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by Craig [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/22/2023 17:17:15

Very interesting system, especially if you're into OSR games.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Lost City of the Dwarves: Finale
by Charles D. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/20/2021 11:21:21

I loved this little trilogy. I enjoyed the interactions with the NPC.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Lost City of the Dwarves: Finale
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Lost City of the Dwarves: Prologue
by A customer [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/18/2018 20:41:25

I LOVE ALL YOUR BOOKS! Each one is soo thrilling. I am a DM for my group, and when I want a solo adventure I turn to the LOST city of DWARVES! I Own all the published and free books on pdf. This auther knows what hes doing when it comes to CYOA books. His matirial is well worth the money! AND I hope he continues to make more CYOA fantasy books. The nerds of the world need it!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Lost City of the Dwarves: Prologue
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Lost City of the Dwarves Part 1:Discovery
by Christian B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/05/2014 15:46:00

Very extensive Adventure. A lot of Events, Enemies, Equipment, Riddles and all of that hold together with a nice story-line and several story-fixpoints. It is defenitely worth the money if you like the old fashioned "Choose your own adventure" books.

The authors try their best in creating a strong adventure, that will keep you occupied for several hours. They fill it with lots of sneaking, fighting and well written story parts. However it felt at some points very repetitive (... go down that way, fight enemies, go to the next, fight enemies, ...) And this repetitiveness really made me skip some encounters and tore down my motivation to keep playing this adventure (hence it took me months to finish)

The games system is a unique simplification of what could be considered classic DnD. This siplification makes the game very fast and easy to start. Only problem i faced later on was a classic DnD situation: You gain so many special materials, items and stuff, that it becomes increasingly complicated to keep track of all your modifiers and options. This counteracted the original intention of the gamesystem: to keep everything so simple, that you can compute everything in your head.

The layout is decent. The interior is kept in back and white. The illustrations are all well drawn - not to many but the right amount to support you reading the adventure.

Overall: Still pretty good!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Lost City of the Dwarves Part 1:Discovery
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Lost City of the Dwarves: Finale
by Jim M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/15/2014 01:39:07

I don't have much to add to the other reviews other than I have been having a blast playing through Prologue, Interim and Finale. I definitely want to get the full adventures. I am enjoying the combination of choose-your-path with a unique, personal character. It makes my Old School heart happy!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Lost City of the Dwarves: Finale
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Lost City of the Dwarves: Interim
by Jim M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/15/2014 01:38:29

I don't have much to add to the other reviews other than I have been having a blast playing through Prologue, Interim and Finale. I definitely want to get the full adventures. I am enjoying the combination of choose-your-path with a unique, personal character. It makes my Old School heart happy!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Lost City of the Dwarves: Interim
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Lost City of the Dwarves: Prologue
by Jim M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/15/2014 01:35:57

I don't have much to add to the other reviews other than I have been having a blast playing through Prologue, Interim and Finale. I definitely want to get the full adventures. I am enjoying the combination of choose-your-path with a unique, personal character. It makes my Old School heart happy!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Lost City of the Dwarves: Prologue
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Lost City of the Dwarves Codex
by Jim M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/15/2014 01:26:42

Nice little product. Useful even outside the LCotD products.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Lost City of the Dwarves Codex
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Lost City of the Dwarves: Finale
by Christian B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/28/2014 14:59:28

The finale of the short free adventure is quit dramatic. However a huge part of this chapter is fighting. You get up in powerful armor - up to the point here it becomes practically impossible to hit you - and then an endless army is released.

Not as much fun as the previous adventures but still 1,5 hours to enjoy. I like the exploring, riddle solving and occasional fighting more then the brute mass combat, but hey it is free and their main book promises to be all of that.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Lost City of the Dwarves: Finale
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Lost City of the Dwarves: Multi-Player Rules
by Christian B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/28/2014 03:49:12

The idea of the whole choose your own adventure genre is, that you can take a nice relaxing adventure, when no one is around. Just drink some tea, roll some dice and enjoy. If your looking for party based action you should look for another game.

