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The Vagrant
by Harry K. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/06/2015 00:21:29

This is a neat idea, although it seems more of something that can (and should) be accomplished through clever roleplaying rather than needing a class of it's own to get it done. However, it is a great jumpstart for ideas that can include both player characters and NPCs.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Vagrant
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The Overrun Mines
by Sophia B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/12/2015 15:43:38

What do you need to know?

The Overrun Mines is an old school adventure for Labyrinth Lord and thus compatible with a whole lot of OSR rulesets. It’s aimed at low-level characters. It’s released by Shane Ward from 3 Toadstools.

What’s the deal?

The module was designed to be open-ended in the sense that you can plug it into an existing campaign. That means that it is a generic fantasy dungeon crawl. The hook is that the mines were overrun (duh!) and the PCs are asked to clear the mine.

The PDF comes at 15 pages total (including cover and OGL) and has two pages of hand-drawn maps. Illustrations are open content and fit this small product. In fact, this module is a prime example for the DIY approach of the OSR scene. Shane is just a dude who realized that he could make his modules available to a general public by releasing them on Onebookshelf.

The Overrun Mines is a trip back to the 80s where your level 1 characters explore a dungeon, find traps, secret rooms and encounter monsters. The module can be pretty deadly, thus optional resurrection rules are provided. All in all, it’s a good balance of exploring, fighting and can even have a roleplaying encounter. It clearly takes inspiration from old adventure modules. While the adventure background is pretty unexciting this makes for a great one-shot with minimal prep for the GM or (as intended) a nice dungeon for an existing campaign. In the end, this adventure does exactly what’s expected: a hands-on dungeon crawl with little twists or surprises.

What do I like? The adventure has a random table for Miner’s Rumours and optional rules like Resurrection Rules and Underworld Day Rules. Additionally, four pre-generated level 1 characters are provided. The module comes with no surprises but also doesn’t disappoint on what it promises. When I tested The Overrun Mines solo it was a fun romp. If I’d run a sandbox I’d be grateful for such a fleshed-out module which I can just use straight-away.

What would I’ve liked to see? The good thing about this product is that it is a generic fantasy dungeon crawl. The bad thing about this product is that it is a generic fantasy dungeon crawl. I’m personally more inclined to buy products which have a more overarching theme.

(Another nitpick I have with modules of this kind is that they don’t provide information for the GM to help the players to make meaningful decision out-of-the-box. What do I mean by that? For instance, after the second room there is a junction where the PCs can choose between 3 directions. Without reading the adventure carefully, there is no information about what differentiates the corridors. So in the end it somehow doesn’t matter which way they go because they can’t make an informed decision. Yes, it’s a small nitpick, I admit. It’s the nature of dungeon crawls and if the GM prepares the module properly she can provide the necessary information.)

The Verdict: The Overrun Mines is a solid old school compatible module for low-level characters. It’s a bit generic, but that can be an advantage, too.

Disclaimer: Originally, the adventure cost $1. The author provided me with a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Overrun Mines
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Creator Reply:
Thank you very much for the awesome review Sophia! I am glad you enjoyed running it!
The Tomb Of Gardag The Strange
by Eric F. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/02/2015 01:40:25

There are times when a party of adventurers needs a simple and excellently done crawl, this is one of those crawls for OD&D, Labyrinth Lord and the rest of the swords and sorcery clones. Yes Astonishing Swordsmen and Sorcerers of Hyperborea I'm looking straight at you. This is the straight up sixteen pages of awesomeness that can be used to run a pay what you want adventure in every sense of the old school. This is a solidly sixteen pages of packed wall to wall crawl that does exactly what's advertised on the tin with gusto and vinegar. Here the adventure is built along the lines of solid and well though out adventure with weird monsters, strange bits & pieces, and all of the old school style of dungeon crawling that one expects from an outfit like 3 toad stools publishing. The background of the adventure is weird enough. The Tomb Of Gardag Background A long time ago lived an evil and very eccentric warlord named Gardag. Over the years he built up a cult following, many flocked to him and worshiped. He sent out his cultists to pillage and burn the surrounding lands. Eventually he amassed a huge stock pile of treasure. His demise came when a cultist named Zalish Hargih finally saw the evil that was being inflicted on the land and vowed to put a stop to it. Late in the evening when Gardag was resting peacefully after a large meal, Zalish snuck into his bedroom and murdered the cult leader with a poison tipped dagger. Shortly thereafter the remaining cultists took their own lives, proclaiming they would rather be with their leader, than face the awfulness of the world without him. A tomb was erected in the underworld for Gardag by the last of his stalwart followers. They eventually hung themselves within. It is said that the skulls of the cultists line the tombs, stacked neatly. The great great grand daughter of Zalish Hargih, Hamona Hargih seeks to find the lost poisoned dagger that ended Gardag’s reign of terror. She believes that Zalish’s remains may also be imprisoned within the tomb, and would like them retrieved for a proper burial.

There are few twist and turns to challenge adventurers and give a solid background of dungeon crawling to your favorite game. This crawl could easily be set right into the background of your favorite sword and sorcery adventure. Here I'm thinking of this adventure as a part of the blood soaked and Green Plague stained history of Hyperborea with gusto. The maps echo the old school ethos and the weirdness that rumbles through this crawl like a cheap ticket to a Saturday 80's matinee. All in all this is the type of crawl that has a ton of little bits and pieces that make it easily adaptable to your favorite old school retro clone system. Given the way that module even includes a few add ons this is an adventure to throw at your favorite crew of old school PC's and one that has some very weird variation on some very familiar tropes. There are even a few pre generated PC's that can easily be thrown into the back drop to run this for your friends who want to try Tomb of Gardag without the full hassle of a whole campaign. This adventure makes a nice weekend convention style run through and I can honestly say that this is a nice and solid download for the weekend or Saturday evening game. So grab some brews, some friends, and travel back in time like its '83. Eric F. The Sword and Stitchery Blog

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Tomb Of Gardag The Strange
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Creator Reply:
Thank you so much for the awesome review Eric! One of the changes I need to make to this module is that the pre gens are a little on the light side, and might just end up being fodder. I love this! \"old school style of dungeon crawling that one expects from an outfit like 3 toad stools publishing.\" and all the references to 1983! That\'s exactly what I\'ve been trying to go for.
The Lizardmen of Illzathatch
by Darrick D. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/10/2014 16:04:33

A short, satisfying, no-nonsense "dungeon". While most of the encounters are what I would call "standard", The Lizardmen of Illzathatch has a certain naive or simplistic charm.

This would probably be a good introductory adventure for basic D&D and similar OSR roleplaying games. However, I wish it had something else going on... a twist or totally unexpected monster, magic item, NPC, or environment to really set it apart from its brethren.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Lizardmen of Illzathatch
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Creator Reply:
Thanks Darrick for the honest awesome review. The whole adventure came to me in a rush! I\'ll keep your thoughts in mind for future adventures.
The Lizardmen of Illzathatch
by Joe J. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/17/2014 13:47:13

This is a fun little adventure for the casual old school RPGer that will last 1-2 game sessions. Mercifully light on background, this dungeon can be slapped onto almost any campaign with little effort. Small though it is, the dungeon has plenty of surprises for the careless party.

Although designed for a 3rd level party, a carefully armed and experienced party of 1st-2nd level characters could probably succeed here too.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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