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1-48COMBAT version1.1 (english)
by steve m. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/04/2012 15:42:56

Great game simple fast rules and fast games and fun to boot.

Read the one star review and i don't think that he did any research at all.

The rules are available for free download , both i-48 combat and i-48 tactics(beta) are available for download at no cost. They used to have paper cutouts for the minis but dont think they are there anymore.

The cards for units once again free not sure if the reinforcements one are there.

And as far as price goes Pretty dam good , 4 mini with starter set 2 terrain items and the other figures some but not all come with a terrain piece also.

So with 2 starter sets( russian german ) you can actually play a full game. And if you have you own mini's just use them.

I have the full line of mini's except the buildings.

It not WH40K but i still have my arms and legs.

So if you looking for a game that is fast and fun , Download the rules and within 10-15 your playing.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
1-48COMBAT version1.1 (english)
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1-48COMBAT version1.1 (english)
by Don M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/03/2012 21:51:05

I own dozens of WWII games. This ruleset is certainly 100% of "You get what you pay for"... Plus.

I don't often give a five star review to anything, but let us face facts, they're billed as fast-play skirmish level rules that offer a lot of fun. They deliver all of that, and you will never beat a zero dollar price.

It is not the first game we pick up to play, but it is the game we turn to if time is limited, or we're just relaxing and looking for a fun pick-up game in 28mm.

If you like games laden with "realism" rules, or that cover every single circumstance in great detail, you will find these rules lacking. If you enjoy rolling dice and pushing lead, you'll find these rules fast to pick up but with subtleties not obvious a first play.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
1-48COMBAT version1.1 (english)
by Fred C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/03/2012 14:21:10

Downloaded these and have played a few times. The rules are easy to memorise, but take some mastering. There are subtleties in play, which are not immediately apparent. Definitely recommended. Oh and by the way the previous reviewer is wrong. You don't need to buy the minis to get the rules. This download is the full rules. The stat cards and tokens are a free download on the website Download those and you can use any minis you like.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
1-48COMBAT version1.1 (english)
by stefano p. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/02/2011 05:24:14

The rules are very simple, too simple i think, the real rules are in the back of the blisters of thesse expensive minis. i dont like this way of gaming with minis, a cross voer betwenn wargame and collectible minis so i cannot recommend this product

[1 of 5 Stars!]
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