvia.

In here you will find optional and alternate rules for Character Generation, Combat, and Magic. There are also new Races, Traits, Combat Moves, Spells, and Monsters. We attempted to write the optional rules in a modular fashion so you can use some, none, or all of them."

C. Thorin of Magic Pig Media came out with Death Stalkers of Antediluvia (Quantum) which essentially is a Swords & Sorcery campaign starter package for Cepheus Quantum. And the other day my thoughts on Cepheus Quantum leaked out. Which is that some of the products for Cepheus Quantum were a bit thin on page count. There are times when as a DM I want to feel campaign setting & become emergence in it. And fortunately Death Stalkers of Antediluvia (Quantum) this isn't one of those titles. This is a solid title for Barbaric! which is a much rules lighter version of the basic engine from Sword of Cepheus. Sword of Cepheus seems to be far easier for the D&D players to grasp in my experience. Death Stalkers of Antediluvia wears its Sword & Sorcery pedigree on its sleeve quite well. The artwork & layout is well done for an add on book & it provides the DM with everything they will need for a solid Sword & Sorcery campaign romp. It could be used with Cepheus Atom

Death Stalkers of Antediluvia provides the basic Swords & Sorcery elements needed to kick off a campaign from races, monsters, combat moves, non human races, wounds, alterations to existing spells, and new monsters like hags, Gugs, etc. Death Stalkers of Antediluvia is a nice little primer for a Sword & Sorcery campaign that can jump start a campaign from the ground up. And it does it well with the materials given. And there's enough to really kick off a campaign here that will last for years.

Eric Fabiaschi Swords & Stitchery blog Want more OSR content Subscribe to

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Death Stalkers of Antediluvia (Quantum)
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The World of Skarynth
by Andrew M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/09/2021 20:47:37

No-brainer for Sharp Swords users wanting extra options

Good addition to Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells. It has solid ideas firmly in the S&S arena with hints of CA Smith and Lovecraft. The world is alright, but you'll use your own, the character options are good, and the quest is solid enough to use as an intro. The whole thing has its chunky and its smooth bits, but for anyone using SS&SS and wanting some more options it's a no-brainer.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The World of Skarynth
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Stark Space
by A customer [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/01/2016 10:33:34

Does it tweak the WS setting to play a darker story? Yes. Does it provide any details I couldn't think of myself or outside of a cliche? Unfortunately not. Considering the price, it's ok. Compared to the WS product, this supplement does not hold up though.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Stark Space
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Stark Space
by Gabriel F. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/27/2016 09:50:21

I'm going to make this short. I love the simplicity of White Star but I'm not a big fan of its classes and implied setting. I'm looking for a more Traveller-like setting with classes to suit.

The replacement classes and races in this book are exactly what I'm after. It has Brain, Face and Muscle for classes plus androids and psionicists as "races". It covers cyberware too.

It has enough stuff that I would've used Traveller or Stars without Number for but a lot simpler and rules light. Exactly why I wanted to use White Star in the first place.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Stark Space
by Omer G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/22/2016 08:53:36

Stark Space is a supplement for the White Star old-school sci-fi RPG whoch transforms it from the realm of Star wars to teh realm of Alien(s), Blade Runner, Outland, System Shock, and cyberpunk. Clearly and evocatively written, it gives you all the tools you need to run exciting games in such a milieu. It replaces the White Star space-opera-themed classes with the more genre-appropriate Brain, Face and Muscle characters, and adds "races" such as androids, bio-engineered super-solders and weird psions. It also provides various pieces of well-written cybernetics and detailed firerams. Last but not least it has simple and intuitive skill rules, which I consider to be one of teh best examples of skill systems in White Star products.

Production quality is good. Stark Space uses stock art - at least for the most part - but is is very appropriate, and layout is modern and suitable for mobile-device electronic viewing.

All in all, highly recommended.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Have Death Ray, Will Travel
by A customer [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/18/2016 01:00:32

This supplement provides a fully fleshed-out campaign setting for the White Star RPG, though it can certainly be used with other games with a little conversion work. The setting, as described, has a very retro-sci-fi feel to it, obviously inspired by Flash Gordon and the like, and is set within our own solar system without FTL technology (though, given the flavor, as you can guess Venus is inhabited by a psychic race, Mars by a red-skinned warrior race, etc.)

