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Maelstrom Rome
by Kip C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/26/2020 13:28:26

I'm a big fan of historically based games. Horror RPGs work best, in my opinion, where the players are invested in their characters from the beginning. The lifepath mechanic is a great way to generate unique characters that can capture a players interest. Also the toughness of the combat and the fragility of the characters is a great way to generate good tension among players at the table.Excellent game. It would be nice to mash this system with some Cthulhu Invictus scenarios for a unique flavor.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Maelstrom Rome
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Aliens II Set
by scott j. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/31/2020 20:03:37

Product contains images that are clearly the IP of others, including the Aliens, Starship Troopers, and Starcraft franchises.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Aliens II Set
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AFF Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2nd Ed
by Jay G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/27/2020 22:30:12

If you like your fantasy RPGs old-school this is the go-to choice for me.

Really straight forward core-mechanics combined with the old-school mentality that encounters should be lethally dangerous without being unfair really lands as intended. I really like the experience system allowing characters to feel like they're legitimately improving and growing without having the uneven power jumps present in some level based systems.

If you're a fan of old school british RPG art and concepts or simply want a fantasy RPG that hits that game design sweet spot of 'easy to learn, difficult to master' Advanced Fighting Fantasy is a great choice.


[5 of 5 Stars!]
AFF Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2nd Ed
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Fantasy Heroes Set
by William B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/15/2020 01:52:57

Very nice cardboard minis. I used them for a pathfinder game years ago and they worked great.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Fantasy Heroes Set
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Humanoids Set
by William B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/15/2020 01:52:12

I used these for a pathfinder campaign years ago before switching over to gaming online. For bases, I superglued a paperclip to a penny, then simply slid the cardboard figure into the paper clip. Worked great.

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Humanoids Set
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by Jennifer C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/21/2020 12:53:25

I’m really impressed with the Game and it will be hitting the table right after the current Game finishes a) Characters – all characters are members of the IATF (International Alien Task Force) and are usually soldiers. They are created using the normal SWADE rules. Certain Hindrances (‘Wanted’ for example) have little value and so are excluded. Everyone gets the core skills at d4 AND Fighting and Shooting. There are some new skills, but not usually available to characters at the start. All characters get a starting package of gear (Kevlar armour, combat knife, assault rifle etc. This can be customised so the team gunbunny can have a light machine gun.) It is also advised that each PC has two characters due to the potential lethality of the missions! The team will also get to define their IATF base. This has starting elements (hangar, command centre, research lab etc.) but then may be expanded by taking Edges bought with points gained by capturing alien technology. b) It is suggested that a standard campaign consists of 20 missions, starting at Novice and proceeding up to finish at Legendary. There is scope for non-standard side missions. Note: Only non-Wounded soldiers may take part in a Mission and soldiers do not fully heal automatically between Missions. One reason to have 2+ characters each! PC’s advance after each Mission, but only if they took part. A Strike Team consists of six soldiers, if there are not enough PC’s then they may ‘double-up’ or take Extras. Mission Generator: Similar to other SWADE Mission Generators, but concentrates in a lot of detail. It uses the card draw system. Okay – let’s give it a go! This is my first Mission, which makes it Novice level in terms of the opposition. Card 1: Ace. This makes it a Terror Mission, the aliens plan to spread as much terror and panic as possible; whilst killing and/ or abducting as many humans as possible. There are five humans at risk; the Strike team must save at least three of them or the mission is a failure.

Card 2: The Terror site is a suburban area of South America. The abandoned 2016 Olympic facilities of Rio de Janeiro spring to mind.

Opposition: The Terror site is the toughest Mission and there is likely to be quite a lot of Aliens. 5 card daws on the Novice Table gives: - 2 Robosnakes 5 Probes 2 Writhers 7 Grey Alien soldiers 5 Knids (insect-like creatures)

Ok, this is a tough Mission as a start; but would certainly start things off with a bang!

My first thoughts are to place the aliens in the disused indoor swimming venue where they have set up a laboratory. They are kidnapping local residents to experiment on and the Knids and Writhers are roaming wild, killing and eating anything they come across.

I would start the PC’s in media res, they have infiltrated the venue where there are five hostages that they have to rescue. Me being me, I would have the PC’s believe that they were just Special Forces going up against terrorists and only as the Game progressed would I reveal the aliens.

All of this was done as I wrote this; it hasn’t been tweaked to make it fit. In fact, I like it so much that it will probably be my opening Mission.

