For the last few days, I have soloed my way through Conflict at the Convention. This fun adventure is included in Supers! Quick Start (16 pages, free at DriveThruRPG). I did use the three PCs that are included in the rules. The solo engine I used was Mage Tarot Reference (43 pages, also free at DriveThruRPG).
So, the adventure started with the three PCs enjoying the comic book convention. Solarhawk was able to get the phone number of an attractive blond woman. Arachne was signing 8X10 photos of herself and selling them. Grey was selling sketchbook portraits he was doing of his customers. The villain Ares shows up and makes a big scene. Arachne stuffs her cash bills down the front of her bodysuit. The PCs attack. Arachne tries to throw Ares out of the second story window. Instead, she gets thrown out of it. Grey is able to throw Ares out of the window. Now, there are no innocent victims around, but they are fighting in a parking lot packed with cars. Each PC has a different tactic. Solarhawk flies above Ares and uses his heat attack. Arachne uses a car as a weapon. Grey fights with his shield. It is a viscous battle. Ares goes down, but so does Arachne and Grey. Arachne dies of a broken neck when the last hit takes her down. Ares is taken to Belle Reve prison. Arachne’s body can not be found. Will the PCs solve this mystery?
Give this a try!
I've been running SUPERS! campaigns for a few years now and I have to say I absolutely adore the system. It was designed with super heroes in mind, but it's so flexible it works with just about any setting you can imagine. I've actually never used it for super heroes, but I HAVE used it for medieval fantasy, space opera, horror, detective, mecha, and cyberpunk campaigns. As a GM, it's my favorite system to run by a mile and I've ran a LOT of systems. Give it a try!
This is a terrific RPG with a lot of value inside. Others have described the system better than I have, so I'll just say that it's worth the cost and easy to learn. It rewards narrative-based gameplay and a good amount of supplements and third-party characters are available. Search & Destroy is probably my favorite supplement so far. If you browse the ProBoards forum you can also find a lot of popular heroes and villains as pre-gens, along with other content. A big thanks to the authors for making Supers! RED available.
I really enjoy the Supers! RPG. I think it is the best super hero RPG out there. Simple, flexible, fun rules mean you are up and running pretty quick. All d6 based. Super fun!
If you pick up any book to play Supers! It should be this one. It has everything you need.
I really enjoy the Supers! RPG. I think it is the best super hero RPG out there. Simple, flexible, fun rules mean you are up and running pretty quick. All d6 based. Super fun!
Best Superhero RPG system EVER. Flexible and not excesive crunchy but not very simplistic. I'm in love with this system. I hate the art and graphic design but I LOVE everything else.
A really solid purchase; a basic set-up for some superheroic action, plus some great artwork of a trio of supers and lots of detailed/reusable maps of a mall.
Good value for money and highly recommended.
I have bought Supers Revised Edition last year and at first I had difficulties reading it, maybe it was the layout, the art or whatever. The thing is I have read it since and even run two playtests and my players really enjoyed this game. My experience so far is with 20D characters, the superhero power level.
The game engine use a D6 mechanics not unlike the system used in Ghostbusters, Star Wars and Men in Black but the game is simpler because it doesn't use pips (+1, +2), there is no wild die (it is an optional rule) and the scale is simpler (normal human is 1D not 2).
The strengths of this game for me are these ones :
- Characters are easy to create with a budget of creation dices low enough for not feeling overwhelmed but sufficient enough for not feeling constricted by a budget limit
- The gamut of character creation is diversified enough to create plenty of different character concepts and to adapt characters from other game systems
- The game system is easy, roll you pool of D6 dices (usually 1 to 6) add the results and beat a Target Number, either a TN decided by the Judge (the game master, name in this game) or decided by the defense chosen by the opponent. If the TN is beaten by 6, it is a Major success and by 12 a Superior success.
- The game is versatile, you can attack and defend with various powers, resistances and aptitudes depending on the situation
- You have several ways to get hurt, you decide which resistances is lowered when hit by a blast for instance depending how you decide how it affects you narratively
The game fills all my requirements for a superhero RPG. Still I don't feel thrilled by it, I suppose this is a lack of experience with it so I think the next test run I could do with it is run a superhero campaign ;-).
Love this screen! The pages fit perfect in my universal 4 panel landscape GM screen. Highly recommend.
Did someone say "Pat Zircher art for US$5?!" Are you kidding?! YES!!!
The Sea Devil is the perfect hook to start a marine related campaign. Great addition to tye Strike Files!
If you want to run a game using SUPERS! Revised Edition, Black Ice is an excellent introductory escenario. My players enjoyed the story and they had the oportunity to deepen their knowledge of the system. Believe me, it has it all!
Scene Stealers 1: Black Ice has been the starting point of our campaign, and taking unto avcount its success with my group, we will try more instalments of this series
First, if you told me all these characters came from some 1990s comic? I'd totally buy into that. The art just has that look, IMHO. Truthfully, the art is better than a number of comics I read back then.
The text layout on every odd numbered page is too crowded on the right side of the page (the text is too close to the art border). It made it harder for me to read things. That said, I liked the blurbs on character personality and combat tactics, plus each character wearing a badge insignia as part of their uniform gives them a solid team look, despite the very different costumes being worn.
I like Paladin as the classic Superman type, Thunderhawk has a cool look. I'd give her a Tradeoff with her Super Strength (less lift, more combat) so she has 3D in combat. She does not have an obvious defense (it could be her Athleticism or Life Support depending on the attack type), but she can hit the ENTIRE enemy group with her Weather control attack Area Effect.
I also liked Alloy, but would like to see full art for him, not just a head bust. He does seems a bit underpowered for looking like a brick-type character.
It would be good to see The Garrison team vehicle, the Osprey, with actual stats for Supers Red. I could puzzle it out from the data that is given, but I'm kinda lazy. :)
There is a half dozen Plot Seeds, based mostly on the character background details to round things out.
I'd give this a 4 out of 5 stars. A good value for the money. Also, the Odyssey Design Group robotic horse logo is just flat out cool.
A good selection of villians, and plot hooks, that can be easily dropped into any game. Great art and characters.
Where do those villains get all those henchmen? If there is a demand, there WILL be a supply -for a price.
I think that sums up the idea behind the M.E.R.C. sourcebook (M.E.R.C. by the way stands for Military Enterprises and Research Corporation). It covers the origin and organization of a company formed to profit from supplying heavily armed troopers to those willing to pay handsomely for such services. In fact, you can hire different levesl of troopers and even some super villains, You are given details on the corporation, including the Board of Directors, the expected stats for the three levels of Troopers, and some stats for several super villains. You also get stats on some vehicles the Troopers commonly use.
The art is almost all done by Joe Singleton, and is up to his usual standard -quite good.
There are a number of organizations and other villains named in the book (but no art/stats), which will apparently be detailed in other sourebooks. The name dropping does give the feel of an active, living world. Who knows what the Omega Syndicate is up to lately, or if that villain Hardware is busy plotting his next move? Speaking of which, there are over a half dozen plot seeds thrown in to stir the imagination of the GM (or 'Judge' in Supers terms).
Bottom line? For the price you get some quaility art and writing. Sure, I had a few detail questions about how M.E.R.C. operated, but there is enough here that anyone can pick up the ball and run with it (to use a sports analogy). I will be adding a lot of this material to my ongoing Supers campaign.