As a campaign setting, it is quite useful, and can accomodate a wide variety of play styles--Star Marshals in space, Buck Rogers space opera, and so on. It also contains two new character classes, the Gunslinger and the Scientist (both of which seem well done to me), and even a bonus adventure to get you started. All in all, if you want to run a White Star game but don't know where to start and find the described flavor of this product up your alley, you can't go wrong in purchasing it.

That being said, the product has one large flaw I feel I must mention, namely the fact that it was written in a very amateurish style. There are many errors, and while most seem to be typos (indicating a lack of good editing), there are also awkwardly written and short, choppy sentences which make it clear the writer needs more polish as well. To be quite blunt, I find this unacceptable, and it reflects what I see as a problem with many small RPG publishers, namely that while they may have good ideas they don't put enough effort into producing what looks like a professionally written and edited product.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Have Death Ray, Will Travel
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Stark Space
by Steven W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/20/2016 15:49:56

This small but meaty supplement helps move White Star (or another OSR Sci Fi game of your liking) away from Star Wars and towards the kind of gritty sci fi seen in Aliens, Bladerunner and other films of their ilk.

It includes three new character classes and a skill system that lets those classes portray a number of different character types, and four races (well, humans and three human-centric variants). A nice selection of gear is included, with weapons, armor, drugs and survival/exploration gear featured. Cyberware also gets a nice write up.

While no detailed setting is included, there is a small precis of what the setting entails, and the rest of the book - especially the antagonists setting - include more details to flesh things out. Still, the GM will have to do the heavy lifting to fill things out.

Two minor observations.. Firstly, the book has a number of typographical and grammatical errors, not enough to make the book confusing but enough to be noticable. Secondly, the art work is a bit uneven in style, realistic in some places, comic bookish in others. Neither of these points bother me in the least, but they are there.

This product is easily worth twice the price.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Stark Space
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Stark Space
by Eric F. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/19/2016 10:00:15

White Star has a dizzying array of products out for that stand alone retro clone rpg system. Magic Pig Media comes out with a solid amount of products from pulp era titles to fully realized enemies. And now they've created another thirty nine page interstellar humancentric, dystopian universe for your PC's. Stark Space basically gives the DM all of the cyberpunk style options and tools for an interstellar back water world or sector for the sort of dangerous and sleazy adventure locations, NPC's, new PC options, races, a cyber add on system for White Star and other dangerous adventure ideas all boiled down to their cyberpunk gritty foundations and it does it with a style all of its own. In many ways Stark Space reminds me of West End Game's other Star Wars titles the ones that showed what was happening in the other not so nice parts of the 'Expanded Star Wars' universe map. That's not a bad thing as we shall see. Stark Space boils down the PC's into the template like menu of PC class types that White Star uses; here we get : The Brains, The Face, and The Muscle which are then customized as the player sees fit and then assembled into PC's. We have genetically modified combatants called Max-Gene's, Simulants who are androids so close to human it hurts, and finally the Psi are humans with powers who have been main streamed into society and whom the corporations have main lined into interstellar society. This is the setting of hundreds of late night latterial Nineties and early two Thousands cyberpunk movies and television shows and White Star is in bad need of this type of setting. Sure your PC's can play 'Star Knights' and 'Smugglers' at will, but in Stark Space these folks are out on the edge of intergalactic society struggling with the high octane of real down and dirty adventure life. This is straight mainline Adrenalin material and quite frankly lately White Star is starting to bore me. Stark Space is just what the cybernetic doctor ordered! For three dollars you get everything you need to plunk PC's right down into a failed colony or feral cyberpunk dungeon world. There are more then a couple of new optional combat rules, equipment, and antagonists all waiting to tear into your PC's. Stark Space contains everything you need to bring your PC's right over into a high end intergalactic world of adventure without the BS of having another twenty books to nickel and dime you to death.

Stark Space is a a fully developed set of tools straight out of the gate to create a high tension and dangerous world of cyberpunk dystopian adventure against the backdrop of the interstellar setting of White Star. I highly recommend this product and actively encourage Magic Pig Media to continue this title line with other product adds on's for Stark Space.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Have Death Ray, Will Travel
by Steven W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/06/2015 17:42:45

Four 4 smackeroos you get a heck of a lot of game in this supplement for Whitestar.

The new classes and new rules are good, but for me the best thing was the campaign, a retro-future Flash Gordon style solar system with evil space emperors, pirates, Venusian Jungles and Martian deserts.

If you enjoyed Saturday morning serials, or Flash Gordon or John Carter or the Galaxy Rangers, this is a campaign you will want to play in.

