Other comments left for this publisher: |
Having seen this PDF before purchasing it, I actually agree with the other reviewer in that it is an excellent product in both presentation and utility. However, this pdf file simply does not work - there is a technical error which needs to be addressed. I have reported the issue and have received no response thus far...therefore, I cannot recommend purchasing this for any price.
Excellent and well-written firearm rules for Swords & Wizardry (and old-school D&D in general). It covers all the bases from sharpshooting to gun duels to cover to futuristic weapons to lethal firearm damage and does so very elegantly. Highly recommended.
Ring Side Report-Crawl! No.8: Firearms!
Product- Crawl! No.8: Firearms!
System- Dungeon Crawl Classics
Producer- Stray Couches Press
Price- ~$3 here http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/121302/Crawl-fanzine-no-8?term=crawl%21+firearms
TL; DR- You brought a wizards to a gun fight! 93%
Basics-How about adding some guns to your DCC RPG game? This book provides rules for adding firearms to your game spanning black powder cap and ball guns to laser rifles.
Mechanics or Crunch- Overall, the rules in this book are really well done. This book provides different types of guns for however advanced a GM wants the guns to be in his/her home game. The guns from different ages have distinct feels. In addition to the standard gun y does x damage, there are new rules for duels as well as critical hit and fumble tables. I like most of the added mechanics, but some of the things like a critical hit that disarms you I don't like. It's good, but some things you might not completely agree with. 4.5/5
Theme or Fluff- DCC RPG has some of the best gonzo fantasy rules and themes of any RPG. I love what I see here. You can have modern day armies show up in a DCC RPG game and start drawing on your wizards and rogues. It's a blast! 5/5
Execution-This one was reasonably well laid out, but some of the tables were a bit off. I could read everything well enough, but I would have liked the information separated into a table and then had a larger description of the tables contents in a separate area. It felt a bit cluttered. Nothing is horrible, but it wasn't my favorite layout for a Crawl! magazine. 4.5/5
Summary-If you love DCC RPG as much as I do, then you are going to buy this anyway. If you are not an addict, this is a good one. It's not my favorite, but it's a good addition to the magazine. There are some great rules for adding guns to a fantasy game. It's all optional, but if you want a touch weirder game by giving the warrior a blaster, this is a great way to handle the rules. 93 %
Creator Reply: |
Thanks for the review! It\'s very informative and constructive. I really appreciate the time and effort you made to write it. Thank you. |
Absolutely fantastic edition of "Crawl!", as usual! This zine gives you exactly what you need to add firearms of any time period, past, present, or future, to your game. The rules are balanced, and simple, providing you with suggestions for settings where guns are rare or common. It even goes into detail on how to include these guns to your existing fantasy worlds, using a variety of interesting plot hooks that you can roll up on various tables.
I would like to see a gunslinger specific class in some future zine, but otherwise this zine covers it all!
Ring Side Report-RPG Review of Crawl! #10
Originally posted at www.throatpunchgames.com, a new idea everyday!
Product- Crawl! #10 (Fanzine)
Producer- Stray Couches Press
Price-$3 here http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/133560/Crawl-fanzine-no-10
System- DCC RPG
TL;DR- Class options for demi-humans! 100%
Basics-Crawl! is the semi-official fanzine of the DCCRPG. This month its options for demi-humans. Instead of the basic race as level options frorm the main DCCRPG , this book presents Dwarven Priest, Elven rogue, Halfling burglar, and Halfling champion (fighter) as options for Dwarves, Elves, and Halflings. The book also presents a system to take half levels or multiclass and the random stats tables for height, weight, build, hair type, eye color, and other physical features.
Mechanics or crunch- The one thing DCCRPG needs more of is options. This is not a universal opinion, but I know I want more books for this system. The class options here are still fairly balanced, and things I'd allow at my table. If you want more options for your dwarf, this is worth a look. Also, even the tables to add to your character are random, so you get more options, but don't lose the randomness that is pervasive in the system. 5/5
Theme or Fluff-I know it's not in the OSR spirit, but I don't want to grow up to be a dwarf! I like the idea of race shaping your character, but I want more options for that character. This gives a few more options for what your characters can be instead of the basic dwarf has to be a dwarf idea from old school gaming. The classes still fit the mold for DCCRPG, so they don't stick out badly but really just add to the world. The last half of the book is random tables to make your character more of a living person, not just a few stats, so that is great for story and character building as well. 5/5
Execution- All too often a fanzine will be crap because its one guy in a basement. This one is not one of those. This is well done with the same layout, art, and style of the DCCRPG main book. It's a quick read that's priced right for its content and size. 5/5
Summary-Want some quick options for your demi-humans? Get the book. Want some ways to build your character a bit more than just a few stats? Get the book. Want more DCCRPG? GET THE BOOK! My only problem is I'd like MORE class options, but for three bucks, I'm ok with what I get in this book. Hopefully, we will see the more options like this soon. 100%
I really liked Crawl #10 a lot.The added class options were well done and a much have.The half level option was ok,not what I am looking for but I'm sure many will love it. Not just a Pretty face was well done and fun if your into the random generation thing(and frankly that's huge in DCCRPG.
