Other comments left for this publisher: |
I think this game module is really at odds with how the Pits & Perils game world is described or implied in the rule books. The language and descriptions seemed gatuitous and much better suited for a game like Lamentations than P&P. I was disappointed.
A pretty good (though notably short) adventure. The text isn't without the occasional typo, and there doesn't seem to be any difference between the two pdfs (aside from one having a blue cover and the other having a gray one) but for a dollar, I really can't complain!
Good intro to our AD&D 1e Campaign - modified background to suit own needs. The group enjoyed it, it had a good feel to it and it has started our 1st level characters off nicely - thankyou.
At 8 pages, 7 are the content. It has mutiple formats (which is useful).
Edge of Space (EoS) is a simple 2d6 + skills + target number (TN) system. Reminds me of the Star Trek & Lord of the Rings RPGs by Decipher.
The background is an Aliens theme.
It has 6 professions:
Grunt, Support, Scientist, Officer, Company Man, Merc.
Maybe the odd error (P2: Grunt 1: Rifle, 2: Rifle)? Maybe Rifle then Pistol?
When hit, the health states are: Healthy, Shaken, Wounded, Mortal, Dead.
Yes, you can get other RPG's which are more detailed, bigger page count, etc; some are even free (Age of Shadows, Labyrinth Lord, etc, to name a few).
An experienced role player can house rule this system (given enough time), to add other details; it should be too difficult.
At 69 pence ($1), it's OK.
Worth a try.
Old-school now has its own Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and it's called Bloodnut Pass! This is a short adventure to place between adventures, but it could probably be completed in a single session using the Pits & Perils rules. The dungeon is physically laid out to be dangerous and challenging in itself, and the monsters are carefully placed to work with this, making it a tough one for sure!
Creator Reply: |
I\'m glad you enjoyed this adventure, I had great fun writing this one. Thanks you for the feedback. |
The main problem with this adventure is its brevity. Three of the six pages of the PDF are maps. There is little story or background information about the temple. Some of the rooms have tidbits of description that cry out for further explanation. For example, there are stacks of gold pieces, three high, on the stairs leading up to the statue. Why? Or the oily liquid of the Pool of Qultar is implied to be dangerous but never explained.
Other annoying bits: there are typos and grammatical errors. The map is not keyed, so you have to guess which description applies to each room.
Positives: the multiple versions of the map are nice. There is a fun idea related to the golem which I might employ.
Overall, I guess you get what you pay for, but even $1 seems too much for this.
Let me say this up-front: I know the author from the interwebs (although not in person) and I’m a fan of his maps and his rules-lite game Edge of Space (aff). I might be a bit biased with this review.
Bloodnut Pass
What do you need to know?
Bloodnut Pass is a short old school adventure by Chubby Monster Games/Matt Jackson. It’s written with Pits & Perils in mind but could be used with other games as well.
The adventure is creepy and gross and a bit over-the-top. It is aimed at mature readers.
Warning: Spoilers ahead!
With a nod to the animated D&D series the main villain is called Vengar and is an evil cleric who was corrupted by a demon (or is this a stab at Mr. Venger Satanis?). Decades later, what’s left of Vengar is a walking head with spider legs. Creepy.
The idea behind this adventure is that a clan of monsters called Dark Dwellers has taken residence in Vengar’s caverns. They rob travelers, rape, and torture and eat people. Yes, they are evil, no moral gray areas.
Generally, this short dungeon romp can be easily plugged into an ongoing campaign. The background is generic enough to fit most settings if you’re willing to live with the weird and creepy.
The adventure comes with a small map. The atmosphere of the dungeon is dark, dirty and gross. For example, there is a Meat Locker where the monsters hang the bodies (sometimes alive). I like how this is emphasized by players having to make a save against the foul odor.
Be warned that there is also a Breeding Chamber where the leader of the Dwellers mates with the poor female prisoners.
The encounters are deadly. Especially the leader has the spell STUN which can prove very dangerous to the party.
Vengar can defend himself with nasty insults! Yes, you read that right. His magic affects a PC’s morale which will weaken the character. And he can STUN, too.
