Coaling Stations finds a good balance between a fast play rule set while maintaining some feel for the pre-dred period. What I like about Coaling Stations most is the card-driven command mechanism. Each squadron is allocated a aspirational set of orders (move, turn, fire weapons, make smoke etc.) using cards (the basic information is provided, but you have to make your own) each turn and the number of orders that can be enacted is determined by a roll againts the squadron 'command rating'. This builds in a nice degree of uncertainty into the game that makes solo play very interesting.
To me the collision/ramming rules are a little too extreme - touching the base of another ship means automatic collision - so I tend to use a successful roll against your command rating to 'save' against collision occuring (on 2d6). If you fail, collision occurs.
The rules could do with a revision as there are some holes that require the player to study the examples of play to interpret them, but if you don't mind having to fill the gaps a little, I really think this is a worthwhile set to have. Also, I think what the author has provided would lend itself well to expansion with house rules - so if you like to tinker with your rules, give Coaling Stations a go.
My thanks to Rob Heath for an interesting set of rules which I have played regularly for some years now.