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CUPID MUST DIE! Kobolds Ate My Valentine
by LeRoy B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/24/2013 14:28:36

Great module for a great game. Very entertaining and fun to read and play. It is a must have for any players of KAMB.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CUPID MUST DIE!  Kobolds Ate My Valentine
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CUPID MUST DIE! Kobolds Ate My Valentine
by James C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/21/2013 09:16:13

Review of “Cupid Must Die! Kobolds Ate My Valentine”

'Cupid Must Die! Kobolds Ate My Valentine' is a mini-adventure written by David A. Hill for the Kobolds Ate My Baby! (KAMB!) RPG by 9th Level Games. Themed for Valentine's Day, this adventure brings the player's Kobold characters to a local human Valentine's Carnival in search of Cupid, in order to satisfy King Torg's (ALL HAIL KING TORG!) hunger for flying baby wings. The adventure runs ten pages of a twelve page PDF file.

'Cupid Must Die!' is a light hearted adventure in baby napping and child eating, just as expected from KAMB! While keeping the adventure to a 'PG-13' rating, Hill includes many opportunities for chaos, mayhem, and good natured Kobold-cide. While a mini-adventure in page count, this module should contain enough material to sustain a couple of hours of game session time.

The module is well laid out, with very readable typefaces for both the body text and headings (pink, Valentine's Day themed headings!). The stat blocks are presented well, and the NPCs, while not fully developed each are fleshed out enough to make them fun and interesting. The art is appropriate, featuring a winged, flaming, candy conversation heart on the cover, and some interior art by the author.

I recommend this module, for both novice and experienced players of KAMB! If you haven't experienced the game, this would be a great introductory adventure.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CUPID MUST DIE! Kobolds Ate My Valentine
by Matthew T. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 02/14/2013 14:27:43

Just in time for . . . the weekend after St. Valentine’s Day it’s “Cupid Must Die!”, a new mini-adventure for Kobolds Ate My Baby. In order to satisfy King Torg’s (all hail King Torg) impossible craving for baby-wings, the hapless kobolds have been dispatched to the humans’ annual Valentine’s Day carnival, there to capture Cupid, the only winged baby anybody can think of. At this “bacon-all” the kobolds will face deadly carnies, things on sticks, angry birds, catapults, and, of course Cupid and his lusty arrows. There are plenty of chances for the usually KAMB hijinks (death, over acting, more death) with the added bonus of PCs getting struck with Cupid’s arrow and falling in love with other kobolds, humans, cows, themselves, etc.

This is indeed a mini-adventure, with only a short session’s worth of material. But kobolds tend to complicate even the simplest assignment. Also there are plenty of opportunities for expansion. Anyway, it’s funny and free (for now), so what’s not to love. If you love KAMB, and you love love, you’ll love Cupid Must Die.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CUPID MUST DIE! Kobolds Ate My Valentine
by Megan R. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 02/14/2013 02:54:51

If you can stop laughing long enough to run this...

Picture if you will a bunch of kobolds let loose on a carnival with the mission to capture Cupid himself to serve up as 'baby wings' to King Torg (all hail King Torg!). Imagine the mayhem that can, that will, ensure.

This adventure is replete with crazy ideas for things that the kobolds - and indeed Cupid - can get up to, and is the perfect antidote for any soppy ideas of LURVE that might be bobbing around the fringes of your gaming group this Valentine's Day.

Perfect for those who don't take everything too seriously...

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Kobolds Ate My Baby! Reference Sheet
by James F. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/18/2013 12:51:40

This is your character sheet, nice and clean. The only thing I would add is a place where you can draw your kobold. It's by no means a deal-breaker and it's free. :)

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Kobolds Ate My Baby! Reference Sheet
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Kobolds Ate My Baby! Super Deluxx Edition
by James F. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/18/2013 12:46:49

Kobolds Ate My Baby! is an awesome game for beginners or seasoned players. Depending on your players it can be a team effort or mass selfish chaos. There's great joy watching the players react to the different "monsters" you put before them like the vicious barn cat. Even easy things like climbing in a window can be adventures in and of themselves.

The mechanics are easy and stay out the way. I thoroughly enjoy this game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Kobolds Ate My Baby! Super Deluxx Edition
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Kobolds Ate My Baby! Super Deluxx Edition
by Brandon M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/28/2012 11:19:29

I haven't played this game yet, but I have read the rulebook twice in order to gain the Rules Lawyer outfit. This game sounds absolutely insane. I have laughed out loud several times while reading the rulebook. This will be a blast to play.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Kobolds Ate My Baby! Super Deluxx Edition
by Cedric C. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 11/19/2012 14:09:23

I remember picking up a copy of the first (?) edition of KAMB many many years ago. I was a paper book with an orange cover, silly illustrations of furry kobolds, and politically incorrect when that term meant funny.

Kobolds Ate My Baby! Super Deluxx Edition is the beer and pretzels game of kobold-sized mayhem. Life is "brutal, short, and silly" and this RPG reflects it. The mechanics are on the conventional side, with a "stats and skill" system. If you attempt to do something, you describe how you're using a skill, and roll 2d6 (or whatever number of dice depending on the difficulty) and attempt to roll under. If you fail a skill, you're that much closer to dying with a checkmark on the Kobold Horrible Death Record, which brings us to the humor of the game, namely those Random Charts (tm): The Kobold Horrible Death Chart. The Kobold Gear charts (and sub-charts). The Random Magick Spell Chart. The Random Chart of Randomness. The Baby Horrible Death Chart. And the Outside Horrible Death Chart (for when you're outside).

The game also encourages kobold roleplaying. Yes, you must bark like a kobold in order to gain the bonus for the "+Bark Like a Kobold" edge. Skills and charts include cooking and babies. Additional rules requires, if anyone mentions King Torg, rule of the kobolds, each player must shout, "ALL HAIL KING TORG" or have a checkmark on his Kobold Horrible Death Record. (Every time you add or remove a check, roll 2d6 and add the number of checks you have. If your total is 13 or higher, roll on the Kobold Horrible Death Chart.) KAMB also includes a small village and scenario about, what else, a raid to get some tasty babies!

If your group needs a break from the serious stuff, or you're looking to run a game convention one-shot, KAMB is a perfect fit. The rules are easy to learn, everyone wants to roll on the charts, and you get to make Kobold Soliloquies when your kobold dies. King Torg (ALL HAIL KING TORG) would be pleased!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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