The artwork is great! Love the front cover one the best.
My only complaint is that I can't seem to print out the class for my DCCRPG binder. My guess is that will be fixed soon but as of now,printing is disabled. Gave it five stars because this is really one of the best crawls I think and a must have. If only I could print it!
Creator Reply: |
Thanks for the review. I didn\'t realize the \"No Printing\" tag was checked. I don\'t know what I was thinking, since I know all too well that printing out certain pages is the whole point of having PDFs! I have checked and removed the tag, so it should be freely printable. Go ahead and re-download, and you should be able to print out whatever you need.
Sorry about that.
reverend dak |
product looked good however the locked watermark pdg was hard to make work on phone or tablet.
I try not to gush whenever I read or review something by Daniel Bishop, and the Crawl! series in general is pretty great. Daniel's practically running the show on a small corner of the DCC universe and it seems he doesn't slow down, or if he does slow down then he must have a backlog of stuff waiting to be published... (note: I think this is actually the case). Disclosure: I love H.P. Lovecraft - like many of the people who might read this blog, Ol' Granpa landed on me in my formative years, after I got some references in the Deities and Demigods and found him in my High School library in maybe the 10th grade. So it goes for many of us, yeah? This story is so common, and creative people know HPL so well that the popular culture is inundated with Cthulhu references and He Who Sleeps in R'l'yeh A-Waiting is cutesy-fied and belittled and now Mythos elements are creeping up on Primetime TV! I don't do TV so I can't watch it, but it's for the best since I don't need my Sanity blasted any further. If I were paranoid, I would say... but anyways I digress.
This funnel adventure draws upon one of my favorite hair-raising Lovecraft stories that doesn't itself contain Mythos elements, and then pops that story into the context of a Weird Fantasy world. I won't tell you which one, but if you gobbled down lustily all of Lovecraft's works in your youth like I did, I imagine your ears will perk up like mine did in about 5 seconds and your hairs will be on end in short order. In fact, it appears that Bishop anticipates this and maybe it happened even in playtesting since there is reference to a way to handle stubborn players who won't get with the flow of the fiction... An attempt to curb a lifetime of player knowledge, probably, in a subsection of the population whose fandom would never allow them to eat something from those generous woodsy folks who never come into town except to buy salt and nitrates.
I think that this'd be a great way to get a funnel group started in a low-magic Weird Fantasy campaign, or even as an interlude in a normal campaign, maybe to set events up for a party of ass-kickers to find what's left of the first group... The TPK would be satisfying but not a foregone conclusion, although it does appear (on paper) to be pretty dangerous. I've not played it yet but I found that, like the story it's based on, the more I read, the more I knew for certain what was coming next until the inevitable conclusion hits with a horrendous wet smack, or a dribble of unidentifiable fluid from the rafters above... This anxious expectation is IMHO the whole hook of this adventure; the wide-eyed grinning certainty and terror that you know for sure what is happening already and that finding the truth is the only inevitable outcome, and maybe if the gods are with you, your hero can put a stop to it...
The art is great and moody, and suitably horrific - even the maps! I wouldn't probably want my kid to get her hands on it until she's about 13 or 14, but YMMV. Not for the faint of heart, for sure.
A great little fan mag filled with useful and fun bits. I will be buying all of them!
When I started role-playing back in 1977, little home-produced 'zines were forever popping up, lasting a few issues and fading away again, sadly with limited circulation and known to but a few. I'm sure there are still a few tucked away, given my pack-rat mentality...
With the advent of the internet, most of the 'zine creators leaped online and websites came and went instead. And now, here is the best of both worlds: the traditional fan-produced 'zine yet available in PDF so it's easy to store and distribute widely... whilst for those hankering after old times and coloured cardboard covers, it comes in that format as well!
Dedicated to one of the best new-old RPGs, Dungeon Crawl Classics, this first issue contains a wealth of material to enhance your game, crammed into just a few pages. To begin with, if you prefer the grittier 'sword & sorcery' style of gaming to a 'high fantasy' one, an article entitled Wizards and Warriors shows you how to make it happen. This includes an excellent enhancement to thief skills, which may be worth adopting anyway.
Then there's a rather fine patron, with an interesting story as to its development - he's the future self of the wizard that he's patron to! You may wish to use the concept rather than the actual patron, but if the latter appeals he's provided in all his glory.
That's followed by more rules tweaks - a revision of the bleeding rules that gives you a slightly better chance of not bleeding to death before combat ends and someone takes a look at your mangled remains, and a system for modifying DCs should you wish to move beyond the basic simplicity of the core rules and apply benefits for skills or other advantages that logically ought to make things slighty easier. Finally, some tweks to spellcasting.
Excellent stuff in the true spirit in which Dungeon Crawl Classics itself was written!