Something I've been after for a long time - Movies have ads running in the background all the time to evoke the setting and lend realism to the science fiction. This pack (in what I hope will be many) gives you a variety of scifi subgenre ads that can be used for spacestations, markets, malls an alpha complexes :)
Collectible Coin Commercial - suitable for any subgenre set after 2400 AD
Outer Planet Colony Ad - obviously inspired by Blade Runner and with a clean, broken billboard and dirigible version - would be great for any dystopian future or cyberpunk setting
Planetary Defense Corps - general military recruitment propoganda, good for any subgenre
Protean Protein - Slightly comedic. Better for Paranoia and Judge Dredd, but could be in more serious subgenres too.
Razgun Recollection - Similar to the Coin Commercial about the Razgun war, a nice generic un-specified alien race type in general constellations. Somewhat Bladerunner-y
Rocket Pod Race - Scifi version of car rally ads that seem to have the announcer turned up to 11 :)
Sabertronics Android - good high tech ad - lots of plot potential and slightly comedic if you play all of the disclaimer at the end :)
Suspended Animation Chamber - general starship equipment ad.
Excellent product that is specifically related to it's exact description. It portrayed in bulk and quite cleverly the attempt to delay a Zombie outbreak and, as it dramatically develops, the wish by the military to presume they can actually stop it. It could be used with any system of gaming and you could enter play at any time. It allows copying a small skirmishes and clear out small communities to an all out linked group of scenarios with several major battles. By leaving out any attempt of rules, the book has delivered a quality scenario and I eagerly await the next book.
More updates on the Specimen board game that will be released later as the graphics are worked out. Rules can be downloaded to get a feel for the game. New item for the podcast is the Numbers Station. They are recordings of radio broadcasts of numbers, both male and female, that can be used in WWII or an RPG that uses puzzles with a radio inceptor. The recordings sound very clear and are very monotone making for a creepy tone in your RPG.
Some interesting tidbits with the Specimen board game. More of the game is being fleshed out. Toxic Bag is releasing music for your RPG games that can enhance the immersive feel of your game. A review of White Wolf's World of Darkness. Instead of a D&D style dungeon crawl fighting monsters all the time, White Wolf has created a system based around a story driven game for more imagination from your PC's.
A short but informative podcast. more details on the Specimen board game that will be arriving as well as the new 15 minute sound cast that is useful for horror, undead and dread times playing your RPG's especially around Halloween. A look into the whole Ben Affleck/Batman role.
Episode 6 of the Toxic Bag Podcast is a well documented piece concerning the Specimen RPG. They give updates for the RPG and explain the progress of the RPG. Their next section on Pop Culture went into the movies that they have seen and it of kind gets sidetracked a little.
Otherwise a great podcast concerning a product with some movie ties to what they are watching.
If you can remember to play a sound amidst all your other duties as GM, hitting your players with a dragon's roar ought to make a big encounter even more memorable. There is a decent variety across the sounds in this collection, so you ought to be able to find something you like that will make your players jump.
If you run espionage games, these are well-nigh essential bits of tradecraft... and if you run any kind of game in which radio has been invented, a numbers station message or two can add an air of mystery or intrigue to whatever might be going on. It might even have something to do with your plot - or it may be a complete red herring.
So, if you didn't crouch over your shortwave radio during the 1970s (which is when I found them on the airwaves) what is a numbers station anyway?
The short answer (at least officially) is that nobody knows. Or at least, not that they'll own up to. The most common interpretation is that they carry coded messages which could only be interpreted by the intended recipient, hunched over his radio with a one-time pad at the time he expected his controllers back home (wherever that was) would be transmitting his instructions.
So, how to use them? It could be something that your characters intercept. Or they find that an otherwise innocent-looking fellow has a shortwave radio and a one-time pad hidden away, so perhaps they'll be able to find out what he is being told to do. Or maybe they are the ones awaiting orders... you'll have to work out a way for them to decode whichever message is for them in that case.
