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Great price, very clean maps. I liked that it had a table of contents, but the table of contents space between items and pages was a bit wide.
I found that it helped me to handwrite in pen the different names of the different pages / scenes. If all of these were in apile it might be hard to remember page 31 is X. Maybe consider naming each in an update. gaming on the fly I used 5 of these scenes tonight from my Traveller session, set at a Class C spaceport.
I liked the modular roads a lot. I thought perhaps the designer might have included simple circular pads, on one sheet, instead of having to cut them up.
Nice inclusion of small details like office plants, chairs, and desks also. Overall, glad I bought this and prited it at noon, for a game that started at 4 PM on a Saturday.
I have been a huge fan of doing my own deckplans for over 40 years. Mostly hand drawn using photoshop. Or modifying designs from the books from a bad photocopy, back in the day.
For 10 USD, I got the bundle. Sweet deal. I plan to design a whole new fleet with these deckplan elements.
Thanks much to the artists and designers for this product. It is better than the T4 Naval Architect's guide, in my opinion.
This is the sort of warship the imperium needs! At 500 tons it is slightly larger than the Type T and Gazelle
and Jump 3 gives it good mobility. The key feature is the Particle Barbette, which gives the ship a decent punch and makes it a more effective combat ship.
Plenty of colour illustrations, good deckplans and plenty of background including sample encounters.
A well thought out, high quality product.
printed 2 pages to an a4 sheet to get 15mm scale.... just what the doctor ordered lol
I really like the Quick Decks and the entire concept of them. They are pretty easy and straight forward to use, look great, and if you print on nice heavy paper, will have a pretty good life span, even longer if you decide to laminate. There doesn't seem to be any limitation as to what you can build with these products as long as it has a "typical design" (ie: Is not an "organic" ship, has typical sections, etc). It you wanted to depict uneven walls or strange shaped rooms as you might find in a ship that was mined from an asteroid, it might take some creative work on your part since all the tiles have straight walls. But you could easily depict the insides of a ship made from an asteroid that have been "finished."
Also, keep in mind that many of the sections can easily be used for things other than ships. Hallways, state rooms, barracks, armories, cargo hold areas, etc. can all be used for regular buildings, starports, or even space stations.
The only suggestions I have to make the products better would be to include directions on how to build a common ship, like a Type S scout. Which pages you need to print, which parts to cut out, and how to arrange them. This could really help some people who might look at all the parts and get overwhelmed. Also, possibly include an index with thumbnails to make it easier to find particular components.
But those are just minor quibbles when you consider all the cool stuff you can do with this bundle.
This is simply a fantastic supplement for we, the starship wh*res. Targeted to Mongoose Traveller and specifically the Foreven Sector ATU, these ships are easily adaptable to other Traveller variants and more than fitting for any Traveller setting. The designs are all top-notch and easily to modify; some craft fill niches overlooked so far, others give an interesting alternate take on existing Traveller starships.
A great supplement for us deckplan wh*res. Targeted to Mongoose Traveller and specifically the Foreven Sector ATU, these ships are easily adaptable to other Traveller variants and more than fitting for any Traveller setting. The designs lean toward the angular - a welcome change, bringing variety to Traveller vessels.
Any Traveller universe, be it the original one (OTU) or an alternate one (ATU) like the Foreven Sector, needs loads and loads of starships. Space travel is mature enough to have lots of vessels out in the black and it beggars belief that they are all built to the same design, so I relish the addition of yet more starships to ply the spacelanes.
This collection includes a variety of craft designed for various purposes and allowing for considerable variation. Each comes with copious flavour text, designed for use in the Foreven Sector ATU but capable of use in any Traveller universe with minimal modification. There are delightful sketches redolant of the original Traveller books, deck plans and various exterior views as well as full specifications.
First up is a luxury yacht or VIP transport, which has a distinct VIP suite as well as space for both crew and the VIP's entourage. You could create a whole campaign around a travelling diplomat or noble and his retinue, have the party running a VIP vessel for hire or run a one-off adventure involving an attack or rescue mission. And that's only the first one!
