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The Dragonslayer Pantheon products by Chubby Monster Games are designed by author Andrew Shields to be incorporated into existing game worlds and provide a new take on one of the religions attached to a god. Each religious order presented includes the common knowledge about the order as well as the secret knowledge of the initiated, non-player characters tied to the order, its practices, suggestions for power levels and adventure hooks using the order and advice for incorporating the group into an existing setting.
Dragonslayer Pantheon: The Stitching Church is more a network of preachers and agents dedicated to the god of pain and suffering who seek to free people of service to the cruel gods, to seek the divinity within. They act to let people find their own path in the world, freed of the dictates of gods who cause naught but suffering and death to get their way. A few radical members of the church actively strive to weaken other religions but most members just try to lead people to a better and more peaceful way. Naturally, the Stitching Church is not usually welcomed by other faiths. It is an unusual faith and one that is suitable for stories and adventures out of the norm.
Overall, I think the Dragonslayer Pantheon product provides a useful set of ideas and options to spark adventure and interest in various religions in a game world.
Note: Read more reviews and other gaming articles at my journal https://seaofstarsrpg.wordpress.com/
The Dragonslayer Pantheon products by Chubby Monster Games are designed by author Andrew Shields to be incorporated into existing game worlds and provide a new take on one of the religions attached to a god. Each religious order presented includes the common knowledge about the order as well as the secret knowledge of the initiated, non-player characters tied to the order, its practices, suggestions for power levels and adventure hooks using the order and advice for incorporating the group into an existing setting.
Temple of Celestial Revolution watches the stars, and when the time is right, they topple kings and destroy governments for all things must change, and power structures left to long corrupt and fester. The Celestial Revolutionaries seem likely to end up in opposition to traditional adventurers as they seek to tear down the country in which the adventurers operate in, but the cult’s goals could align with others and allies are always welcome. The Celestial Revolutionaries are also playing a long game of divine politics which could conflict with other aims or lead them to hire adventurers to advance that agenda. Many options in play could arise from this militant cult. A map of the Way Station of Nurlen, a staging post for the sect, is provided as well.
Overall, I think the Dragonslayer Pantheon product provides a useful set of ideas and options to spark adventure and interest in various religions in a game world.
Disclosure: As a featured reviewer for RPGNow/DriveThroughRPG, I received my copy of this product for free from the publisher for the purpose of this review.
Note: Read more reviews and other gaming articles at my journal https://seaofstarsrpg.wordpress.com/
The Dragonslayer Pantheon products by Chubby Monster Games are designed by author Andrew Shields to be incorporated into existing game worlds and provide a new take on one of the religions attached to a god. Each religious order presented includes the common knowledge about the order as well as the secret knowledge of the initiated, non-player characters tied to the order, its practices, suggestions for power levels and adventure hooks using the order and advice for incorporating the group into an existing setting.
The Cult of Summation seeks to reduce the knowledge of each individual life to a clear, concise and complete summary, unfortunately they tend to do so through the carefully applied arts of torture. The Cult maintains prisons, libraries and torture chambers, usually in the same complex. The Cult is pleased to serve their Goddess through these tasks, though direction is often given through visions that the cultists receive when undergoing near death experiences. The Cult is unlikely to be friends of adventurers but they may be a place that prisoners can be housed and information gained, if one is willing to bend to the dictates of the Cult. A map of the Prison Library of Stavrok Falls is also provided.
Overall, I think the Dragonslayer Pantheon product provides a useful set of ideas and options to spark adventure and interest in various religions in a game world.
Disclosure: As a featured reviewer for RPGNow/DriveThroughRPG, I received my copy of this product for free from the publisher for the purpose of this review.
Note: Read more reviews and other gaming articles at my journal https://seaofstarsrpg.wordpress.com/
The Dragonslayer Pantheon products by Chubby Monster Games are designed by author Andrew Shields to be incorporated into existing game worlds and provide a new take on one of the religions attached to a god. Each religious order presented includes the common knowledge about the order as well as the secret knowledge of the initiated, non-player characters tied to the order, its practices, suggestions for power levels and adventure hooks using the order and advice for incorporating the group into an existing setting.
Silent Bite is a secret religious society of hunters and revolutionaries, dedicated to driving the corrupt from power and promoting the will of the goddess. It is an aristocratic conspiracy that, at its best, seeks to break foreign domination, cull corruption and promote a meritocracy (through the better class of people of course), at its worst, it uses terror to maintain the aristocracy. It is a group that could recruit the player characters or be in opposition to them or both. It also includes a nifty random conspiratorial cell generator.
Overall, I think the Dragonslayer Pantheon product provides a useful set of ideas and options to spark adventure and interest in various religions in a game world.
Disclosure: As a featured reviewer for RPGNow/DriveThroughRPG, I received my copy of this product for free from the publisher for the purpose of this review.