Have fun. Meanwhile I shall have to explain to my family why I'm listening to a numbers station!
Very good generic atmospherics. Useful for those times when there is no specific sound or music you want to play but you still don't want that awkward silence. ;)
Für mich ist Musik eine der wichtigsten Komponenten des Rollenspiels. Gerade für Horrorabende brauche ich eine Grundstimmung die die Atmosphäre trägt und mich anregt oder in abwesenden Minuten wieder auf das Setting einstimmt. Da ich ungern für jede Szene neue Musik aussuche benötige ich dafür unaufdringliche Musik, die mein Setting trägt und im Hintergrund bleiben kann. Hierzu eignet sich Filmmusik natürlich außerordentlich gut, gerade neuere wird aber schnell aufdringlich oder löst in den Spielern Erinnerungen an die Filme aus, die meine Vorstellung stören.
Toxic Bag Productions hat gerade letzteres im Blick gehabt, als sie den Original Motion Picture Soundtrack zu "Ghost in the Graveyard" produziert haben. Die Musik zu diesem bewusst nichtssagenden Titel ist sowohl eine Hommage an 80er/90er Horrormusik, als auch der Versuch Filmstimmung zu erzeugen ohne an einen echten Film zu erinnern. 9 (kurze) Tracks stellen Filmmusik zu einem fiktiven Film von 1983 dar, die eine spannungsvolle und beunruhigende Atmosphäre erzeugen sollen. Dabei nutzt die Musik der Zeit entsprechend ausschließlich dumpfe tragende Synthesizerklänge, die teilweise mit etwas spannungsvollem oszillieren oder traurigen Klavierappregios gewürzt sind. Umgebungsgeräusche oder andere Atmosphäreschnipsel fehlen - bis auf kurzes regnen – völlig, was meines Erachtens ein lobenswerter Zug ist. So sehr Sounds wie das Bellen eines Hundes oder Kneipengerede passende Stimmung erzeugen können, so unpassend kann es an anderen Stellen sein, oder bei Wiederholungen zum peinlichen Scherz verkommen.
Gerade das Problem der Wiederholung hätte die CD dabei hart getroffen, da es die 9 Tracks auf gerade einmal25 Minuten Spielzeit schaffen. Diese sind allerdings so unaufdringlich, dass sie auch nach mehrmaligen Hören nicht unerträglich werden und selbst als Hintergrundmusik zum lesen taugen können. Die Tracks erzeugen also genau das was sie sollen, bzw. was ich von ihnen will: Eine dumpfe, düstere Stimmung ohne zu viel Charakter zu entwickeln.
Die andere Hälfte der Idee kann ich hingegen nicht beurteilen. Als ungebildeter Horrorfilmkonsument, weiß ich nicht wie weit die Hommage an die Synthiehintergrundmusik gelingt - wenn sie auch ein paar -äußerst positive- Assoziationen an Twin Peaks bei mir auslöst. Für mich erzeugt die Musik eine getragene Stimmung, wie sie gerade bei langatmigeren und andeutungsvollen Mystery/Horror-Serien aufkommt und mit „The Lurking Shadow“ gut betitelt ist. Das (leider stark verpixelte) CD-Cover und die Lobby-Cards suggerieren hier einen pulpigeren Effekt, sind für mich aber auch nur eine nette Dreingabe. Die Filmannounce, Plakate und Lobbycards für den fiktiven Film versprechen mir keinen Nutzen, außer etwas Futter für (Trash?)-Horrorliebhaber zu sein. Preislich gibt es die „CD“ zusammen mit den Filmplakat-pdfs, Lobbycards etc. für knappe 6 Euro oder auch einzeln. Die Merchandise-Pdfs liegen dann zusammen bei etwa 90 Cent und die Tracks schlagen mit 70Cent zu buche, so dass man mit dem Bundle selbst dann spart wenn man die pdfs nicht haben möchte.