Next is a specialist mining/survey rig. It's designed for use in an asteroid belt, to search out mineral resources and evaluate them. Designed for long-term deployment, it is roomy and comfortable for the crew of pilot, engineer, geologist and a couple of mining specialists - and even boasts a laboratory for the geologist. It's not big enough to conduct full-scale mining operations on its own, but could be used in conjunction with a shuttle craft such as the Skipjack (described later) and some long-haul cargo containers, also covered in this work. Again, if not running a mining/exploration campaign, you could encounter these craft during a visit to an asteroid belt.
The next craft is an ingenious answer to the question of what to do with old X-boats... mate them to a Vagrant class service hull, of course. This annular structure provides extra space and manoeuvering drives, while the X-boat provides Jump capability. An interesting and versatile concept.
Then there's the aforementioned Skipjack class system shuttle. Intended to be used in-system, it needs a crew of three and has plenty of cargo space. It can skim fuel for its manoeuvre drives and is a good 'workhorse' craft to have buzzing around a busy system. Variants exist that can be used as landing craft, and the large cargo spaces can be reconfigured for carrying personnel. Apparently one has been tricked out as a spacefaring brothel...
If you need additional cargo capacity, a Longhaul class cargo container can be attached to your Skipjack - a relatively simple task, so you can travel around picking them up and dropping them off as needed. Again these can be configured in a range of ways including colony transports, cold sleep personnel, or even as a basic system defence platform with weapons and crew quarters.
Next is a high-performance courier ship, the Kankur class frontier courier. This is another versatile vessel and suitable for the classic Traveller party (yes, it has a smuggler's hold!). There is a military version, an advanced scout craft (with stealth capabilities) and even a luxury transport version - each of these is described complete with deckplans showing how interior layout is changed.
If the luxury version of the Kankur does not meet your needs, try the Astoria class executive transport, which has enough space to carry a large crew to tend to your passengers' every need as well as to fly the ship. They even feature a battery of escape pods should their admittedly powerful defences prove inadequate or other difficulties arise. Apparently they are also good for corporate strike teams, if such operate in your neck of the woods.
Finally, there's the Saliant class patrol frigate, a powerful military heavy escort which can carry a marine unit and is capable of Jump-3 - and packs a heavy punch in its own right. It can land and also has a g-carrier with garage bay. A nice vessel for military/mercenary use.
So, a good range of well-designed and versatile craft, ready for use around your universe.
If you are looking for a 'plan for a starport' you are in the wrong place: but if you are looking for the components to map out bits of a starport when who's where becomes important, here you will find the tools that you need.
I generally think of starports a bit like airports, places to pass through or hang about waiting for departure (or when meeting someone). So you need lots of space, facilities for dropping people or good off or picking them up, and there's likely to be security, retail outlets, food and drink and facilities appropriate to whatever immigration and customs controls there might be wherever your starport is located. Then there's the underside, the working side. This includes the facilities to support the folk who work there - who need offices, stores, break rooms, comfort facilites and somewhere to eat. There is also the services required by those who use the starport as part of their work, from people who crew spaceships to those who supply and repair them. Workshops, storage and so on.
So, what do you get here? There's a lot of rather bland floor and wall tiles you can use to make whatever space you need. There are some quite good seating areas for the places people have to wait in. There's a nice security barrier for ground vehicle traffic in and out of the starport area. There are offices, staircases, even more waiting areas, tables, kitches, rest rooms, bars, smart entrances and rather more mundane ones... the sort of sleeping facilities suitable for transients, even a shower block, workshops, medical centre, corridors... and a few examples where all of these have been put together to provide sample locations.
There is an Introduction that gives a few hints and tips, mostly to help with printing; and a contents list which helps you make out what each sheet is supposed to be (not all are that obvious just looking at the plans). There is also a comprehensive legend (map key) to explain all the symbols used. The 'Layers' facility can be accessed to customise the plans somewhat, quite neatly.
