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I love the flavor of this tavern and the backstories of the owner and staff! I've had this product for many years and have used it RAW as well as reskinned it for different settings.
Wulfin |
by Sean H. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 05/31/2015 09:31:52 |
Wulfin is a resource for a new species, brave wolf-humanoid communal defenders of all that is good. They are obviously a species near and dear to the author’s heart but unfortunately there are some poor organization calls and mechanical problems that drag down the usefulness of this product. The Wulfin deserve a full rewrite to bring them to the gaming community as their author had intended.
Wulfin is a 19-page PDF (17-pages if you remove the cover and OGL page) for the D20 OGL written by Anna Dobritt and published by Cartography Unlimited for RPGs/Ravenwyng Publishing.
Wulfin is about the Wulfin species, naturally, it gives their creation story, how they live and what they seek to achieve. In the few pages devoted to their culture and society, it paints a very interesting view of these very community and protection oriented beings. How they fit into the author’s game world and interact with the other races there is noted and highlights what is good and bad about this product. The Wulfin are obviously a very important part of Dobritt’s game world but much of the material here just seems pulled from game notes and not edited to make it useful for a wide audience.
But it is the mechanical side of things where this product suffers, the Wulfin as creatures statblock has several errors. The Wulfin as player characters provides a net +4 to statistics and uses odd stat modifiers (as in not an even number) which is a recipe for abuse, though apart from gaining the scent special ability the rest of their species abilities are within the normal range for such things. An associated creature, the kelar wolf, also suffers from errors in its statblock.
The gods of the Wulfin are detailed, the short writeup on the dogma and clerics of the two gods is good but then there are almost six pages devoted to full statblocks for the gods(!). The effort to do so could have been spent much more usefully providing other support material for the Wulfin.
Three high level NPCs associated with the Wulfin are given full statblocks but only one is given a background. A small selection of words from the Wulin language along with the runes they use are also provided.
The Wulfin suffer from a lack of support even within this material, no unique feats or items, magic or non, no plot hooks, no low level NPCs to interact with a starting party. All things that could be corrected in a revised edition but make it very hard to recommend this version.
Disclosure: As a featured reviewer for RPGNow/DriveThroughRPG, I received my copy of this product for free from the publisher for the purpose of this review.
Note: Read more reviews and other gaming articles at my journal https://seaofstarsrpg.wordpress.com/
This is one of the best bargains out here! This is better than a free map. This is a huge pack of maps for any and all generic fantasy locations. These are not beautiful, but they are decent and for $1 these are only about a penny a page!
A 15 page description of a mine and associated dwarven village, including 5 1/2 pages of maps. The maps are basic, drawn up in Campaign Cartographer, with a few minor mistakes like apparently floating mountains here and there, but they're functional and serve their purpose. The accompanying text is generally brief, with just a line or two per room, and the mine is clearly meant to be 'typical' rather than an adventure site in its own right. For example, while we're told where gold and so on are stored, there's no hint as to how much of it there is, or whether or not it might be protected.
The book rounds out with seven stat blocks for dwarven NPCs living at the site, with a short paragraph or two saying who they are. The layout of the book is minimal at best, with the NPCs, for example, blurring into one another due to a lack of clear headings. The book isn't bad, if what you want are the maps, and maybe some stats, but there's nothing much to it - although it's fair enough, for the low price.
Adventurers’ Home Away from Home
From: RPG Cartographers
Reviewed by: Ron McClung
Adventurers’ Home Away from Home is a new d20 RPG Location Supplement from RPG Cartographers. Something new has entered the market giving us gamers a new online source for game play. This is the FCW file - otherwise known as Fast CAD file, created by Campaign Cartographer 2 and viewable by the FastCAD File view or the free view supplied by Pro Fantasy. RPG Cartography has started a series of map-based supplements that use this technology. These are some of the same people behind the Explorer's Guild and their line of similar products.
From the website:
“Away fade the stars
As the sun does rise
Lighting the road
We will travel by...”
Adventurers’ Home Away from Home contains details of several locations with maps and stats. Included in the ZIP file are maps and descriptions for the following: Goldenhaven Inn, some Stables, The Stag & Raven Boarding House/Tavern, Innkeep Residence, and Bear’s Skull Tavern.Included in the PDF are the descriptions of the above locations, as well as some rules for a common game of chance played in these locations called Murder of Crows. The maps are well done, using the brilliance of Pro Fantasy CC2 software. The locations are well-fleshed out and populated with several useful NPCs. Most of the PDF is made up of either black-and-white versions of the color maps or NPC stats.
