All melee guys , foot and mounted , and some non-combatants!
Leader,melee,caster,ranged and mounted melee! As pretty a bunch of pajama-wearing daisy-pickers as i have ever seen! On a serious note, very, very nice models!
Art is good. All the possible roles in a party are accounted for. Not crazy about the mounts (big lizards) but I am going to see if they grow on me.
I am biased when it comes to my Amazons. I would love to see greek hoplite style Amazons with their helmets pushed back on their heads , their weapons , and very little else in the way of clothing or armor. Foot and mounted versions (on horses!) of course!
Great set, leader, melee, caster... if only there was a bowman/crossbowman/black powder weapon trooper! I will be using the dwarf with the cannon as my ranged unit until I can find out which dwarf set has ranged troops.
Using these in my fantasy game setting as yet more humans! Melee foot and mounted, ranged foot, a caster type, a leader type, and some non-combatants!
I'm using these guys with my Demons set as cultists! They look great, and some of them could work in a pulp or even modern setting too !
I'm using them as humans in my fantasy game setting. Great models, all roles covered nicely, and some non-combatants too!
Lots of different models to choose from. The humans have casters, the Goblins got a ranged model, the Kobolds got a caster model, the Orcs got a caster model, the Gnolls got a ranged model! YES!!! Just need a Gnoll magic-user now please! please! please! Everyone else is a melee type.
The Dark Lord is well-prepared with a caster, melee and ranged troops.
Another good set! Leader, melee and caster models, no ranged. And some non-combatants too!
Worth it just for the Vampire Count and Countess , but of course the rest of the models are great too!
These are all melee guys with the exception of 1 Goblin caster. The Goblin child is super cute!
I love the lady-pirate with the eyepatch! I'll be using these in a high fantasy setting, and they will fit right in ! ARRR !!!
All the player-character archetypes are covered as well as some basic monsters for them to encounter.
Nice art, solid mix of troop types. Melee, ranged, caster, healer all covered. Many different poses for the melee types!