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Frozen Reflection
by Scott G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/15/2012 23:22:07

Bianca Flynn expects her Sweet Sixteen to be a quiet celebration with her stepmother who she doesn't much like, but when strange things start happening, Bianca realizes this birthday will be anything but ordinary. So begins a magical journey between two worlds with a lead character who is not only strong, but also very likable. The fantasy world created in this novel is vivid and beautiful. With a fast pace, the author moves us seamlessly between two worlds putting a new spin on an old fairy tale, which is at times charming and at times chilling. The story moves at such a good pace, you won't want to stop reading. Truly enjoyable with twists that keep you guessing all the way through.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Frozen Reflection
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