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Monster of the Game Mat: Alien Assault
by Chris J. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/10/2012 15:05:46

This is really a nifty set of paper figures: well detailed, easy to cut out and assemble, and complete with walkers, heavy weapons, and some terrain. An absolute bargain!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Monster of the Game Mat: Alien Assault
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Cerberus Stock Art - Fallen Faun
by Joshua G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/05/2012 01:51:23

Absolutely fantastic, could not be happier with this image. The style in which it is done is perfect for what I needed, it's crystal clear and very high quality. This was my first venture into the world of stock art, and I must say, if this is the level of quality I can expect from Cerberus, I will be purchasing more art packs. Thank You.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cerberus Stock Art - Fallen Faun
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Cerberus Stock Art - Starchild Oracle
by Jason C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/27/2012 15:54:02

I am a huge fan of pretty much everything Cerberus does and this is a great reason why! High quality beautiful artwork that is easy for any small publisher, like me, to afford.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cerberus Stock Art - Starchild Oracle
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Creator Reply:
Thanks for a great review Jason!
Cerberus Stock Art - The Next Decade of Fantasy: Volume 1
by Ben G. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 02/14/2012 10:01:27

I've been a fan of Cerberus Stock Art for a while now. They do good stuff!

As with the other sets, a number of pieces here are easily cover art material - especially for an indie publisher such as myself. The $20 price tag is phenomenal for a product that could give me four or five covers, as well as a good number of interior art pieces.

The quality is the same as other sets from Cerberus - a good bit of work has gone into this and it shows. It may not be everyone's style, but a quick look at the images on this product's page will show you what you're getting into.

I've used these products before and eagerly paid for them, and I'll use them again when new sets arrive.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cerberus Stock Art - The Next Decade of Fantasy: Volume 1
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Monsters of the Game Mat: Supermetro
by PEDRAZZI G. G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/14/2012 01:00:13

Great artworks. Good colors. 75 paper figures ( some mods and many color variations on eleven basic figures ) , with front and real back. There aren't many superhero/modern paper miniatures but that's not the point. The point is the overall quality. A bargain.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Monsters of the Game Mat: Supermetro
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Cerberus Stock Art - The Next Decade of Fantasy: Volume 1
by Eric A. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 02/13/2012 23:38:05

Utility: 5 (Very useful as player handouts or for accent art on a website or blog)

Artistic Appeal: 5 (High quality artist renditions)

Cost: 4 (Good deal for the sheer number of quality pictures)

Comments: This is a stockpile of quality fantasy images. Each picture is presented in full color or in gray scale and are large. I highly recommend them. The price is up there, but you get 19 different images in two versions (color and gray).

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cerberus Stock Art - The Next Decade of Fantasy: Volume 1
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Cerberus Stock Art - The Next Decade of Fantasy: Volume 1
by Chris H. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 02/12/2012 13:21:40

Cerberus does some serious stock art, some of the best that is available here on DriveThru/RPGNow. I like the old school feel of the art in this package, the wild and creative energy that the art brings to the table that can compliment and inspire the game design work of publishers using this art. Any of the full color images in this would make for an attention-grabbing cover for a gaming project. One of the things that I really like about this art is the "street art" sensibility of it. This art is on the edge of the intersection of traditional fantasy art, graffiti art and custom art art. That is the sort of energy that I mentioned earlier, and I think that this is definitely a strength of the art as well as something that sets it apart from other fantasy stock art available. If you want something with the look of traditional fantasy art, and yet with a different sensibility to it...this is your stock art package. At just over a dollar per piece of art, this collection also gives you more bang for your buck.

The con for me is providing the art in PDF form rather than some form of an image format (like a jpeg or tiff). It's not a strong con, but it is still there. I would definitely prefer that my art be in a different format than PDF, only because it means fewer hoops to jump through sometimes in page layout. This definitely does not detract from the strength of the art.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cerberus Stock Art - The Next Decade of Fantasy: Volume 1
by Mark M. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 02/12/2012 13:19:53

This is some great stock art. While there are some weaker points to the set, there are some phenomenal pieces that could easily be used for the cover or interior artwork of your next RPG book.