Note: Read more reviews and other gaming articles at my journal https://seaofstarsrpg.wordpress.com/
The Dragonslayer Pantheon products by Chubby Monster Games are designed by author Andrew Shields to be incorporated into existing game worlds and provide a new take on one of the religions attached to a god. Each religious order presented includes the common knowledge about the order as well as the secret knowledge of the initiated, non-player characters tied to the order, its practices, suggestions for power levels and adventure hooks using the order and advice for incorporating the group into an existing setting.
Brass Horseshoe is a branch of a warrior cult which knows that wars are not won by courage alone, training, discipline, and logistics win wars far more often. The Order of the Brass Horseshoe seeks to provide and perfect those skills to anyone going to war, seeking perfection in their craft and efficiency in war and in clearing up its aftermath. There is a good question and answer section about how the members of this sect view war and their place in it. The Brass Horseshoe Order is extremely useful allies but it is a pain if they are aiding your enemies.
Overall, I think the Dragonslayer Pantheon product provides a useful set of ideas and options to spark adventure and interest in various religions in a game world.
Disclosure: As a featured reviewer for RPGNow/DriveThroughRPG, I received my copy of this product for free from the publisher for the purpose of this review.
Note: Read more reviews and other gaming articles at my journal https://seaofstarsrpg.wordpress.com/
The Dragonslayer Pantheon products by Chubby Monster Games are designed by author Andrew Shields to be incorporated into existing game worlds and provide a new take on one of the religions attached to a god. Each religious order presented includes the common knowledge about the order as well as the secret knowledge of the initiated, non-player characters tied to the order, its practices, suggestions for power levels and adventure hooks using the order and advice for incorporating the group into an existing setting.
Sacred Deep is a mystery cult dedicated to keeping the secrets of the caves and under-earth, secret. They are shadowy but not evil, though their action could easily prove disruptive to adventurers, they are not overly confrontational -in most cases- more an annoyance. Yet they could also become allies under certain circumstances. A very flexible group that could be entirely overlooked by player character yet could still impact them in interesting ways. Also, this volume, the first of the Dragonslayer Pantheon products is free, so you can try it without risk and see if the structure and layout appeal to you.
Overall, I think the Dragonslayer Pantheon product provides a useful set of ideas and options to spark adventure and interest in various religions in a game world.
Disclosure: As a featured reviewer for RPGNow/DriveThroughRPG, I received my copy of this product for free from the publisher for the purpose of this review.
Note: Read more reviews and other gaming articles at my journal https://seaofstarsrpg.wordpress.com/
Volume Four of Moleskin Maps by Chubby Monster Games from the hand of Matt Jackson. If you read this blog, on Google+, read nearly any gaming blog Matt's maps are there. His map style looks so simple and eloquent. Like the rest in the series there are 10 maps included with 10 adventure sheets to go with them. These focus on underground maps, one with ruins. All the maps are useful. A quick flip through the book and its easy to come up with ideas on the fly to fill these caverns.
A few weeks back I needed something to get my brain going and I was drawing for crap, so I got one of Matt's maps out, numbered the encounters and soon I was going full tilt on a mini adventure. I don't know about most of you, but for me, the map comes first. It helps me develop the adventure. Sometimes I know what I want ahead of time, but its good practice to use other's maps to exercise your adventure writing skills.
The 4th volume of Moleskin Maps is fertile ground for ideas. And I've praised the utility of the adventure sheets in the past. I like the no nonsense layout. You get your maps and a tool to use with your map. Done and done.
I am now the owner of all four collections of Moleskin Maps, produced by +Matt Jackon at Chubby Monster Games, and I wanted to take this opportunity to provide a short comment regarding them.
Mr. Jackson has provided four excellent sets of what appear to be hand-drawn maps (if I understand correctly, they are inspired by maps that he had originally drawn in his Moleskine, thus the name).
There are 11 maps in volumes I & II, and 10 maps each in volumes III & IV. Most of them are underground caverns, although there are also a campsite (possibly two, depending on your interpretation of the map, a small village and a farm in volume I, as well as some other non-underground locations in the other volumes.
Each volume is a pdf with maps, and a location key sheet for the GM to set up what the map is going to represent.
If you visit Matt's blog, you can find samples of his work, to see if you like what you see.
In addition to a nicely laid out pdf, each volume also has a zip file containing high resolution PNG files, which you can use in your virtual table tops, or print out as needed for your not so virtual tabletops.
The price is very reasonable on these, and I highly recommend them to GM's who need some inspiration for locations.
I am now the owner of all four collections of Moleskin Maps, produced by +Matt Jackon at Chubby Monster Games, and I wanted to take this opportunity to provide a short comment regarding them.
Mr. Jackson has provided four excellent sets of what appear to be hand-drawn maps (if I understand correctly, they are inspired by maps that he had originally drawn in his Moleskine, thus the name).
There are 11 maps in volumes I & II, and 10 maps each in volumes III & IV. Most of them are underground caverns, although there are also a campsite (possibly two, depending on your interpretation of the map, a small village and a farm in volume I, as well as some other non-underground locations in the other volumes.
Each volume is a pdf with maps, and a location key sheet for the GM to set up what the map is going to represent.
If you visit Matt's blog, you can find samples of his work, to see if you like what you see.
