If you are busy mapping your campaign world, it can be hard to come up with names for all the places on it - especially if you don't cheat and just use townships nearby!
So here are some made-up but real sounding names for generally English places (suitable for a cod-mediaeval fantasy world or at least part of it). There's a full one hundred of them, so get your percentage dice out and start rolling.
Despite them sounding so... so genuine, a quick play with Google maps fails to find any of the sample I tried. So hopefully there will be no outraged inhabitants of wherever wanting to know why you have made their village into such a den of iniquity!
Mind you, local real names can be good too. I've always wondered about Husband's Bosworth... which does actually exist. Still, safer to use imaginary ones for your alternate reality, and these are good ones.
Back to my mapping...