Of particular note is the white dragon, with its intricate armor, and the ice giant battling the group of adventurers. Both are fantastic works, and I'll be looking at adding them to my next book. Pick it up!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Cerberus Stock Art - Bullets and Bone
by Chris H. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 10/27/2011 22:19:02

This is an evocative piece of art, in an old school style that reminds me a lot of Dave Trampier at his best. This would be really good for any sort of post-apocalyptic work. The only real fault I have is that it is a JPEG image, instead of something with better quality and workability in desktop publishing, like a TIFF, or even a PNG. All in all, a solid piece of art.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cerberus Stock Art - Bullets and Bone
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Cerberus Stock Art - Busted Hacker
by Piotr K. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/19/2011 12:10:06

Nice product, and because it is for free, I think it deserves 5 stars. Im going to use it in my sourcebooks later., Im sure.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cerberus Stock Art - Busted Hacker
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Total Chaos
by Ricardo N. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/27/2011 10:52:22

A good value, given the amount and variety of figures. Note, however, that some figures have distinct front and back, while others have mirrored backs which are fine for miniature wargames but may not satisfy those wishing to use them for RPGs.

LIKED: The graphics style, which is consistent throughout all figures and very detailed. I particularly liked the textures on the wings of the Vrock. The huge 2.5D Balor and the undead chariot are my favorites of the entire set.

DISLIKED: Several figures are placed in a centered, one-per-page layout, which is wasteful especially if you're printing to cardstock. I understand that, for RPGs, you might want to print a single model of a given type but even then, if they were placed on the top of the page, you might be able to print two on the same sheet (just place the same sheet upside down and print again.)

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Total Chaos
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Cerberus Art Monthly - March 2011
by Nathan R. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 03/19/2011 20:11:15

Another great collection of art from Cerberus. I especially like that many of these pieces tie in closely with colour pieces from previous collections.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Cerberus Art Monthly - March 2011
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Creator Reply:
Thanks Nathan! All of my new art is being offered as single pieces instead of collections so you can buy only what you want. Thanks again! Joe J. Calkins
Cerberus Royalty Free Clip Art Pack
by Tim D. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/22/2011 13:49:30

This is an excellent collection of artwork.

My only complaint is that it comes as a PDF and not as indivudal art files. But the artist offered to send me a zip file with the images in it, so that shows he is willing to go above and beyond for his customers - always an excellent thing.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cerberus Royalty Free Clip Art Pack
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Cerberus Stock Art Collection: Demons & Undead Vol. 1
by sean w. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/11/2010 19:04:14

The artwork itself was decent to good. You get both color and grayscale pictures, so six images but 12 pictures. The license is a bit restrictive and I feel like the terms should have been posted so that people can know what they are getting into. The notable restrictions:

  1. Artwork cannot be used for covers unless you negotiate separate rights.
  2. You have to credit artist on credits pages AND keep his name/company in the picture. The credit is on the bottom of each picture but still prominent enough to mar layout attempts. INHO, the former should be enough.
  3. You cannot modify the work in any way and you have to keep the same proportion when you re-size.

In addition, the artwork is presented in PDF format. This can cause issues when you are trying to do layout. I would much prefer tiff or even jpeg to PDF. This artwork will be used in a pinch but the restrictions will probably keep me from buying future material from this publisher.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Cerberus Stock Art Collection: Demons & Undead Vol. 1
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Monsters of the Game Mat: Beast Riders Preview
by Eric W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/08/2010 17:03:54

You get what you pay for. The art is OK, slightly below average. But it's free, so can't really complain too much.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Monsters of the Game Mat: Beast Riders Preview
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Creator Reply:
Thanks Wong!
Thank you Wong! I'm looking forward to checking out your free product!
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