Overall, this is a useful toolkit - but you will need to work out the overall plan for yourself, and decide which bits you need to have in more detail. This will no doubt be determined by what you intend to take place there - a party just passing through may need no more than a brief verbal description, but if the characters get into a brawl, you will find this very useful indeed!
A good printer friendly map set.
The pdf is 31 pages (25 pages are the actual maps and items to 'occupy' the maps, including a blank map page.
Good usage tips (p.4) for setting different scales (25mm, 20mm & 15mm).
Well worth the price.
When is an Alternative Traveller Universe not an ATU but Alternative to the Official/Original Traveller Universe? When it is using the OGL Foreven Sector, despite, quite a large number of typos - this is an excellent introduction to DSL Ironworks version of Foreven. Most seasoned, including, myself has taken a stab at writing their own version of Foreven, what makes this one particularly noteworthy is that it is attempting to unify previous fragments with brand new game concepts and create a sector of swashbuckling adventure. However, this is only Book 0 - thus, really a precursor of the goodness to come.
I was thoroughly enchanted by this short introduction and the careful logic that went into the re-imagining of Foreven. It is as good or better than what I created doing the same thing but in very much amateur production. Exceptional graphics and well thought interconnected histories gives a whole new set of lenses to view Traveller history (long biased from the vantage point of the Imperials). Here we have a Sector that has been Zhodani, Darrian and even Swordies have nestled claims. What's more, it was the forgotten front in the Frontier Wars between the Imperium and the Zhodani Consulate - but truly as a frontier - much as Africa was in the First and Second World War - which did not prevent or halt conflict - just gave it a very different hue than the conflict in Europe.
DSL Ironworks has created a great product, with a real retro-Traveller taking one back to the heady days of either the last days of CT or beginnings of MT. When there was an Imperial Campaign that was moving...Mongoose has managed to capture some of this energy but I fear not nearly enough - let great companies like DSL blaze a new frontier. I hope that these "books" get a proper editor and get compiled into a deadtree version. Keep up the excellent work!
Going by this introductory material, Foreven Sector is going to be a place I shall enjoy visiting!
The product begins with an introduction in which author Donavan Lambertus starts by explaining in some detail how the name 'Bastards' of Foreven came about - ship nose art developing into some pirates which led to a mixed group of mercenaries... If you delight in peeps under the hood, seeing how game developers' minds work, there is a fair bit to fascinate you here. The really fascinating bit is how every effort has been made to make Foreven Sector as compatible as possible with the Official Traveller Universe (OTU), particularly places like the Spinward Marches which it abuts on to, but also in terms of the history and culture of the region... and yet making it its own self: you won't be confused for one moment as to where you are!
That done, we have a section on Standards and Assumptions, laying out the basics under which the setting has been developed. Mongoose core rules, of course, but also details of how Jump operates, stealth in space, the use of fighters and battleriders in space combat and so on. It's always good to be sure of your basic assumptions, but rare to have them laid out so explicitly: both a useful and a refreshing approach.
Next some flavour text introduces a section in which we learn the history of Foreven Sector going right back to speculation about the Ancients and then pre-Imperium exploration by Zhodani and Darrians, and early incursions by both the young Imperium and the Zhodani with the inevitable butting of heads upon occasion. Whilst at the moment there is peace between them, it is somewhat tenuous and it is highly possible that this is where the situation will boil over to open warfare should it come to that.
This is followed by a look at the major polities here, interspersed with more flavour text, all of which makes fascinating reading. Despire continued incursions by Imperial and Zhodani forces, most of Foreven is occupied by smaller but rising powers, and this is where we find out about them. Some are but single worlds with ambition, others have taken at least the first steps towards realising that ambition. We also learn of other pivotal groups - megacorporations, criminal gangs including pirate bands, and groups of mercenaries.
