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I know what you're thinking! You're thinking, "This must be so bad it's good!"
I love the thought behind the weapons and the ships. Also, I did not mind the featured lady.:)
A lot of useful information for the game and can't resist a woman in the gun. Actually, the vehicle is something I have considered for a story I have in mind.
This calendar was your most sizzling yet.:) - Dana
Prosthetica is an expansion to the Victory Core Rulebook. That rulebook is required to make sense of the statistics, and some of the terminology, presented in Prosthetica. If you don't have Victory core rules, this book has a few things that might be of interest in terms of 'what is life?' or 'can an artificial construct be a slave or a free entity?', but you really won't get a lot of it without the Victory Rules (if you're not sure about Victory System, try the Party Pack starters from Dakkar Unlimited - they're free at the time of this writing, and contain a very basic introduction to the mechanics of Victory, as well as some starting characters and villains, to allow you to see if you like it enough to buy the core rules).
Prosthetica covers in detail 'Mechanica' - cybernetics, steampunk constructs, clockwork machines, artificial intelligences, mental imprints, and robots. There are heaps of example designs you can 'pick up and play with', as well as lists of features, parts and so forth that allow you to custom-build or customise an existing robot. If you want a simple replacement robotic eye with a targeting scope or information display, or a whole body replacement cybernetic package, or wish to build a heavily armoured clockwork golem to taunt your enemies, this is the book for you. It uses the same costing and design system as found in the Victory Equipment Manual and other supplements, so meshes nicely with the other rule and source books for Victory.
Well thought out, well laid out, and with enough information to suit both those seeking a quick and nasty 'villain-bot' and those wishing to explore a variety of unique designs tailored to a given setting, it is well worth the price to my mind (about $7.50 US, $8.55 Australian at the time of writing this review).
As another module to the modular expansions that attach to Victory Rules, you can buy as many or as few as you need for your own gaming requirements, but they all work together and mesh rather nicely.
The Victory System Equipment Manual is hours of endless fun...torture...fun, much like another reviewer stated. I love this book.
A lot of games provide a tool-kit that allows you to build just about anything, and some of them probably have more realistic designs, more possible tweaks or features, and more something-else. However, I usually find such books to be hideously tortuous to use, and often not very fast until you've designed hundreds of items, which I can never be bothered doing. Victory's Equipment manual is one of the better ones. After a few designs, figuring out how the options all work and referring to the EXTENSIVE lists of tables, tweaks and so on, you can motor through new designs at a rate of knots.
You want radiation proof armoured underpants? You can build them, and have a Victory System-relative price, armour value, durability, and so forth, that fits with the other equipment in the game. You want a super-weapon that weighs a couple of pounds and blows holes through tanks? You can build that too, assuming the GM in your campaign doesn't slap you to death with a wet dead fish for being so silly and saying 'uh, NO!' because such things don't exist in this campaign. You want to build a basic battery charger, or a titanic multi-legged walking vehicle with a rotary plasma cannon and luxury accommodations? You can.
Victory System itself is designed to cover role-playing in just about any genre or setting, and the Equipment Manual breaks its lists down into Fantasy (read: Ancient and Medieval), Near-Modern (read: Gunpowder, Industrial, Near-Future Sci-Fi) and Space (read: Far Future, high tech) eras, with different build options, costs, and weights of items for each era. You can pretty much look up the contents for whatever you want, and start building. You want a big sword to cut up orcs more effectively? Go to the Fantasy Weapons equipment section. You want high-tech radiation proof underpants that illuminate the room? Go to the Space Era Clothing section. You want a Steampunk airship powered by solar energy? Go to the Near-Modern Vehicles section.
In addition, despite the fact that there are almost limitless things you can build from the charts and tables and options presented, the Equipment Manual has an initial section dealing with HOW to build things and use the data presented, as well as a section later in the book on building new powers, character abilities, and things like magic spells, martial arts moves or powers, and so forth. You can literally design ANYTHING with what's in there, and if you happen to find something not covered (and you will, sooner or later, if you try hard enough), there are cost multipliers for different types of equipment in different eras, that help to give you a guideline of how to create the appropriate function and cost it properly yourself.
There are probably a few things you just cannot do with this manual (such as maintain viable social relationships after you get 'design-fever' for a setting you want to populate with lots of custom gadgets), but they are few and far between. If you're serious about Victory system, or running a campaign where natural engineers, gadgeteers or evil super-weapon corporations abound, then you need this book.