Other stuff: Art is swingy, some clip art, some comic panels, some line art, nothing crazy bad but a bit uneven in places. I found the format and layout to be fine. If there were any typo's, I missed them because I was too excited about the Lion Men of Ganymede.

I give this book 4 Green Martian Thumbs up!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Have Death Ray, Will Travel
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Have Death Ray, Will Travel
by Robert G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/18/2015 08:21:17

Fun setting that lets you get right into the game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Outer Space Raiders: The Norni
by Eric F. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/23/2015 00:34:14

Its amazing to me how much time has passed since I did anything with the White Star Retroclone Rpg system. The material for White Star comes out every single week or day it seems. Someone comes up with a new science fiction or science fantasy title for the game. This is not a bad thing in my humble opinion, it keeps the community vibrant and live with fresh ideas and new prospective toward the game. There's one area that always seems lacking to me and that's the middle management vile villains. You know those guys who are challenges and the type that are always dogging your White Star adventurers but don't quite have the TPK potential of the void knights. Well the Outer Space Raiders: The Norni from Magic Pig Media are not quite as cut and dry as they might appear. The Norni are an alien race example of what happens in those old Marvel Star Wars comics when the Rebels high tale it out of dodge and the Empire moves in for the conquest. We know that White Star drives its inspiration from old school Star Wars and Magic Pig Media has tapped that well with the Norni but in a good way. There's a lot going on here. According to the Rpgnow blurb: The Norni supported the fledgling rebellion. When the Imperial Armada arrived, the Rebels fled and the Empire bombed the planet making it an example to any who would oppose their power. Cvilized worlds turned their backs on the refugees out of fear of imperial reprisals. The Norni are a people without a home, fated to wander the stars.' Sure it might sound a bit like the old Marvel Star Wars comics from the 80's but its not. There are several factors that those comics would never have tapped into.

The Norni themselves are basically a good people caught in the cross fire of forces beyond their control and the Rebellion is no better then the Imperials in their eyes. There's a racial history to this and the product has this built right into its history. There are lots of opportunity for violence and deadly conflict with this race and they've got a reputation for space piracy and dark forces at their call. They also have access to technologies that generally seem to involve some heavy duty but kicking and its likely that your PC's are going be caught in the cross fire of it. This is not a race of NPC's that's made to sit on the side lines. There are plenty of fleshed out details in nine pages and this isn't a pdf that leaves you with cliff hanger questions unlike Marvel's Star Wars where we got alien races and zippo background until later issues.

As I've said this is not a slow and steady pdf at all you get lots of tools for your dollar, yeah that's right a dollar buys you the following : Included is information on the Norni and their culture, the Norni Star Wanderer Racial Class, and twenty adventure hooks. Also included is Lady Iliza, Mistress of the Void, a powerful Void Knight villian for use in your campaigns. So why do I like this pdf? Because you get a group of middle management vile villains with a reason to hate everyone and yet their not actually really bad guys more like victims with regrets who have issues with the universe of White Star. And their coming to get your adventurers in spades. Their is a new PC class right out of the gate that presents the Norni Star Wanderers which has a bit of the Star Trek Orions in their gamer racial PC DNA and a whole package of trouble for PC's ships. Here's the introduction blurb: The stars are your home. You wander the space ways in search of fame, fortune, and just a little bit of revenge.Not the type of PC that you want on the bad side of your adventuring party or their ship, instead I can see actually using this class to fill out the ranks of a smuggler or pirate ship on the side of the Rebels with a whole package of reasons to get into and out of trouble. We get broad strokes on culture, signature weapon, homeworld, timeline, Norni technology and solild looks into the race's home world, timeline, events, and more. This presents the Norni as a well rounded and fleshed out race with plenty of room for DM DYI campaign hook ins. There's plenty of room to squeeze out even more play with the twenty Norni adventure hooks. There's enough here to be introducing the Norni into your campaigns and for using them for other applications. They don't make that kinda fun anymore. Because the author has included the little twist that the head of this race is a Void knight in her own right and there's a whole subplot involving the fact that she's got here own dark agenda going right in the back of the plot. This makes customizing the Norni a snap because using them anywhere means that they can pop up in the least likely places. For example the Norni could with little effort be used in a Mutant Future Mazes and Mutants campaign providing the muscle and high tech alien assistance to mutant armed forces in the wastelands. For a Labryth Lord or Swords and Wizardry campaign the Norni could be the power behind the throne of your favorite despotic rulers. For Hulks and Horrors these guys make a opposition for adventurers combing through the space hulks for treasure, artifacts, or more. For White Star or other OD&D retroclone style rpgs this race has lots of potential such as filling in a middle management enemy role, they could be bounty hunters or even gasp as a possible PC alien PC race. My recommendation is to grab the PDF and customize the Norni as you see fit for your old school campaigns. Eric F Swords and Stitchery blog