Some art is just clipart obtained from various sources, and some of the original art is somewhat lacking but acceptable. The layout is well done, if not a little ink heavy for your printer. The CC2 maps are well done and very detailed.
In conclusion, this is a decent amount of handy locations for any GM to have. It can be worked in any campaign and would be an impressive addition to the campaign. The maps are very cool.
For more details on RPG Cartographers and their new d20 RPG Location Supplement “Adventurers’ Home Away from Home” check them out at their website http://www.rpgcartography.com.
70+ odd maps in a clean format. Not terribly fancy, but better than I can do. The majority of the maps are for the interiors of various buildings for a city environment, in case you have a fight break out at the local herbalist shop, I suppose. For the price, not a bad deal!
If you need a map quick, this is a good supplement. The artwork is servicable and worth the money if you prefer to spend your time fleshing out NPCs rather than generating rooms. I used the supplement in a few pickup/trial game sessions and to run short side encounters. Sure, you could probably scratch out something servicable on your graph paper pad or using a paint program, but pressing "print" saves time better spent scaling the encounters.
This will come in very handy. It gives me a few ideas on future adventures. I like to run campaigns that move from one location to another and this will be very helpful.<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: How easy it is to use<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
This is a good set of maps. It's fairly complete, too. It's not the best set of maps, but it's good to have these in the collection for those nights when the party surprises you and you have to play off the cuff.
<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: There are plenty of designs and something to use for virtually any fantasy campaign setting. At $1.50, it's hard to go wrong with this one.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Maybe it's a nitpicking, but why are there plenty of indoor bathing rooms in this set, and not a single outhouse?<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br><BR>[THIS REVIEW WAS EDITED]<BR>
I found this product to be full of useful material. The town of Umberham is the bulk of the iceberg here as there is good descriptive material for the surrounding area to satisfy a party of adventurers for several game sessions. There are a lot of NPCs, and while they are not all 100% fleshed out, there are stats for them, which is usually plenty to get by during a game session.
At over 200 pages in length, I feel I got my monies worth in purchasing this product. <br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: The maps are good, and the number of NPCs and regional material are also great additions. I found the inclusion of tables with prices for services and items in some of the shops useful. <br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: While there is a lot here, there is a lot of the town of Umberham that we don't get to know about. Also, I'd like some adventure hooks and to know how the different townspeople interact with each other. Some legends to go along with the region maps would also help.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
Not bad, but not great. It's a selection of CC made maps that act well only as an example of what could be done with CC or CC2. But High quality or imaginative these maps are not.
The "Castles and Keeps Floorplans" or "etc Floorplans" series available here are better quality.
<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Disappointing<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>
Well, first of all, I have to say it isn't bad. However, the equipment for all of the characters in it is terribly wrong. TERRIBLY wrong, like 400k worth of equipment for a 5th level NPC. Also, a number of the maps in this were also in the Bundle pack I purchased, which was dissapointing to end up with duplicates. <br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Disappointing<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>
Lotta maps, lotta maps. The effort on a few them looks like very amateur campaign cartogrpaher work, but you can't beat that price. Plenty here for your money.<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: The price, and the wide range of maps available.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Every map wasn't exactly a work of art, but for the price, it's still a great bargain.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>
The maps are a mixed bunch. There is far more interior maps of buildings and dungeons than areas or overland maps. The interior maps are in my opinion much better than the overland maps.
The overland maps seems to be too structured, not natural enough. The interior maps have good detail and have good layouts.
I did not like the town maps at all. They did not look like towns and they were not maps I would use in my games. Although, to be honest these maps are better than what I produce with Campaign Cartographer. I especially like that the product includes the source maps, allowing me to edit the maps for my own use. Of course this requires that you own ProFantasy's Mapping software.
One thing that is missing is a license. There is no indication of how I can use the maps, for example can I use these maps in my own product? Can I use them in a commercial product?
My full review is available here: http://churchofthegame.blogspot.com/2006/01/deluxe-map-pack.html<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: There are some good maps in this collection and there are a lot of maps total.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: There are too many average maps. Too many maps I would want to edit before I would use them.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>
I was hesitant for a while about purchasing the map pack, since the reviews seemed mixed, and I'm a bit of a stickler with map quality. However, I figured if I could get just one decent map out of the pack, it might be worth the money.
I got a couple. <br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: Some of the maps, the overland maps in particular, are crisp and colorful. They can be inserted into ANY campaign, since text has been omitted (a real plus in my book!)<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: The interior maps are a bit stiff and uncreative. Also, there is too much color used, particularly in the background where it's not even needed. A serious commitment to your local ink supplier is needed to print some of these mediocre maps out.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>