Hilariously, the last locations are the Shit Pit and the Shit Slide where characters can leave the caverns. They won’t leave this way without a parting gift: they must make a save or contract a disease.
The last section of the book contains the stats for the monsters. The background info is well written. Level, numbers of attack and spells should give you a good orientation on how to convert P&P monsters to a D&D-style game.
It’s a 17 pages black & white PDF with single-column-layout. The font style was chosen as a tribute to Pits & Perils and looks like from an old typewriter. While it conveys a certain nostalgic feel it is not that easy to read.
Matt Jackson might be best known for his great old school maps (check out his Patreon). Unfortunately, this map isn’t that good as it uses a new style he is testing out. It’s a bit blurry and missing the sharpness and clear lines I’m fond of.
The interior art is nice. I like the image of the Dwellers, they are very alien and Vengar suitably looks like a creepy fellow.
You can easily print out the PDF as a booklet and the font will be big enough to read comfortably.
Final Thoughts
What do I like?
I’m keen on Pits & Perils and it’s good to see a simple adventure which was written for this ruleset.
I like the image of the Dark Dwellers, they are appropriately monstrous. I also like the humor and the atmosphere of this adventure, but your mileage may vary.
What I would have liked to see?
Just for convenience sake I’d like to have stats for Swords & Wizardry or Labyrinth Lord. Some P&P entries are a bit cryptic without having the core rulebook. And please give me those nice maps you normally do, Mr. Jackson!
I find this adventure difficult to rate. While it is solid work it is not necessarily a must-buy. It’s a small dungeon romp good for a few hours of gaming.
The tone won’t appeal to everyone. Especially the Breeding Chamber and the Shit Pit with the remains of those experiments could be upsetting for some players.
Furthermore, it’s a bit wacky. But I like it. It’s a decent adventure and a fun read and I would GM it.
Bloodnut Pass will come down to personal taste. I’d guess that you’ll either like the premise or you’ll think it is ridiculous.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for the review Sophia, I will admit up front I created this to be a bit evocative and dangerous, a bit off the usual path, on purpose. I wanted to push the envelope of what I typically make (thus the reason for the much-different map style). I\'m glad you liked the adventure. |
I am a big fan of the material that Matt Jackson comes up with. Normally he does maps, in fact he is prolific with his maps, but I came to know him through his fully realised game Edge of Space. A little while ago he came up with a map called Bloodnut Pass and I am going to be frank here, it is possibly my least favorite map that Matt had created as he was trialling a new style. Now, the other thing you need to know is that Matt is a huge Old School Renaissance (OSR) buff and through his love of the game Pits and Perils by Old House Rules I came to be pretty fond of the idea too!
Well Matt has taken the Bloodnut Pass map and has turned it into a mini-adventure approved for use with Pits and Perils. The beauty of this little gem, which you can pick up for a dollar at RPGNow is that it really would not be hard to fit it into any system (which is kind of a thing with OSR games). The map is supplemented with some nice art that is also done by Matt and the sordid, disgusting details of the pass are contained within, including a new monster (the Dark Dweller) and a head Cleric.
The adventure is not one that you are going to want to play with your children however. It focuses of dark material. The Dark Dwellers are torturers, rapists and eat the flesh of the local populace like it was an all you can eat buffet. The module suggests you take the descriptions as a GM and gory them up as much as you can. There are such lovely locales in this mini adventure as the Murder Room and the Shit Pit, so do not look here for a beautiful adventure featuring fey and faeries.
It is a short adventure designed to be slipped into an ongoing game that involves travel for the players. Do they take the longer route adding four days to their journey or do they risk Bloodnut Pass, rumored to be one of the most dangerous mountain passes in the area. Of course, being stout adventurers they will have to take the pass, won't they?
The map, by the way, now makes sense. The style of the map mirrors the darkness of the adventure and I am now fully on board with its use. I have to say that the adventure is one that I really like too. I tend to prefer dark, gritty campaigns as opposed to clean beautiful and fantastic settings so this plays to my strengths. I really would suggest that you pick this up, regardless of the system you use, and keep it on hand. Just when the players need to make some quick travel this may be just the little side adventure that will throw them a curve ball and provide a great nights worth of entertainment. Five out of Five severed man bits for this one. Great work Matt!
