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RPGPundit Presents: The Old School Companion 1
by Matthew [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/16/2024 18:29:37

Very useful for actual play across multiple genres.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
RPGPundit Presents: The Old School Companion 1
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RPGPundit Presents: The Old School Companion 2 (Medieval-Authentic Adventures)
by Matthew [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/16/2024 18:28:53

Very useful for actual play across multiple systems and genres.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
RPGPundit Presents: The Old School Companion 2 (Medieval-Authentic Adventures)
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RPGPundit Presents #100: Star Adventurer
by ROCK [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/23/2024 14:26:00

Great little rule book to get you going. You will need to fill in the blanks yourself when it comes to the setting and space vehicles.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
RPGPundit Presents #100: Star Adventurer
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RPGPundit Presents #100: Star Adventurer
by Charles [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/14/2024 23:36:38

Star Adventurer: Let your imagination soar. Embark on a Cosmic Voyage of Adventure

[5 of 5 Stars!]
RPGPundit Presents: The Old School Companion 1
by Cassiano [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/27/2023 22:20:31

Amazing book. The section on spellbooks and grimoires alone is worth the price, but it's just one chapter. 100% recommend.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
RPGPundit Presents: The Old School Companion 1
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RPGPundit Presents #1: DungeonChef
by caleb e. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/03/2023 13:48:37

really great and you can chuck it into most gaming systems and it'll work great for Peppering in (exuse the cooking pun) some extra fun for my players

[4 of 5 Stars!]
RPGPundit Presents #1: DungeonChef
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RPGPundit Presents: World of the Last Sun
by Zakk H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/03/2023 17:16:57

A fantastic gonzo science fantasy setting. I've used it to bolster my current DCC/MCC game with some fresh ideas. Alot of cool game-ready material in this book. Some amazing and unique tables as well as a plethora of ideas to use for inspiration or for direct use. The print quality is good (I bought SoftCover) and I haven't noticed any typos or mistakes. Overall fantastic product in both content and layout/writing quality.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
RPGPundit Presents: World of the Last Sun
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RPGPundit Presents: The Old School Companion 2 (Medieval-Authentic Adventures)
by John C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/12/2023 13:28:09

This is a great collection of adventure ideas, medieval stories, unique villians. The adventures and story hooks are extremely evocative and will help any RPG historrical or fantasy that wishes to ground itself in moody medieval style adventures. The adventures are written for a specific camapign setting, but can easily be dropped into most homebrew campaign worlds (thats what I am doing). If I had one complaint I would have appriciated more art full page art of some of the villians (so I could show the players).

[5 of 5 Stars!]
RPGPundit Presents: The Old School Companion 2 (Medieval-Authentic Adventures)
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RPGPundit Presents #100: Star Adventurer
by okdokie45 j. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/25/2022 16:00:29

i like it adds to lion and dragon its worth it if you have l&d other wise yeh its fine

[4 of 5 Stars!]
RPGPundit Presents #100: Star Adventurer
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RPGPundit Presents: The Old School Companion 1
by Dale M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/10/2022 22:31:21

A really useful addition to any game set in a medieval-esque period, whether it's a real-world fantasy game or a typical D&D game. Easily incorporated into any sword & sorcery game!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
RPGPundit Presents: The Old School Companion 1
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RPGPundit Presents: The Old School Companion 2 (Medieval-Authentic Adventures)
by Dale M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/10/2022 22:29:42

This collection of OSR, medieval authentic adventures is perfect to add to any "realistic" game of Euro fantasy, and can easily be inserted into most D&D games or Pathfinder for that matter. A nice collection of intriguing and insightful adventures!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
RPGPundit Presents: The Old School Companion 2 (Medieval-Authentic Adventures)
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RPGPundit Presents: The Old School Companion 2 (Medieval-Authentic Adventures)
by Jason S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/08/2022 13:13:59

Awesome book full of great, challenging adventures for use in any OSR, or really any sword and board RPG. There are over 20 scenarios, and I've already dropped a pair of these into my home game. Huge value for the money, and the adventures are excellent.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
RPGPundit Presents #100: Star Adventurer
by Kyle W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/30/2021 22:58:17

This is a good game. I am normally not a fan of D&D style rules, but Star Adventurer fixes a lot of what I dislike. I like the hit point progression being flattened out to a single point per level for non-combat classes and 2 points per level for frontline classes. The random table for leveling up is really interesting. As is the "race" of your character being an archtype instead of a lengthy list of races and their modifiers. Overall, this is a tightly written and well thought out OSR game and well worth buying.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
RPGPundit Presents #100: Star Adventurer
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RPGPundit Presents: The Old School Companion 1
by Alex W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/23/2021 11:46:24

This is a tricky one to review - I really like RPGPundit as a, well, as a pundit, and subscribe to his YouTube channel. I thought Lion and Dragon was fantastic, a really good re-imagining of old school D&D in a genuine medieval setting. The L&D magic system is really great.

Old School Companion is a mixed bag. It's basically a collection of stuff from the RPGPundit's regular "...Presents" series of PDF products. I can't quite make up my mind if the content if this book is basically inessential, or if it just doesn't really fit with my personal DM style/game requirements.

There are some new classes and crit tables - these are decent, especially the Archer class as a variant of the original Fighter. Some of the info about the clerical order is also useful, even if like me you use Catholic Christianity as the basis for your game's religion rather than L&D's "official" Sol Invictus cult.

However, a lot of the content of the book seems, while interesting, not really a lot of use. There's a lot of material about real world magic like the Goetia and tarot and so on. This is all correct (the Pundit knows his occult) but I can't really see it being much use in game, the original L&D magic was pretty comprehensive and if you wanted to know about the Goetic demons there are plenty of places online you can print off a list of them. Similarly with the tarot - i can't imagine having a fully detailed tarot session in game, you'd just hit the high points that were relevent to the adventure and crack on. But then again, maybe that's just me. I know about the occult as well, so for someone without that background all this might be gold.

I have a similar problem with some of the mundane stuff towards the back of the book about costs of housing, travel times and so on. In my games, this kind of stuff is never really that important and while I expect it's well researched it just doesn't really seem to justify the page count to me. I am aware though, that as an Englishman, a lot of this "medieval authentic" stuff is just stuff I know from being English and growing up in England and having an interest in history. For an American reader, for example, this sort of information could be exactly what they need.

So there you go. The book is nicely designed and put together (although not as nicely as the original L&D book which was something special), but what you get out of it is probably dependent on your baseline knowledge of history and the occult, and how much crunch you like in your games. But the Pundit is still a top chap so I'm still giving it 4 stars.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
RPGPundit Presents: The Old School Companion 1
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RPGPundit Presents #100: Star Adventurer
by Chris P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/17/2021 12:10:25

My very first RPGPundit book purchase. Was not disappointed. Not a large title, but a complete game all the same. Made some characters and immediately was impressed with how easy it was for me to pick up the system. I do not have any previous OSR experience.

Would buy it again. Great value for the money.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
RPGPundit Presents #100: Star Adventurer
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