Here is also an example in the book of a Season Mission, generated like the one I just did.

c) All of the aliens and creatures are described and fully statted for SWADE. There is also a player’s page for each type, to be read AFTER they have met the alien. This contains some info from soldiers, scientists and civilians about the alien; it may not be 100% accurate!

d) The book finished with useful weapons charts, a character sheet, a Base sheet and an index.

There are no off-time rules or anything like that, SWADE handles these quite well anyway and as the authormentions at the start, this Game is emphasises the struggle and the battle – if you like, it is X-COM.

Highly recommended and I can’t wait to get it on the table.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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The Kaladarian Response
by Alessandro V. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/20/2020 22:18:39

So far, this is the only published campaign for Stellar Adventures (and doesn't hinge on any pre-existing Fighting Fantasy gamebook: it is truly new stuff) and overall it is perfect for introducing new players and new directors to Stellar Adventures. I just wish it was longer...

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Kaladarian Response
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Stellar Adventures Weapons and Armour Catalogue
by Alessandro V. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/20/2020 22:14:24

Good support to Stellar Adventures, providing lots of cool gadgets and weapons with stats and description. Nothing super fancy, but practical and useful.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Stellar Adventures Weapons and Armour Catalogue
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Advanced Fighting Fantasy Quickstart
by Alessandro V. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/22/2020 10:25:33

I am a huge fan of quickstarts, that allow a player to try out some simplified games before buying the whole ruleset and this quickstart is a perfect introduction to Advanced Fighting Fantasy, leaving out character generation, talents and most magic, but providing the basic "engine" of the game (2d6) and some flavour. This was a very good idea and I hope a similar treatment will be soon given also to Stellar Adventures, that is the sci-fi version of the ruleset.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Advanced Fighting Fantasy Quickstart
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by Alessandro V. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/22/2020 10:15:50

Blacksand is a fantastic resource for setting up countless adventures in the formidable City of Thieves! I don't understand why they didn't add also adventure notes to run the conversion of the superclassic gamebook City of Thieves, as there is fundamentally all that you need to know or almost, so having a conversion adventure of the gamebook as a separate publication wouldn't make much sense, as it would repeat a lot of what is already here. A must have for any Fighting Fantasy lover!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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AFF Heroes Companion
by Alessandro V. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/22/2020 10:11:26

Heroes Companion is a great expansion for Advanced Fighting Fantasy (2e) core ruleset, adding more magic styles, more rules about properties and fiefs, about armies etc. Many very interesting additions, perhaps a bit unfocussed, that expand greatly the core ruleset.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
AFF Heroes Companion
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Travels in Arion
by Alessandro V. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/22/2020 10:08:06

Travels in Arion is the atlas of the city of Arion seen with the eyes of a foreigner visiting it (and having meals in it...) It is not too in-depth, doesn't tell you too many secrets or details, but it is a nice basis for the Director to build up plenty of city adventures. A very nice resource! However, doesn't have the inspiration and the depth of Blacksand, that is the most similar production by the same editor and set in the same world.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Travels in Arion
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Out of the Pit
by Alessandro V. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/22/2020 10:04:01

This book is a straightforward reprint of the original book that was meant for an earlier version of the ruleset. This means that there are the most widely used mosnters, but it also means that you can't use their stats straight away, as they were written for an older version of the ruleset: you will have to consult every time a specific page of the core rulebook (page 123 and following...) and put together the information... not a minor nuisance. I understand that there were some issues about publishing rights to be respected, but... the outcome spoils a bit all the good in this super-classic monster compendium, and after several years this hasn't been rectified yet.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Out of the Pit
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AFF Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2nd Ed
by Alessandro V. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/22/2020 09:56:01

The second edition of Advanced Fighting Fantasy RPG is a very quickstarting ruleset, that allows literally to start playing in 5-10 minutes, under the guidance of a reasonably experienced Director. If you want it, you can find a lot of variety (for example of different spellcasting styles) and complexity (the simple and straightforward combat system can be made more complex by deploying various refined stances or fighting styles...) but you can just keep it simple and focus on the roleplaying, with simple character generation (or you can use a pre-generated characters, of course) and simple and straightforward action checks. There are also some sections about the world of Titan, its stories, its creatures and its gods, but they are dealt in more detail in other books.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
AFF Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2nd Ed
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Return to the Pit
by Alessandro V. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/22/2020 09:49:12

This is the third (so far...) monster compendium of Advanced Fighting Fantasy, covering some less frequently encountered monster, but also the best structured, best written and with best additional information and lore.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Return to the Pit
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