In addition to a nicely laid out pdf, each volume also has a zip file containing high resolution PNG files, which you can use in your virtual table tops, or print out as needed for your not so virtual tabletops.
The price is very reasonable on these, and I highly recommend them to GM's who need some inspiration for locations.
I am now the owner of all four collections of Moleskin Maps, produced by +Matt Jackon at Chubby Monster Games, and I wanted to take this opportunity to provide a short comment regarding them.
Mr. Jackson has provided four excellent sets of what appear to be hand-drawn maps (if I understand correctly, they are inspired by maps that he had originally drawn in his Moleskine, thus the name).
There are 11 maps in volumes I & II, and 10 maps each in volumes III & IV. Most of them are underground caverns, although there are also a campsite (possibly two, depending on your interpretation of the map, a small village and a farm in volume I, as well as some other non-underground locations in the other volumes.
Each volume is a pdf with maps, and a location key sheet for the GM to set up what the map is going to represent.
If you visit Matt's blog, you can find samples of his work, to see if you like what you see.
In addition to a nicely laid out pdf, each volume also has a zip file containing high resolution PNG files, which you can use in your virtual table tops, or print out as needed for your not so virtual tabletops.
The price is very reasonable on these, and I highly recommend them to GM's who need some inspiration for locations.
I am now the owner of all four collections of Moleskin Maps, produced by +Matt Jackon at Chubby Monster Games, and I wanted to take this opportunity to provide a short comment regarding them.
Mr. Jackson has provided four excellent sets of what appear to be hand-drawn maps (if I understand correctly, they are inspired by maps that he had originally drawn in his Moleskine, thus the name).
There are 11 maps in volumes I & II, and 10 maps each in volumes III & IV. Most of them are underground caverns, although there are also a campsite (possibly two, depending on your interpretation of the map, a small village and a farm in volume I, as well as some other non-underground locations in the other volumes.
Each volume is a pdf with maps, and a location key sheet for the GM to set up what the map is going to represent.
If you visit Matt's blog, you can find samples of his work, to see if you like what you see.
In addition to a nicely laid out pdf, each volume also has a zip file containing high resolution PNG files, which you can use in your virtual table tops, or print out as needed for your not so virtual tabletops.
The price is very reasonable on these, and I highly recommend them to GM's who need some inspiration for locations.
These collections continue to improve! This volume is marked by recurring use of a cliff as a border, so the caves could be arranged near one another or stacked on top of each other. Also, there is even more experimentation and flexibility with different heights within a single level, adding descriptive interest.
the caves are more complex in some cases, which is a great help in making an interesting adventure site. A mix of worked stone areas and natural cavern areas suggests opportunistic masonry in existing caves, bringing a further element of mystery and wonder as characters move through the dark and find evidence of occupation on a grander scale than they would expect. Hidden tombs and shrines are a real feature in this set.
Sometimes it is the little things that make a difference--like having doorknobs noted on the doors so when the players ask where the hinges are and which way the door opens, you've got a better chance of being consistent with your answer.
Each large map also has a smaller version with some key questions on the back. Filling in key locations, treasures, wandering monsters, and so on can fit on the sheet with the map. It takes some of the intimidation out of stocking a map for a newcomer, and adds a nice twist for those used to working with maps.
Check this package of maps out! They are useful and inspirational.
The game is 7 pages long so don't expect a lot of material. But still, there's everything you need : from character to creation to equipement with a setting and stats for 4 different types of Bugs.
The rule are quite easy : 2D6 + Skill vs TN
The adventure is straightforward as well but it just works very well. You can download the game, read it and play it 15 minutes later. You could have a 3 to 4 hours game session just for 1$.
If you want to run a quick and dirty Starship Troopers/Aliens game, you can't go wrong with this game.
Creator Reply: |
Thanks for the review! I am glad you enjoyed it! |
Awesome seed to start your next space adventure. Light flexible d6 rules allow for quick play. Very easy to bring beginning players into the fold. I got my hands on the physical product that came as an awesome little scout book & an adventure. Ran it quickly for a few store patrons & the general consensus was WE WANT MORE!
Matt Jackson releases his third volume of Moleskin Maps. If you are in the need for maps, and if your gamer you can never have enough maps, plop down the $2.99 of fake money (cause when you buy stuff over the internet it doesn't really count) and receive 10 maps and each map has a write up sheet to make quick work of an adventure.
These maps are ideal if you're a GM and need something quick for your game night. I've used Matt's maps several times and what's great about them is they are small and manageable at a glance. And don't confuse their small size with blandness. Each map has its own unique personality. When I look at Matt's maps I intuitively think that's where the roper goes, loot there, good place for a trap and maybe a room for some grunts for the players to kill. Bam! Within 10 seconds of looking at his maps I have an adventure. It's like magic.
If you starting or in the middle of a campaign do yourself a favor and pick up Moleskin Maps: Volume Three or two or one or all of them. It will make your adventure planning easier so you have more time to plan out your next TPK. For the low price of $2.99 you're getting hell of a good value for your money.