Originally posted here (and with more links to spreadsheets): http://theotherside.timsbrannan.com/2020/09/review-class-struggles-bx-options-class.html
Over the Summer Erin D. Smale released his BX Options: Class Builder book as a guide to how to build custom classes for the B/X, Basic-era, style games. Of course, I had to grab it. I love making new classes and anything that involves a little number crunching is great in my opinion.
Though I will admit I was at the same time worried that this would just be a rehash of the formulas used in Dragon Magazine #109. Well, I am happy to report it is not, and there is more to this book than just that. In fact, the author even points out in the book the original system. My back-of-the-napkin calculations tell me that for levels 1-14 they both should give you the same numbers. But more on that in a bit.
I am going to break this up into a normal review and then follow with a Class Struggles.
Review BX Options: Class Builder
The BX Options: Class Builder was released originally has a special edition print version via The Welsh Piper's website over the early part of Summer 2020. The book later came to DriveThruRPG in a 2nd Editon mid Summer 2020. I will be covering the DriveThruRPG version only today.
The PDF is 82 pages, full-color art covers, with black, white, and blue color inside. The interior art is all b/w from various stock art publishers from DriveThruRPG. The advantage of this is the style of the book is very likely to fit into all the other books you might have in your collection.
The book is broken down into two larger sections. First is the class builder itself and the calculations for it. Second is a collection of Classes and Sub-classes for B/X D&D and clones, with the math worked out. There are also a few Appendicies.
The layout of the book is very, very clean, and easy to read. The PDF is bookmarked and the table of contents is hyperlinked.
After the Introduction, we get right into the builder itself. There is a single page of explanatory notes (that is all that is needed) and then a worksheet (a plus for the PDFs!).
After this, there are descriptions of basic abilities (armor, weapons, prime requisites), special abilities (thief abilities, spells, powers), restrictions and "Locked" abilities. All with associated XP costs.
These numbers are then added up. The Base XP is then plugged into one of the four base classes (Cleric, Fighter, Magic-user, Theif) for experience levels 1 to 14 (B/X standard).
Simple really. And that is only the first dozen pages.
The rest of the book is dedicated to "rebuilding" each of the four base human classes and the three demi-human classes. All seven also include various sub-classes. For example, the Cleric is built first and the numbers match those found in most clones and the original sources. Class variants cover new variant classes that add, change and/or remove abilities from the Base class. In the case of the cleric different types of Gods they can worship are covered. These are designed not to differ too wildly from the base class.
After the Base class and Variant classes the Sub-classes, with calculations and full XP tables, are covered. Again in the case of the cleric there is a Crusader (more combat, less spells) and a Shaman.
This is repeated for the Dwarf (Elder), Elf (Archon), Fighter (Barbarian, Beast-talker, Beserker) , Halfling (Warden), Magic-User (Necromancer, Sorcerer), and Thief (Assassin, Bard, Scout) classes.
This covers the bulk of the book (some 50 or more pages) and really is a value-add in my opinion. Some of those classes we have seen in other sources, but others are new or have new ideas. The Necromancer for example can create golems. Great if you think that the golems have the spirits of the dead in them or created Frankenstein-style.
Since this system is aimed at B/X level play, the obvious clone to support it is Old-School Essentials. It is not an "Old-School Essentials Compatible" product as in with a logo, but acknowledgments to OSE are made. So it would be fair really to compare the overlap of classes between this and OSE-Advanced.
The overlap is where you expect it to be, what I call the common Advanced classes (minus a couple); the Assassin, the Barbarian, and the Bard. There are some "near" overlaps as well.
The OSE Assassin compares well to the BXO-CB Assassin. Their XP values do differ, but not significantly so. BXO-CB Assassins have more HP. Both classes have the same skills.
The Barbarians compare well enough with the BXO-CB Barbarian having more HP again.
Bards have the most differences. BXO-CB Bards have more XP per level, less HP, and fewer overall spells. I don't consider any of this to be "game-breaking" or even "game-stretching", just different flavors of the class. Rename one "Bard" a "Skald" and there you go.
Shamans are a little bit like Druids and Crusaders are bit like Paladins, but different enough to provide some nice flavor to the game.
The Appendicies cover a number of topics like adding various thief abilities, a break down of the core seven B/X classes, skills, equipment, spell failure, home terrain, animal special abilities and abilities for higher-level characters.
The book is very high quality and has a lot of utility for all sorts of B/X uses. Working through the numbers it works great for levels 1-14. If you extend it to level 20 this would affect the numbers for spell casters. For example, Magic-users in BX/OSE gain spells to level 6, for a 2,400 XP addition. If you take this to level 20 Magic-users gain up to 9th level spells, this would be 3,600 XP added to the base. GRANTED this book does not claim to support above level 14, or more to the point, spell levels beyond level 6.
Class Struggles
How does this work in the real world? Or more to the point can it work with classes I have worked on.
Printing out the sheet, which is great thanks to the PDF, I worked out what my own Witch Classes would end up. Now please keep in mind I am going to do some things beyond the scope of this book so any issues I might encounter are not due to the Class Builder but more likely my use of it.
I already mentioned there are differences in the Bard class. The author even points out that these differences are really expected and that is OK because it will vary on how each group decides to use a particular class. So with that now as a given, going deeper into this and expecting some variation is fine.
I went through the math on this for my witch class. I will not go into the details here because I created a Google Sheet you can see for yourself. Note you will need the Class Builder book to know what these numbers actually mean. I am going to talk about the cases that vary.
Linked here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10_GxHtudXBGjgnov0W242HTAvj1_6l_17LI1J55b9H0/edit?usp=sharing
Long time readers might recall I did something similar using the Dragon #109 system a while back. In fact the spreadsheet is the same with the Dragon #109/Thoul's Paradise test on the first tab and the BXO:CB test on the second tab.
The "Thoul's Test" goes back to a couple of posts made by Thoul's Paradise that I discussed:
So a couple issues right away. Witches cast arcane spells, but they are not quite the same as those a Magic-user can use, there are more divine spells really. Especially for the Pagan Witch.
What I opted to do was make the "Witchcraft" spells worth 200xp to 300xp per level. A nice split between what the Divine (100xp) and Arcane (400xp) spellcasters have.
The witch also has Occult Powers. These are spell-like abilities. Since they can be used more often I gave them a cost of 250xp each. Though 300xp per would have been fine too.
In the end I came up with something pretty close to the numbers I have been using forever and published for close to 20 years. The differences are so trivial as to be considered error or even "noise."
These are also very, very close to the numbers I got using the Dragon #109 system. I have not compared it to the system used in ACKS Player's Companion, but my memory of the system and playing with it when it first came out tells me that I should also expect similar numbers. Especially since the ACKs system and the Class Builder System both use the same BX base and assumptions of 1-14 (or so) levels of play.
Going back to a source the author and I both have used, Breeyark: Building the Perfect Class, I realized that the author of that resource IS the author of this book. The systems are different but are built on similar premises. Also, they should grant the same or very similar results.
The BX Options Class Builder is a very fun book with some great class choices as an added bonus of some worked out classes. There are no spells offered for the new spell casting classes, but that would have been way beyond the scope of the book anyway.