Reviewing a product that packages the SRD is interesting. In some sense, since the information is freely available, the product?s success hinges on making the SRD useful to the user. The Complete SRD Ruleset stays focused on that goal as it packages the SRD for use withing Fantasy Grounds.
The default d20 Ruleset that comes with Fantasy Grounds contains the following divisions at the top level of hierarchy: Character options, Reference, and House Rules.
Character options contains the following divisions: Races, Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, and Wizard.
Reference contains: Armor, Weapons, Feats, and Common Modifiers.
With the Complete SRD Ruleset the top level of hierarchy contains the following divisions: d20 System Reference and Quick Reference.
D20 System Reference contains the following divisions: Basic Rules, Races, Classes, Skills, Feats, Combat, Equipment & Gear, Adventuring, Spells, Psionics, Monsters, and Divine Characters.
Quick Reference contains the following divisions: Characters, Skills, Feats, Combat, Adventuring, Equipment, Spells, Psionics, Credits & Legal, and Common Modifiers.
A quick review will reveal that the Complete SRD Ruleset contains much more information than the default d20 ruleset which comes with Fantasy Grounds. For example, while the default ruleset lists eleven core classes in the Character options section; the Complete SRD has a list in the corresponding area which includes a link to the information on those classes. That greater detail is exactly the rationale behind using the Complete SRD Ruleset. (Lovers of psionics can rejoice!)
In truth, this product highlights that the default d20 Ruleset is not a ruleset. Anyone attempting to run a d20 game through Fantasy Grounds with the default d20 Ruleset will, inevitably, have to refer to an outside source, such as the SRD or a hardcopy of a rule book. To be sure, no ruleset is required to use Fantasy Grounds to run a campaign. There are certainly groups running campaigns in Fantasy Grounds without creating a ruleset for their game system of choice. In fact, I have played in a couple of campaigns that did not use a ruleset, but instead used outside materials as reference. (Hard copies of rule books, PDFs of rule books, online SRD, etc.) However, for those that use d20 and want to have all of this information presented from within Fantasy Grounds, the Complete SRD Ruleset provides your first opportunity to make that a reality.
This product takes the entire SRD and presents it to the user so that the entire campaign can be contained within Fantasy Grounds. Digital Adventures has done a good job of using the ruleset functionality provided by Smiteworks and ensuring that d20 gamers have an actual ruleset to use.
As an example of the organization of the Complete SRD Ruleset, let me describe the contents of the ?Combat? page mentioned above as being present in the ?Quick Reference? section. It contains the following 10 tables: Size Modifiers; Actions in Combat; Tactical Speed; Creature Size and Scale; Attack Roll Modifiers; Armor Class Modifiers; Special Attacks; Common Armor, Weapon, and Shield Hardness and Hit Points; Turning Undead; and Two Weapon Fighting Penalties. These can be very handy during a session. For example, if the DM needs to look up what is the attack roll modifier for an entangled character, the DM simply opens up the ?Attack Roll Modifiers? table and takes a quick peek. Without the Complete SRD Ruleset, the DM must look it up in a rule book or some other source outside of Fantasy Grounds.
By the way, the Complete SRD Ruleset contains over six hundred entries in the list of monsters! (This counts all the subsets of the creature ?families?, such as dragons, elementals, etc.) Feel free to rub your hands in evil glee or cringe with fear, depending on which side of the DM screen you sit on!
To rousing gaming and ample rewards,
I. Perez<br><br>
- Completes the SRD for those that want it inside Fantasy Grounds.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>