It is worth noting that you can create amazingly powerful and unbalancing gear with this book - but as with all things Victory, the GM has final say in what is and is not acceptable in a given campaign. Just because the equipment book lets you design a weapon the size of a penlight torch that can blow up a tank, doesn't mean the technology to do that is actually available in the campaign world.
Victory System...OH YEAH! My personal feeling is that this game is just plain good old-fashioned FUN. It is not a perfect game (but what is?), but it's one of the best, in my opinion, at what it does - providing a fairly simple mechanic, covering a vast array of genres and settings, and allowing lots of options to customise characters to make them special.
Players of Hot Chicks: The Roleplaying Game will find much is familiar in the Victory System. Victory is a polished, better laid out, and better explained version of Dakkar's Inverted d20 system as used in Hot Chicks. It is somewhat less 'adult-oriented' or 'shocking' than Hot Chicks, but still contains a fair number of mature references and things that sensitive types might not consider 'politically correct'. There are some tweaks and alterations to various mechanics from Hot Chicks (or, at least, the mechanics are more clearly explained in Victory), but the two systems are largely compatible.
Victory System Core Rulebook contains a lot of information, but none of it is complex. The book splits play into 'Eras' - the Fantasy Era, the Near-Modern Era, and the Space Era, allowing you to tailor character generation, equipment, skills and technology available, to suit the 'Era' being played. In addition, it allows for a Custom Era, which more or less allows a GM willing to put the work in, to create any setting s/he likes.
The mechanics revolve around a d20 system where you must roll the die for less than or equal to a modified target number; everything from a skill check, damage calculation, chase roll, building a house, or designing a state of the art hyperdrive system, use similar mechanics - this makes it quite easy to play, as you don't have twelve different mechanics for skill tests, opposed arm-wrestles, ranged combat, damage resolution, and so on, as in certain other systems. It's a 'dice light' system, although when dealing with heavy automatic weapons and large scale combats, there are a LOT of individual rolls to make. If there is one small thing missing from Victory, I would say it's a quick resolution 'mass combat' system of some sort, but Victory is hardly alone in not covering such a difficult topic.
When designing a character you can choose to randomly roll your attributes, or purchase points from a budget. There are lots of skills and 'Merits' and 'Flaws' to allow your character to have that extra flavour that makes them stand out. There are various budgets available to buy equipment and improve starting skills, attributes and so on - the more 'uber' your character at the start, the more money you get to buy things at generation (but the more likely the GM's bad guys are going to be better, as well).
What amazes me about Victory is the number of options you have, as both a player and a GM. There are numerous powers (super-powers, magic, psionics, martial arts, cybernetic/steampunk/clockwork) and equipment lists for each Era covering basic weapons, armour, a couple of vehicle samples, a few buildings and furniture and so forth. Victory is enough, as a stand-alone, to start playing a character in any era, in just about any genre, you care to think of. Some games undoubtedly do some of these better than Victory, but to my mind there aren't many that cover such a wide range of subjects and genres, and do it so well, as Victory.
Victory places the emphasis on 'heroic action' - the player characters are way superior to the average mook or the average citizen Joe, although it is quite easy to scale up the minor NPCs (or scale down the PCs) to make it more gritty or action oriented. The game generally seems to aim at 'high adventure' or 'super-heroics' in its combat mechanics - mooks go down with one hit, while the heroes and major villains take lots of damage; players can spend 'Risk' (a generic 'energy level' to fuel heroic endeavours, get dice bonuses, charge up super powers and so forth) to alter the outcomes of rolls, boost damage, and so forth.
If a GM or players wished to run a more gritty, realistic campaign, then simply not allowing various powers, limiting the available Risk, or limiting the available equipment, would easily achieve this goal.
For these reasons, Victory System to me covers everything reasonably well - you can play anything from a lone wanderer in a post-apocalyptic world, scrounging for enough food and water to survive, through to spendex-clad super-heroes who can throw trucks a few hundred feet and fly at ridiculous speeds with no apparent means of propulsion, to the evil wizard who is also a black-belt at some unpronounceable martial art form.
