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A very great and different game. 100% recommended.
Just wanted to say that this is a really fun game. Have been playing it as co-op mainly. The translation is really well done, and the added things, such as the advice section was handy. I loved reading the full replay at the beginning of the book, and found it had nicely set up the rules section the first time through. I’ve used the replay a few times to confirm things too. It’s also pretty easy on the gamemaster’s prep time.
Character creation is quick and gameplay is pretty elegant. It's basically narrative interaction between player characters and/or NPC’s, and the dice play adds to the fun. As player characters try to complete assigned missions, maybe reveal another ninja’s secrets, the game session seems to flourish as ‘scenes’ flow by, reaching the final scene/climax where, hopefully all is revealed (maybe)…
We found Shinobigami captured the manga/anime esthetic really well. With the merit system for advancement, we’re now looking at playing out a full ‘season’ of ‘episodes’ (single session each). It’s certainly worthy of an attempt anyway. A super nice break from dungeon crawls. Kind regards.
All Souls Night is an excellent introductory scenario for Ryuutama, with a great emotional core and well thought out, flavorful encounters. I frequently reccommend it to those new to the game looking for pre-written content.
As written I think the scenario really shines when run in 2-3 sessions. Although Pureka includes several optional encounter tables, I think the game is much better if you use them, and captures more of the feel of journeys in Ryuutama.
If you're committed to running this in a single session, I recommend cutting the Witches Tasks and going straight to the "Preparing for the Ritual" section, which should cut the game down to one-shot length.
This is a lovely slice-of-life game. Not quite ritualistic, the way something like Dead Friend is, but it's very good at sliding you into a rhythm. I did find inventory a bit difficult with the provided sheet, but outside of that, I dig it!
This is a really good game. Ever since reading The Lord of the Rings and being a massive Dungeons & Dragons kid, I've longed for a game that delivered on simply going on a journey in a fantasy world. Ryuutama does exactly that. Something that isn't explicitly stated in the book (I think) but what we've discovered during play is that it's in a really fun way set against delivering "big stories". It's all about the small details, the day to day on the trail, the conversations around campfire, and not a massive goal at the end of weeks of travel. Just getting through the day when you're lost on the mountains is exciting in itself!
This is what brought me into the RPG fold. It's an accessible, fun game with broad appeal (my 5 and 8 year old daughters had a blast and my 40 year old friends enjoyed it too). The focus on relatable events (trying to cook, gather herbs, get a good deal on equipment, stay warm during a storm, avoiding injuries while climbing) made it a great introductory RPG. The presentation is generally logical and user friendly and the design, while I wish there was more art, is pleasant in its simplicity. I give this high marks. Despite moving on to DnD 5e, Gurps 4e, Cypher, and other RPGs I still pull this off the shelf from time to time and give it a go. If you are new to RPGs start here. If you are a veteran then discover something very different by trying this out. Ryuutama is a joy to experience.
Shinobigami is a great change of pace from D&D for our group! The translation is fairly clear, and the replay really helps explain how to play the game.
This game has been really fun for our group, with most members being anime fans. The rules are strict about mechanics and how stuff works, but lets you run free with the flavor of your character. For example, you pick from a list of attacks from the book, but you're free to describe that attack however you'd like. It's great to let your imagination shine through in the unique character you make.
For most things, the translation is very clear, though our group went back and forth on how the Perfect Defense ohgi is supposed to work due to its wording. But that's the only example I can think of where things weren't clear.
Because the sessions are meant to be self-contained episodes, they may run longer than expected, so I definitely recommend getting everyone set up with an understanding of the rules and their characters created beforehand.
Overall, this is a really fun TTRPG, and I look forward to seeing more!
Game is a ton of fun, and a nice change of pace from games my group normally plays (longer campaigns in the DnD/Pathfinder mold). I wish the PDF had bookmarks for easier and quicker navigation, but that's apparently coming in a future update. The starting Replay and footnotes added some helpful context too, and was generally an enjoyable read. This is definitely a game worth checking out if you like ninjas (obviously), but also rules that try to marry a clever skill system (the skill matrix) with narrative focused gameplay. I love how it empowers players, encouraging their creative expression and use of ninpo, but also providing tools for personalizing ohgi. The flashback rule in the climax phase is too much fun, and the secret goals and missions can create some great tension and surprising reveals.
Now, they need to hurry up on that supplement, please! We want more ninja clans and tools to play with.
Great fast paced and fun game! Though the translation has been a long time coming and is over two years overdue the game is really good. The PDF could use a few updates to include bookmarks in particular, but has everything you need to get playing your own ninja adventures!
The game itself is interesting but the PDF version feels a little lacking. The table of contents has a total of four entries for a 200 page book. The PDF has no cover and no bookmarks. Hopefully it gets updated later. I'd probably knock it up a star then but I find bookmarks essential for making good use of RPG pdf's.
