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Dhur Naal Dwarven Mine Map Set
by Andy P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/06/2015 18:57:36

Another excellent map, this time of a mine, comprised by several huge chambers (Some multi-layered). The level of detail is enough that you can zoom in and count the pebbles below the mine tracks. But it's not just halls, mine carts and tracks. The map includes an infirmary and a small bar (easily repurposed to underground inn if that suits your story better) along with a huge smithy (again easy to repurpose to a smelter). Access to that underground river along with the small lake, dock, bar and beds means that this huge facility could be a smuggler's hide out. Whether the mine illegally works with abducted slaves, dead brought back to a mockery of life or is abandoned and used only for storage, the tracks over the river where the evil ones could pellet your PCs with rock, flaming oil and arrows as they frantically navigate the river to reach to safety, will be a memorable encounter in a memorable adventure.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dhur Naal Dwarven Mine Map Set
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Neptune Undersea Station map set
by Andy P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/03/2015 16:03:20

We have here a product at a bargain price. Inlcuded here are several huge (usually 7200x7200 pixel) maps that comprise a multi-level near-future sci-fi undersea research facilityuniversity + maps for small submarine craft. Accompanying these maps is a pdf that gives suggestions of how these maps are combined.

While the maps and PDF suggest use in near-future games, I believe that this product can easily be used in Star Wars or similar space-fantasy and sci-fi games. The research facility could be used as a colony also in my opinion. As made, the research facility is suggested to be able to support 400 students and about 100 professors, researchers and stuff. Change some of the "entertainment venues" to training stations and a couple of classrooms to armories and you can have a soldier training facility for the evil tyrrants your players oppose along with dozens of scientists and labs working to develop weapons etc.

For the price given, this product is excellent and I am eagerly expecting more similar products in the future.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Neptune Undersea Station map set
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Creator Reply:
Thank you for your review, Andy! I even think if you remove the surrounding seascape, this station could serve as a planetary space colony on some airless or exotic atmosphere world as well!
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