For the price ($11.35 Australian Dollars at the time of this writing, about $10.00 US or so), Victory System is more than value for money, and to my mind, you should take a chance on it and buy it. At worst you'll have something that gives lots of cool ideas about settings, characters, mechanics for unusual things, and enough equipment to form the basis of a customised setting. At best, you'll have a game that you can enjoy over and over again without taxing the brain cells, and that can be used to play in any setting you envision. To me that's easily worth the purchase price.
While not directly related to the core rules, it is worth noting that there are numerous expansions available, if you really like it and want more detail in a given area - Prosthetica covers clockwork, cybernetic and steampunk robots and cyborgs; the Equipment Manual is a must if you wish to design custom gear and have a setting-relative price and statistics for it; the Guide to Space Ships expands on the Equipment Manual's design system and can be used as a stand-alone to build space vehicles and starships, and so on. You can buy whichever supplements you want or need for your own purposes, but what is key here is that you don't NEED any of them to play Victory. In itself the Core Rules is enough to get started, and have loads of fun. Coupled with the expansions, it's even better.
As a note, I am not in any way employed by or affiliated with Dakkar Unlimited or the designers of the game. I have shared e-mail correspondence with designer Scott Corum on several questions about the game, and some other related topics, but have had no business dealings with him directly, or his company, other than purchasing his products for personal use.
Very helpful guide with information all in one place.
The book itself is very well laid out and informative. One thing I like about it is that it can provide ideas for storywriting even if you are not doing a adventure. When I was looking through, I thought of a few things that could add to a fantasy setting. When a core rulebook does that, it is a positive thing.:)
Hey guys, these dudes are hot!
I bought three copies. About performance: They do what they are supposed to. About pricepoint/quality: While I can get more realistic models, I can't do that for $1.56 a man.
So if you need stuff to beat up, Dakkar got them. My 2₵: I suppose dakkar can release the hot dude artbook, or I will have to make it for myself.
As it is, this is a great standalone product.
I enjoy the victory system it is a very well designed system. Though it may be different than what people are used to it is more than worth trying and i highly recommend it to any DnD fan looking for something new.
Providing security for a bar ought to be an easy gig, right? Especially when they have their own doormen, the owner just wants you to hang around in case of some undefined possible bother with some of her old associates...
Well, if it was easy, nobody would write an adventure about it!
Anyway, in this brief adventure - something easily run in an evening, perhaps even after rolling up characters - there is some splendid misdirection and nothing is quite what it seems. If the characters survive unscathed they have done well, if they actually figure out what is going on... well, they are paragons and definitely worth continuing in a campaign with. And the joy of this is that there is enough background (some in the GM's introduction, and some right at the end, worth reading the whole thing through before you start to run it) to provide for a whole lot more of adventure after this one is done.
A nice introduction to the Victory System and its slightly strange setting. Enjoy, both this and many more adventures to come.
Fancy a spot of space piracy? Then this is for you, especially if you use the Victory System or Hot Chicks... but if you are happy sorting out the appropriate rule mechanics, it will work for any star-faring game.
Opening with some atmospheric fiction, the pirates are covered in detail with full backstory (replete with plot ideas if you wish to embed them into your campaign universe), character sheets for the boss pirate and her crew, and details of her ship and of the on-board AI. Plenty for a one-off encounter or to make her a regular feature plaguing the spaceways until dealt with.
This is followed by copious detail for starship design under the Victory System, which contains some useful ideas and features even if you are playing something else.
Finally, there is an interesting discussion of whether or not these pirates could be reformed, shown the error of their ways and a few adventure seeds to suggest ways in which you can involve them in your game. Interestingly, they are split into fantasy (with a spaceship? Why not...), near-future and star-faring ones so no matter what you are playing or when your game is set there are opportunities to make use of this.
Ahhh, Ahhh, no wait this is not the torture manual for Victory System.
It is a Torture of a good time though, here is an Item designed originally in Louisiana by a fellar that wanted a better knife. This is back before Texas was a state in the union. why did I say torture? well if you are a detail freak, if you want your campaign to be special, well this can do it all. Just don't torture yourself too much ...
Weapon: Near Modern Era Bowie Knife
Acc +0, Dam +3, Range St x 5, Shots - , Weight 1.5 lbs., Kick -0, AP 2, DR 20, Shrugs 1, Cost $176, Notes: Does 1 Extra Shrug of Damage, Sharp,
Description: – Designed for melee combat, this blade features a wicked back-curve along the first third of the back edge, good for ripping and slicing flesh. Very durable.