Creator Reply: |
Thanks for the review!
Indeed, both the PDF cover art will be uploaded within the month, as well as a bookmarked PDF file. Please stay tuned for the announcement (I'll send an email to the purchasers through DTRPG once the contents have been updated).
The TOC... is unfortunately copied directly from the original Japanese; but we think a bookmarked PDF will help make the book more reference-able.
Thanks again! |
It's an excellent game, where every session you go through the whole story arcs like in your favourite Shonen anime, with very fun character powers, and a very flavourful character advancement rules. However, there is one serious problem - the rulebook is massive, and reading through it all to run a one-session game (the default mode of play for Tenra) feels like a chore.
I haven't gotten a chance to read deeply into the book yet, but this vendor deserves 5 stars simply for customer service. Responded to an email inquiry within 5 minutes from their main site and sent me a code for here.
Keep up the good work!
This book looks great, and really fills your mind with the feeling of the subject matter (the honobono/fantasy anime atmosphere). The artwork ranges from adorable sketches to gorgeous, and really inspire.
The overall theme of the game, that of a series of journies between small fantasy towns by "normal" sorts of fantasy characters is novel in a market full of either high gonzo fantasy or grim and bloody sword and sorcerery. Nature plays a large role in the theme of this game and overall I think it achieves the "Miyazaki's Oregan Trail" nickname it is often given.
I wouldn't call it "rules light" so much as being in the bottom range of "medium". It's got some crunch to it, though all rolls are always made by combining two skills (or one skill rolled twice together) and so should be easy for anyone to pick up. The gathering, crafting, camping, animal, and other such rules makes the journey itself the main thing a given session should be about. Combat for me is a little too simple, being abstracted with a front and back line (ala Final Fantasy) and 5-10 objects on the battlefield that can be used by anyone to help their fighting rolls. For me combat is the weakest part of the ruleset, it's not very exciting. I think that might be the point, however, as combat is implicitly not the main focus of the rules or the game. (Running this game, however, I plan on using a grid mat to try and achieve a Final Fantasy Tactics feeling).
The journey rules are really interesting and require a good amount of improv for the GM. I wish the book had come with tables, perhaps in appendix form, for some example hazards in each terrain type to help newer GMs out (or GMs that need some inspiration).
The idea of a built in DMPC that helps the party as a sort of helping (or maybe even trickster) spirit is refreshing and fun. The fact that there are options like items to equip your dragon spirit with that change how the rules work is super fun and exciting.
Overall I like the rules and think they support the kind of game Ryuutama tries to be.
The rulebook is set up well, beginning right off with a short summary of the game and it's rules, followed by character creation, and continuing with detailing out everything. I see no problem with it's formatting or usability.
I am excited to both try this game and to pillage it for ideas to use in other games. I really think the overall way the travel and crafting is done would work well in D&D 5e, for instance. I recommend buying this if you are at all interested in: anime/manga, a less violent sort of game, the fun of the journey itself, nature, or cat goblins.
This is an excellent and charming little game. The art's uniformly great and the rules hang together well. It's a simple game, best suited for beginning players or groups who're interested in something lighter. I usually run much "darker" or at least more serious games and Ryuutama offers a charming alternative. I ran it over the course of two sessions with five players (all of them experienced in RPGs) and I will say that with that the "balance" seems to break down in the travel minigame. With enough characters there are a good number of combos to mitigate most failures. The enemy types provided in the base game also don't provide much of a challenge to that many characters, unless you throw in quite a few of them. This wasn't a huge problem for me--combat's not really the point of the game, nor is grueling travel always desirable. But the occasional dash of peril is still important, even to a gentle game like this. Sticking with three player characters might be the best strategy, until you have a hang of the system and can tailor the challenge level.
Again, I really recommend it despite my minor nitpicks (which aren't even really nitpicks, just areas that the game doesn't intend to cover). Ryuutama facilitates player creativity and buy-in as the GM and players collaboratively build destinations, it puts the focus on developing nice and fun relationships between characters (PCs and NPCs), and it plays very quickly and intuitively.
Beautiful and solid book. Paints a great world, gives everything you need to start adventuring. Uses a class system, but it's easy to figure out.
The DM PC is actually a character in the story, and gives the DM mechanics by which to manipulate the story. I thought this was a pretty cool idea, and it fits the setting.
There are two things about this book that I did not like. The first was that while the mechanics are clean and simple, some optional sub-systems would have been nice. The second was that while I loved everything the book game me to work with, I wasn't really sure what I should be doing with it. There's some sample arcs, but they're a bit weak.
Fact is though, I can always find sub systems to add in and re-watch some old anime to steal ideas. My complaints aren't huge, this book is a must have for any whole like a rules lite version of D&D with a strong anime/JRPG bent to it.