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Villagers Set
by Trevor H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/16/2019 21:09:57

Arion paper minis are my favorite of the paper minis. They are life like. they do not look like cartoons. That is what I want from a paper mini. This is a nice assortment of villagers from the medieval era. Blacksmith, lusty wench, begger... they are all here. POPULATE THAT PAPER VILLAGE!!!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Villagers Set
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Stellar Adventures
by Terry d. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/31/2019 01:37:32

I really love this book. Just like in the Fighting Fantasy series of gamebooks on which Advanced Fighting Fantasy is based, this addition to the ruleset begins to open up the genre-crossing beauty of the game. No longer do AFF adventures need to be confined to fantasy only - now whole worlds and everything in between are available for exploration. And the sheer breadth of possibilities is really impressive. Stellar Adventures maintains the elegant simplicity of Fighting Fantasy itself, but still manages to give you tools for a wide variety of styles of 'sci-fi' play, especially when combined with the standard AFF rulebooks. Want a post-apocalyptic, Mad Max style adventure, where you can battle bandits in high-speed armoured vehicles? Or Star Wars-like space opera, with android characters and strange mental powers? Cyberpunk technology? Star Trek style planet hopping, where you can encounter civilisations from medieval to futuristic? Stellar Adventures has got you covered on all these counts. If you are in the least bit interested in sci-fi play of any kind, DO NOT MISS THIS BOOK!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Stellar Adventures
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AFF Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2nd Ed
by Terry d. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/30/2019 08:50:31

Graham Bottley's update to a classic RPG from my childhood does not disappoint in the least. He has managed to retain the simple effectiveness of the system, while also making a number of significant improvements. More importantly, it still feels like the old Fighting Fantasy books, which is definitely a good thing. Fighting Fantasy used to be marketed as "The Introductory Role-playing Game", but this system now stands on its own two feet. I'm quite happy to make this my system of choice.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
AFF Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2nd Ed
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Return to the Pit
by Terry d. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/30/2019 08:33:49

Of the three 'Pit' books of monsters published for this system, this one is far and away the best. In addition to really well-written monster entries that still retain the unique feel of Fighting Fantasy, there is a host of additional material that makes this book absolutely invaluable. There is enough detail to use the monsters well in a game, without detracting from the intrinsic simplicity of the Advanced Fighting Fantasy system. For anyone running an AFF game this book is obviously a must-have. But even for people running other games, it can be recommended for some very interesting takes on a few of the classic monsters.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Return to the Pit
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Maelstrom Rome
by Pierre S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/09/2019 19:52:02

MAELSTROM ROME is derived from Maelstrom, a RPG from England which came out in the 1980s in paperback form covering nasty and brutish role-playing in tumultuous Elizabethan England. The game combined authentic historical outlooks with mysterious supernatural manifestations called the Maelstrom. The game has been re-adapted for the Ancient Roman period and set in the year 50 CE.

Characters are generated with characteristics and with skills called Abilities, by going through a series of careers or occupations called Livings, one by one from the age of 13. Total freedom of choice in your Living is not guaranteed due to limited social mobility. It matters on the Livings roll charts whether you are of the Patrician class, a common Freeman, or a Slave. Characters also roll for random incidents because of their Living, which can sometimes be debilitating. For accurate historical reasons, female characters are barred from certain Livings and all branches of the military. Surprisingly, women could be Gladiators, but were extended no special favours, nor would they fight only other women! Sometimes a change in class, or enslavement, may occur.

Each Living grants certain benefits and new Ability Ranks, marked by the Roman numerals I to VI. The game involves percentile rolls but an increase in Ability is not always a straight increase in percentage chance, but sometimes other benefits or new capabilities, so the Ranks must be carefully noted down and their benefits tracked. Combat is rolls for the character and the opposition, to determine which has the greater degree of success, and the outcome is determined on a table. If both characters have hit the same degree of success, the HIGHER percentage roll wins. A more skillful character will have a broader range of higher numbers which are successful in the same success band than a less skilled character, so this makes some sense. The better character may win most "ties", but not always.

