This is one of my favorite sets! I especially love the Hill Giantess! I immediately thought about resurrecting the old "Steading of the Hill Giant Chief" Dungeons and Dragons module from when I was a kid!
Art is good, as I have come to expect from Arion. Orc caster type, 3 different Orc melee types, a Goblin leader, 2 different melee Goblins, 1 ranged Goblin, 3 different melee Lizardmen, 1 melee Kobold, 3 different melee Hobgoblins, 2 different Trolls, an Ogre and a Minotaur.
Pretty much everyone you would expect to encounter in a typical RPG village. I don't think these are city/large townsfolk types, they IMO look like small town/village folk.
These guys are superb! Leader, melee, ranged and caster and/or healer models and civilians are provided. There are no archers, but, there IS a guy that looks like he is about to throw a spear that could fill the ranged slot nicely!
Arion delivers again! This set can handle a small warband or even a large army as there are models for leaders, melee, ranged, caster and healer roles.
These are fantastic! I will be using them as several different middle eastern-style armies in my games! Great job! It's an all-in-one set: foot, mounted, melee, ranged and even a couple that can be used as casters.
Great figures, but this set is more suitable for modern times. (I was looking for fantasy/medieval and I wasn't paying attention, my fault, not the minis!)
Another great set of minis. I'm loving the mix of troop types, foot and mounted, and that there are some civilians too!
These will be perfect to supplement my Amazons! Good mix of weapons, foot and mounted figures.
I've bought two of these sets now, and while it's nice to have a variety of roles, I'm a little disappointed that every single one of them is a man. This set does have two token women, and a female witch. But everything else - all men. A town full of men. Only men do jobs.
Creator Reply: |
John normally does do a good proportion of female characters, but what i will do is ask him to put together a set of "Townswomen" to address the slight shortfall in this one! |
Great book. Enjoyed the content and will use it in my future games.
Really cool set for pulp and Call of Cthulhu games. Especially if purchased in the Pulp Bundle. Wish there was a bundle with ALL the pulp sets.
A great set, as usual. You can get a full warband for only a few bucks.
love all your Minis they all look great in think have probably bought 80% of them :).
is there anyway you could make some more cavemen stuff by chance?
John Kapsali Vikingar Set is an excellent set of paper minis and are worth picking up if you are looking for any Viking based game.
I personally intend to get use out of them with the Vikingr RPG , with Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2e, and with the Hellfrost setting for Savage Worlds.
I highly recomend the set and all of John Kapsali's other figure sets.