Don’t Let Them Take You Alive (100 pages, free at DriveThruRPG) is a wild modern horror d100 RPG which I would compare to Call of Cthulhu. To create my solo engine, I used the principals of SoloCutz (same place, same price) with the third book of the Dresden Files (Jim Butcher). I created four first level characters. The adventure is one of the ones included in the rule book.
So, the adventure started when my mage accepted a find person case in Los Angeles. He called his friends and hired them to help. On the second day, they flew to Japan and then took a boat to Battleship Island. Their first encounter was with a Japanese fishing boat (just a conversation). The second encounter was with a mastiff built from shadows and soot. My mage was the only one who could fight this thing. The mage killed it. The third encounter was North Korean spies running from a ghost. The ghost then targeted the PCs. The mage created a portal which sent the ghost to Los Angeles. At this point, the mage was out of magic points, so the group left the island and came back the next day. The fourth encounter was with a bored mercenary who was looking for something to kill. The PCs killed him, but my soldier/hacker character died. The fifth encounter was with a Warden of the White Council. The PCs stayed in place for an hour so that the warden could do this thing.
The sixth encounter was with South Korean spies. There was a stare down and both sides were wary. The seventh encounter was the mine. It was here that they fought the taskmaster. He was a brute and not human. They killed him and freed the slaves/miners. Yes, they now had the guy they were supposed to find and rescue. The last encounter was the mining office. In here they had to face a hazard (sanity check), a human guard, a locked vault (a failed roll), and the Boss Jenny. So, my remaining three PCs did survive this and did find a paper trail which proved the location of the secret Xaos temple. Going there will be the next adventure. The rescued man did make it back to his dad. Mission completed. Warning – I am rating this as “R” because of bad words, violence, alcohol, drugs, and questionable images. Try it if you dare.