The rules are somewhat old-school and may take some preparation for more modern RPGers. The great strength of the game is the coverage of the attitudes of Roman society and of each character type: they were very conscious of relative social status, routinely looked down on non-Romans (except for Greeks, which was a prestige culture of trade and learning), and were family-oriented. The structure and ranks in the Roman army were also extensively covered. This suggests fabulous role-playing possibilities as players encounter a wide cross-section of Roman society. Additional sections covered period weapons and armour, the geography of the Empire and short notes on the various regions and foreigners, a year-by-year history of the Roman Empire up to the present year (note that the Coliseum or Flavian Amphitheater was not begun yet!), a section on herbalism, and diseases common at the time for which the herbs may help.

The aspect of the Maelstrom seemed to me less developed, although it begins with tables of random supernatural occurrences that happen to the player-characters, to add a sort of "X-Files" overlay to the game plots. Some characters can use lesser or greater magic forces and Curses, so this ties in to the Maelstrom. Overall, the game is strong on historical detail but with a somewhat complex game mechanic and an average, career-oriented character generation. NPCs can be popped out quickly because each character occupation was given a typical set of Abilities and gear in their description.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Maelstrom Rome
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by Jay G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/26/2019 00:38:23

For anyone who doesn't know Titan is effectively the campaign/worldbook for the original Fighting Fantasy adventure game books.

One of the great things about this book is that there are no rules at all in it. Its just flavour and background. That means the book is system-agnostic and can be used with any rules set. Back in the day when I had my original print copy I ran a 1st/2nd ed AD&D game set in Allansia and it was tons of fun.

This book is very much a product of the UK RPG scene from the early 80s. What that means to me is that the book freely mixes high-fantasy with gothic horror while also having a ton of tongue-in-cheek humour. For me personally that's a huge plus but for some who might not appreciate the shift in tone throughout be advised.

I'll close by saying that if you're an old school gamer (or a fan of old school gaming) who really liked the original Fiend Folio but couldn't really put their finger on why then Titan is a must have.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Amazons Set
by Mike C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/27/2019 22:06:45

2 stars, so I'll start with the cons:

I was running a campaign of Amazons and was hoping the players would be able to use these at their heroes. Nope.

Almost all of them are wearing g-strings. Prophetess, Enchantress, Temple Guard, Bladedancer, Warlord, Archer, Guard.

A few have expressions that are either surprise or terror.

I think all are blonde except the archer.

The skin color is dark but it just doesn't look realistic or illustration quality. To be fair, it's shown on the cover photo in the preview, but I felt it looked worse somehow on the rest of the figures, even though maybe it's the same.

As with all Arion paper minis, minis from the PDF will be about 28mm tall. If your players bring plastic minis they will be about 34-38mm tall, so these will appear comically small. You cannot zoom the PDF when printing because that will result in the minis at the edge of the page being cropped, and the art looking jaggy. However, this set includes the same minis in a PowerPoint file, and you can select and copy and paste and scale minis from there, basically one at a time. It's workable.

PROS If you're running Amazons as bikini-mail crop-top NPCs, these will do the trick, including a few without weapons or armor at all.

There are four Amazons riding dinosaurs or something, one with a look of terror and one with a confident look that indicates your players are in for trouble.

These come formatted as flats or tri-folds, so you can use the form you'd like.

Arion has a huge catalog so even if an individual set isn't terrific, the catalog still gives you a consistent art style across the collection.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Amazons Set
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Creator Reply:
I am sorry you were unhappy with the purchase. What I will do is create an Amazons II set. Let me know which figures you would like to see in the set, and I will design it to your spec.
Crown of Kings - The Sorcery Campaign
by Itai G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/03/2019 16:22:13

I loved it for nostalgia reasons alone. It's true that it's not a good design for a campaign book; it almost looks like they took the 4 game books and just turned them into this... It doesn't really give you the resources to run the game, or direction on what to do, just the numbered areas. Your players can wander through the areas like they couldn't in the books. But the Sorcery Crown of Kings novels were a huge part of my childhood, and so I loved this book.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Crown of Kings - The Sorcery Campaign
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Stellar Adventures
by Pierre S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/11/2018 22:55:12

This is a 128-page .pdf in full-sized pages, and may not mean much to most people, except to those who had read the FIGHTING FANTASY pick-a-paragraph adventure-books, initiated by (the British) Steve Jackson in the 1980s and 1990s. There were a few books with science-fiction settings, such as "Starship Traveller", and so STELLAR ADVENTURES has expanded rules resembling the ADVANCED FIGHTING FANTASY RPG already released. The game uses only six-sided dice.