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Outer Space Raiders: The Norni
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Outer Space Raiders: Zeloxians
by Eric F. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/05/2015 20:34:49

The White Star rpg retroclone system community is one of the most dynamic communities on G+, Facebook, and within the OSR. Everyday another supplement, monster book, alien race book, etc. hits the airwaves. But then comes along the Zeloxians. Described as a' small, fearless alien race that's out to conquer the galaxy as soon as they fill out the right paperwork and get their equipment to work.'they played for yucks but let me explain there is nothing funny about these aliens. They're possibly one of the most nightmarish bastards that you can run across. You see these guys are alien bureaucrats, possibly the equivalent of alien accountants, tax collectors, bean counters,pencil necked geeks, or any other nightmarish nebbish fool behind a desk that you've ever run across. And they've got energy weapons and their not afraid to use them. If these guys don't make your White Star or old school adventurers break out in a cold sweat then your not using these bastards right. I really don't think that the author even knows what he's created personally. He describes them as," The Zeloxians are a darkly humorous, tongue-in-cheek alien race for your space opera campaigns. Included are a racial class and the most common pieces of Zeloxian equipment such as the Doom Fighter, Radium Atomizer Magnum Blaster Obliteration Gun, Power Gauntlets, Trooper Armor and Powered Assault Armor." This is a tightly put together four page pdf that sells for around one dollar and what do you get for your dollar investment? An entire race and array of tools that you can torture your adventurers for hours and hours with. They don't make that kinda fun anymore. See these guys are the bill collectors, phone sanitizers, tax collectors,etc. of the space ways and their waiting to suck the fun and treasure right out of your PC's hands. Its all here in black and white, signed sealed, and printed out in triplicate waiting in a nice tightly sealed official looking envelop in the standard Zeloxian Empire stationary. And these little bastards have the weaponry and fire power to enforce their will on your adventurers. Think that your Swords and Wizardry retroclone dungeons are safe? Think again, rumors that Zeloxians parties of bureaucrats & treasure enforcer units are even now are dimension hopping to take away your hard earned gold. After all hyper space bypasses, and empires across the stars don't run themselves. Everything about these guys reeks of smarmy pencil headed alien bureaucratic menace in spades, these little bastards will drown your PC's in red tape while blasting the Hell out of em with a spade of weapons that are scattered throughout the pdf. There are rumors of Zeloxian agents infiltrating across the stars and into governments,bars, gambling establishments,intergalactic brothels, and every black market operation they can get their four fingers into! All the better to report to their masters and tax your PC's to death. Everything you need to run these little alien horror shows is included in the pdf. Personally I think that this pdf is merely another piece of Zeloxian empire propaganda. These alien penny pinchers are rumored to split ten percent with local intergalactic governments any taxes they collect. And these bastards have been known to show up in dungeons, post apocalyptic ruins, and a wide variety of retroclone OD&D style systems. They have a tendency to spoil any fun that they can for adventurers. Even though this is a well written pdf, the fact is that there are some adventurers who have been know to shoot these guys on sight! The fact is that the Zeloxians make a great mid level alien menace that can be easily dropped into a wide variety of old school adventure settings and can cause adventurers all kinds of mayhem. DM's should pick this pdf up for the sheer horror that these alien bastards can wreck in an old school or retroclone system. There are a wide variety of applications where the Zeloxians could be used. For a Basic Fantasy rpg campaign these little nasties could be used as tax collectors, enemies, conquerors, or used as part menace or comedy relief. For Hulks and Horrors these guys make a perfect foil for adventurers combing through the space hulks for treasure, artifacts, or more. For White Star or other OD&D retroclone style rpgs this race has lots of potential such as filling in a foil role, comedy relief or even gasp as a possible PC alien PC race. My recommendation is to grab the PDF and customize the Zeloxians as you see fit for your old school campaigns. These little bastards are flexible enough to have a vary large variety of uses. Eric F Sword and Stitchery blog

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Outer Space Raiders: Zeloxians
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