Nevertheless the guys from pen & forge offer the option to play their Lost City Dwarves as a party, where one character has to take the leading role of the books protagonist and all other players are his loyal helpers. This rule supplement explains how to make this possible without changing the source to much. And it seems valid - i expect it to be working. But i imagine it to be a slower game with very weak roleplaying and all together quit shallow. There is just too much good stuff out there for fun group play that this can not compare to.

While i appreaciate the offer of playing the awesome adventure with a party, i refrain from doing so.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Lost City of the Dwarves: Multi-Player Rules
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Lost City of the Dwarves: Interim
by Christian B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/28/2014 03:31:01

Again a worthy pice of solo adventure.

At times it might be a bit reprtitive, but still makes an exciting 1-2 hours of adventuring.

The Layout and the Graphics are still very preliminary.

Lopoking forward to the finale and the big adventure.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Lost City of the Dwarves: Interim
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Lost City of the Dwarves: Prologue
by Christian B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/26/2014 15:08:14

It is a short dive into an old genre, that i assumed to be dead: The Choose your own Adventure.

The system is simple an elegant. It allows for fast and easy gaming, fighting and exploring, yet reminds you constantly that it is inspired by the classic DnD system.

It takes roughly 1,5-2 hours to play this short adventure when you also read all the instructions and create your own charakter. So it is a nice filler.

I wont go into explaining why this genre is dead (given computers and such) but it sometimes is nice to see something like this still being written and played - it makes me nostalgic.

The artwork is very preliminary and sometimes quit low-res. The layout is very simple and minimalistic, which is not up to everybodys liking.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Lost City of the Dwarves: Prologue
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Lost City of the Dwarves: Prologue
by matthew j. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/25/2014 09:23:19

This is a great introduction to the author's system (which I would call more OSR than d20ish in feel).

This book is pretty unique in that you actually roll up a character to use, so you have a few stats, hit points, armor class and weapons. All of these are very indicative of an OSR game and really made me feel like I was playing OD&D. I really liked this aspect of the game as it provided an extra depth of immersion for the game. Its the little things. :-)

The game functions as expected, providing you with choices that then determine how successful your character will be at navigating the dangerous world beneath the surface. The stats add just the right level of crunch to the game to allow for a lunchtime adventure without becoming burdensome and time consuming. The system opens the door to easily being bent or cheated by someone but I think doing so would make it much less fun to do so.

I felt the writing was clear, interesting and I never felt I was being 'railroaded' or steered in a particular fashion or route. The rules add just the right touch to make this feel more like an RPG than a book. While I would have enjoyed the book anyway, the excitement of 'while I win this fight' and 'what treasure might I find' add another layer to the adventure that I find most welcoming.

I rolled exceptionally well throughout the entire adventure and was never killed. Close, but not quite. Those damn spiders are pretty tough! After concluding the adventure, I found I was actually a little sad I had not been slain because I suspect I missed much of the adventure by rolling so well. Likely I will go back and run through this again, purposefully making a few different choices so that I can see more of the adventure as it was written (rather than cheating and just reading the entire book).

I have downloaded the second part and will be giving it a run through as well, to continue the adventure. I really like the set up, the rules, and the presentation. All are a top-notch effort.

I will certainly be purchasing the the first part of the paid adventure (at right). I understand it has puzzles and riddles that must be solved in addition to battling the forces of evil. I am also interested in seeing how the game is expanded in this larger book. I understand there are more bad guys, more equipment, weapons and magic items.

If you are like me and need a serious break over lunch during your workweek, these seem like a perfect way to relax and recharge. I highly recommend you at least download the free introductory adventure books and see if this is for you. I am guessing they will be.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Lost City of the Dwarves: Interim
by Lauda L. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/08/2013 14:20:22

This is an absolute gem for gamers. It is hard to believe that in my life time I have not come across something this good that you can do on your own without having to rely on other people. This adventure is addictive and intelligent. I am looking forward to many more by this incredible creator author. You can take this with you anywhere you are and become so immersed that suddenly you find yourself in the middle of a great adventure.

I highly recommend this to everyone and want the world of gamers to discover the Lost City of the Dwarves! This is an incredibly fun journey and adventure. The writing and specs are amazing, every age can enjoy this. I have been gaming since I was a kid and I'm in my 40's now and can only say that its about time someone talented came up with this great idea that you can venture into alone.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Lost City of the Dwarves: Interim
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