This is from the Hot Chicks Source Book.
Weapon: Space Age Era Bowie Knife
Acc +0, Dam +3, Range St x 5, Shots - , Weight 1.5 lbs., Kick -0, AP 2, DR 30, Shrugs 2, Cost $195, Notes: Does 1 Extra Shrug of Damage, Sharp,
Description: – Designed for melee combat, this blade features a wicked back-curve along the first third of the back edge, good for ripping and slicing flesh. Very durable.
This would be an off the shelf bowie knife in a space age sporting goods store.
Weapon: Space Age Era Special Ops Bowie Knife
Acc +3, Dam +3, Range St x 5, Shots - , Weight 1.5 lbs., Kick -0, AP 4, DR 50, Shrugs 2(+2AP), Cost $1,485, Notes: Accuracy +3, Accessory (can be mounted on weapons with Mod Rails), Armor Piercing +2, Breaker, Collapsible, Decapitating, Difficult to Parry, Does 3 Extra Shrug of Damage, Enhanced Parry, Sharp, Stealth
Description: Designed for melee combat, this blade features a wicked back-curve along the first third of the back edge, good for ripping and slicing flesh. Very durable. This particular knife is made of stellar age materials, (I used my imagination for the material) chaotic particulate linear carbon fibers. This advanced material has two distinct abilities; one, the ability to compress and expand making the knife shrink and become concealable, and two - under stress of impact or cutting the knife literally becomes sharper, slippery and stronger than without the stress. The high tech material of the knife gives it most of its special abilities.
This would be a military knife not generally allowed to be owned by civilians. Light sabers eat your heart out. And for those of you that do not know the terms above just jump into the Victory System, it is only Risk now. Later you can campaign on it and have what I always wanted in GURPS, "a little simpler please."
One should note that this knife has not be touched by an artificer, but made in a factory.
This Equipment manual pretty much has it all, including the kitchen sink. You have your era's all three of them fantasy, near modern and high tech, Your artificer's enhancements, and the toolbox round out the manual with some appendix's.
The toolbox would be a bit hard to use, but it can create anything, new magic spells for your mages, new mechanica for your cyborg's, and so on for all five special abilities. I have been backwards engineering Hot Chick Spells into the Victory System. It works, and usually lowers the cost to victory systems economy. You of course do not have to re-engineer the spells in Hot Chicks, but I found it a great way to learn the Toolbox.
It would be nice if there were more examples within the Toolbox, and maybe a designers template, i.e. start here and don't forget the tires else there will be lots of screeching, sparks and road wear. The Era's were easier to go through and design with which was nice. In many ways GDW made better equipment creation manuals, but Dakker Unlimited, has put out an outstanding Equipment Guide for the Victory System.
Now I finish this review and go back to my torture, torture of a good time.
Thank you for your time.
Good to see Dakkar continuing their policy of producing "A"-frame paper minis linked to specific scenario products from their near-future, adult-themed, "Hot Chicks: The RPG". Others of their figure sets have helped fill a real gap for those gaming this period, so I welcomed this one's appearance.
Unfortunately, technical issues dominate. Previous Dakkar standee products have provided figure artwork panels around 25mm tall in "actual size" printouts. Here, the same panels are almost 30mm. This is not a huge difference, and will work within the range of typical human norms, but it is immediately apparent which figures are which stood side-by-side.
Unlike earlier "Hot Chicks" figure sets, there is now a double cut-line between every individual mini and its neighbour on the printout page. This doubles the amount of cutting time and effort for no gain whatsoever; indeed if anything, it increases the chances of a slip with the modelling knife.
Worst of all, Dakkar seem here to have fallen into one of the common traps of CGI artwork minis generally - what looks good on a brightly-backlit screen in enlarged-size detail often won't render-down into a usefully-printable figurine. In this case, the colours are uniformly far too dark and muddy by the time they're ready to make-up as models. This is really surprising, given earlier products in the Hot Chicks minis range have had much clearer, bolder colour schemes, and so have worked far better as tabletop gaming pieces. With this set, it's hard to know who's who, unless you use the number under the base, which defeats the point of having a figure instead of a counter. There are some clearer minis on page 1, but those on page 2 look like an army of shadows. Overall, disappointing.