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for the awesome review. I am glad you really liked the adventure. |
This adventure is a very classical old-school 'on the road' adventure. Nothing troublesome, but plain fun, fighting and being heroes. It is short and could be played within a few hours. It fits within most settings and works fine. Just don't think too much about some of the occurences...
Formating is fine. Illustrations are old-style and nice. Writting is someties sloppy and full of errors (and that comming from a non-mother-tongue-reader).
Nevertheless it is a "Pay what you want" product, so you probably are not paying too much and get what you payed for.
Creator Reply: |
The game is what it is. It's eight pages of a minimalist attempt at a complete game setting. What it is not is what the reviewers made it out to be. Not that playable. Not that complete. Not that wonderful. It's a simple 2d6 game without much of anything that is innovative or clever in it's mechanics or setting. At a buck, I don't mind taking a chance. However, my expectations were ratcheted up by the reviews. I don't think I'll get another game based on the reviews. Having the text in various formats is a plus, but there are certainly better systems and more complete games that are completely free.
A delicious bit of old-school wickedness that can be easily incorporated into any old-school adventure. Dare you drink from the Pool of the Alchemist?
As fan of the Warhammer 40k fiction and boardgames, I was looking for a rules-lite and affordable alternative to the thick and costly RPG books from Fantasy Flight -- and I found it!
This nice little d6 system has it all - character creation, weapons/gear, skill checks, combat, enemy stats, movement. There is an even information for the setting and includes a mini-module adventure.
As to what this game is "lacking", well that's a matter of opinion. For me I like making it up on my own by using my imagination.
Time to purge the xenos threat...
Matt jackson, the guy who makes all those cool Moleskin Map series on RPGNow and his maps can be found in many OSR products including my own Manor zine a few times, has released what I hope will be a new line of products called, Side Treks. His first venture out is called Side Treks: The Crossroads of Spyley.
These kind of products have always been some of my favorites and ones I like to create myself. The Crossroads of Spyley is a small location along a forest that can easily be plopped into your fantasy campaign. If you need an interesting location for your players to stay at along the way or maybe their exploring the forest and need a base of operation this product does that and more.
First off, you get one of Matt's fantastic maps. He's getting better with each product he produces. The map is clean and crisp. He has three buildings at the crossroads detailed within the overall map, The Drunken Dragoon (tavern), Marreno's Store, and a big ass barn. This strangely rainy location is subtle and effective. You're not going to find any huge drama going on, but some people going about there everyday life with interesting back stories. It's a great canvas for a GM to create their own drama that could occur.
And I love the reason why it is raining. Nice touch.
I really like The Crossroads of Spyley. I will find a place in my current world to place it. It's too good not to. If your a fan of small interesting locations that you can use at a moments notice and love good maps then Side Treks: Crossroads of Spyley is for you. It will cost you $1.99 to get a copy and is well worth it.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for the review! Glad you enjoyed Spyley! |
I am a gamer from the Wayback machine and his is the sort of tool I like. It delivers exactly what it promises… maps that I can drop into any game quickly. Simple dungeons with descriptions left up to my imagination, easy record/statistic sheets associated with the individual maps, a small GM version of the map and a larger table version of the same. I love this. A map always seems a simple enough thing, until you need one, and then it can be a bear. These maps can be used on the fly. The best part may be, that they can easily be re-purposed and used again. The price is pretty sweet too.
In my opinion, this is a good tool to train younger DMs on how to make simple adventures, no matter what system you are running. All you do is write a background, a few memorable rooms, pick a handful of encounters, a couple of major treasures, and presto – a basic dungeon. It’s a Good confidence builder. I think my younger cousins will get a lot of use out of this.
Nice, clean module with a great layout and maps. The adventure uses the Fate Accelerated system which is east to comprehend and run. The authors have a nice selection of magic items, monsters and pre-generated NPCs. This would be a great, short adventure for those getting back together for the holidays.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for the review, we appreciate the feedback! |