Now we get down to serious appetitie-whetting with a sample world: Akadi. It's a largish water world which orbits a red dwarf (binary system actually, paired with a white dwarf) with a thin atmosphere and a distressing attaction for comets and asteroids: their impacts not only do damage but tend to generate tsunamis as well. Complete with maps and pages of detail, this world is all ready for an extended stay or to play a major part in your adventures in some other way. Biosphere, settlements, government, culture, products, system data, a timeline and more are provided to put everything you need to know at your fingertips.
There is also a sample vehicle, a TL10 Veridion Class ATV. This is a popular planetary surface workhorse for transportation and exploration, or of course as a combat vehicle. Notes, statistics and extensive drawings of all three versions are provided. This is followed by a 'TAS Documentary' extended piece of flavour text, a sample starship (again with considerable detail) and a sample adventure. This, Last Flight of the Junyo, is designed not only to be an enjoyable adventure but also to serve as an introduction to the Foreven Sector as a whole. Here in space is the abandoned lifeless hulk of an Iridonnian diplomatic ship, the characters' task is to investigate and find out what happened to it. (Iridonia is one of those small but burgeoning polities mentioned earlier.)
Finally, there's an entire sample subsector, complete with 2- or 3-line entries about each system.
If this doesn't make you want to explore... well, you're not cut out for space exploration! A fine beginning and I am already looking forwards to the next book.
This is an excellent booklet of a 200 ton J3, T4 adventure class ship and perfect for MTU.
As well as a detailed history and description of the ship there are 5 pictures, 6 deckplans and a page of counters.
The only thing I can ask for is MORE of this.
It's hard to be a Traveller without a ship to travel in... and here is one which, if it doesn't happen to suit your needs, is certainly one which ought to prove popular so you'll see them around even if you are not inside one yourself.
A lot of thought and work has gone into this product. The whole concept of a 'class' of ships has been thought through, with a detailed discourse on the history of its development. This embeds the class firmly in the publisher's own Foreven Sector, but even if you don't plan on running adventures there it can still serve as the background for a vessel that is going to have universe-wide appeal. Every ship was designed somewhere, after all, and has a history and rationale behind its design, even if you encounter or even purchase one somewhere else entirely. (In the real world, I live down the road from the Bentley plant, but there's a Renault sitting outside my house!)
The history is followed by gear-head-delighting technical details given in narrative as well as standard table form. Deck plans are followed by a vivid description of the ship, useful for introducing characters to it on their first visit. That covers the 'standard' model but there are four further variants - three official and one typical of the customisation done by those who wish to conduct smuggling operations with their new ship.
And there's more: a full four fully-detailed examples complete with crews and even custom paint jobs. You could use one as a ready-made ship and characters to start a game quickly, or these could be some of the folks you meet on your travels. Friends or foes is up to you! Each comes with sufficent notes that you can see where they might fit in, or even to spawn a few adventure ideas... and if that isn't enough, there's a section of adventure seeds and potential patrons to kickstart your plotting.
It all ends with further deckplans you can print out and even some paper miniatures.
If this is the detail to be lavished on the Foreven Sector, I can't wait to visit it!
A good first effort** at a locales module - in this case, it is a dive/shady bar in the back and beyond of any Traveller Universe. Unlike (much to my dismay), it did not use the Third Imperium as the backdrop rather it relied on a general description - broadens the audience, I suppose.
In any case, what you get here is a description (would have prefered more fluff), a couple adventure seeds and an interesting NPC along with mini and gaming tiles. Priced reasonable for what you get is a portable locale that can be plunked into any game. I understand that this is first of what will be a compilation and therefore look forward to future volumes and the compilation in print (just be sure to index it). The adventure premises are generic enough and this is a great place for players to assemble for their first Traveller adventure.
Unfortunately, we are still stuck with Poser art but I understand the choice in using it. I prefer more realistic illustrations...and given what now is possible with computer art - I would strongly suggest that future offerings maybe go with a solicitation to places like Deviantart and thus provide more realistic art.
All in all a good product, reasonably priced for what you get. So, if you are need of a dive/starport bar...use this one.
**TM1: Reprieve-class Escape Pod - a previous offering that I found vastly superior to this one despite sharing many of the same characteristics