Characters have the 3 characteristics resembling the character stats of the books: SKILL, STAMINA and LUCK. But psionic characters also get PSIONICS, and Robot characters get a TECH characteristic. In addition there is a list of 37 Special Skills: science-fiction abilities which add to your base SKILL stat. Players add SKILL to Special Skill, and any modifiers, and roll at or under that amount with 2d6 (double 1's is automatic success, double 6's automatic fumble). Combat is an exception, however: there is a roll-over mechanic for Combat where you must beat the total assets of the opposition. Optionally, the combat rules can be harmonized with the roll-under mechanism of skill-use. Weapon damage is figured with a 1d6 roll and look-up tables to convert the roll into an actual damage amount for that weapon (you can boost the roll to a "7+" under certain conditions).

In character creation, a list of Talents exists, and optionally, a list of Mutations. The game then covers the SF bases with lists for Weapons, Armour (British spellings, don'tcha know!), Cyberware, Equipment, then sections on Robots and Vehicles and different Modules available to customize them. Starships, starship Modules and starship combat are covered, and also the various psionic powers called Traditions. Aliens and alien Talents get their chapter. In the chapter on Director's Advice, star-system generation is covered (six-sided dice are dropped on a sheet of paper to give the position of stars in a star-sector, and the basic number of planets around them! The rules then elaborate for other, more unusual star-systems and drill down to planetary placement as well.) Some tables, character and vehicle sheets are at the end of the book.

The skills and talents are beautifully described to evoke tense SF action moments. I loved that, that got me going with some ideas. But one weakness is that most of the Weapons, Armour, Equipment and Module lists are out of alphabetical order (except for the ordered list of Alien Talents). It may make for a mad scramble if players have to look up information in a pinch. Maybe you have to set up electronic index-cards for this stuff for a quicker look-up.

Some supplements have also been released, such as the ample Starship Catalogue adding many more starships, some .pdfs of printable stand-up Minis (figures), and a lengthy campaign called The Kaladarian Response.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Stellar Adventures
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Fantasy Heroes III Set
by Paul W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/20/2018 04:45:50

Sorry abut the low rating, becuse the images aren't bad. However, it s'xx that I had to pay my $$ to find out. There are NO working preview images and NO working website links. Even when I go to your home-page and view the source-code, I still find failed links. I had to pay-up to see if you were any good. The printable downloads were pretty good, though they print out a bit undersized for 25mm=5feet scale on my Android device. But seriously, if you're going to the effort of making a good product, at least make a similar effort to ensure people can see what they are getting! I see on your discussion forums a number of people complaining: The preview images don't work. Don't you give a sheet? It's true; the preview images DON'T work! Just f'n fix them!

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Fantasy Heroes III Set
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Greeks III
by Simon B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/07/2018 09:03:30

Got this set for the Amazons (they aren't the greek hoplite style Amazons, but fierce woman warriors nonetheless) and the Nymph. The other models are very nice as well: there is a female magic-user and a female w/ a bow that would fit right in with the Amazons!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Greeks III
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Crusaders II Set
by Simon B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/07/2018 08:58:04

Melee and ranged troops, and mounted melee troops, lots of variety! I'll be using these as a Knightly Order in my fantasy setting.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Crusaders II Set
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Demons Set
by Simon B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/07/2018 08:50:09

Got this set to go with my Fantasy Temple set, so they will have something to worship! I needed a Succubus antagonist, so this set filled that bill perfectly!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Demons Set
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Monsters Set
by Simon B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/07/2018 08:40:31

Great set of useful beasts for aspiring heroes to confront! Favorite is the Medusa, which I was needing for a game anyway!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Monsters Set
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Dark Elf Set
by Simon B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/07/2018 08:35:39

Leader, melee, magic-users,ranged are covered. The "coming right at us" aspect of the Black Widow spider is awesome!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dark Elf Set
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