Alles in allem finde ich die Idee einer fiktiven Filmmusik auch als Filmbanause sehr ansprechend und kann mir die Musik sehr gut als Hintergrundmusik zum spielen vorstellen und habe sie zum lesen bei Zugfahrten gerne genutzt. Auch wenn ich nach mehrmaligen durchhöhren manche Tracks aus habe und gerade den Main Title erstaunlich unpassend finde (er ist mir etwas zu schnell und 'hell'), gefällt mir die grundlegende Stimmung äußerst gut. Schade ist lediglich das die Tracks so kurz sind und die 25 Minuten schnell durchgespielt sind. Gerade da sich sequentielle Musik mit wenig Aufwand verlängern lässt ohne sich atmosphärisch auszureizen wären wesentlich längere Tracks möglich und sinnvoll gewesen. So ist man ist leider völlig auf die Zufallswiedergabe angewiesen und kann bei selten mehr als 3 Minuten Spielzeit gar nicht auf die Idee kommen einen passenden Track für die passende Stimmung suchen zu wollen.
Wer Stimmungsvolle Hintergrundhorrormusik mit Retroatmosphäre sucht ist mit dem fiktiven OST gut aufgehoben, auch wenn er für 6€ verhältnismäßig wenig Spielzeit bekommt.
Great sound quality and overall download. Exelent for my Outbreak: Undead campaign. Looking foward to future releases in this series.
A delightful conceit... after carefully creating a completely ficticious movie soundtrack so that you can generate the right background and moon for your horror game without distracting players who have seen whatever horror movie whose soundtrack you might otherwise be using...
They give you some movie posters and adverts for the ficticious movie that the soundtrack was porportedly written for!
Even before I've finished listening to the soundtrack - and I tend to use music as background and inspiration when WRITING rather than playing games - this has spawned a plot.
[Looks round for lurking players... nope. All clear]
How about starting a horror game, probably set in some small Mid-West town, by the characters going to see a horror movie? This one, of course. You've got some wonderful handouts here after all. And then... things start to happen. Maybe some of the movie characters come to life, start chasing them around the cinema. Or when they emerge after the screening, they find themselves in the film for real instead of in their own hometown. Or it may be a complete red herring, the one normal thing - catching a movie - that happens in an otherwise twisted horror game...
The nine tracks that make up this “soundtrack” to a nonexistent movie are short (the longest tops out at 3:42, and all nine tracks combined last fewer than 25 minutes), simple, and repetitive. Even the “Main Title,” the most complex of the compositions, consists essentially of the same chord progression over and over. This can actually be beneficial at the gaming table, where you want to be able to loop a track under your scene and then forget about it until it’s time to change to another track. However, for listening out-of-game, it gets tedious quickly. Given the brevity and relative simplicity of the tracks, the price point may be just a tad high (by a dollar or two). The ID3 tags are well-populated (something that some game music publishers overlook), and album art is even embedded in the MP3s (something that most game music publishers overlook). All in all, “Ghost in the Graveyard” isn’t something you’re likely to listen to for pleasure, but it’s a reasonably good investment for scoring horror or suspense RPGs.
There are really two things to consider when evaluating this collection: quality of execution, and usefulness at the gaming table.
In terms of execution, this “album” is top-notch. For each of the four different genres represented, you get an introductory track, a loopable main track, and a fade-out track. Each track captures the genre extremely well, and creates a good immersive experience. You can easily picture yourself or your character being right in the thick of the action. Sound effects (swordplay, gunfire, and so on) dominate, enhancing verisimilitude.
I’m less enthusiastic about the collection’s usefulness at the gaming table. Most of the tracks include very distinct dialogue that may distract you and your players from the action going on within your own story. On the whole, the tracks seem too busy, too intrusive. They could easily overwhelm your back-and-forth discussion with your players.
In the end, I don’t think I’d be too likely to use these tracks to score role-playing scenarios, though I might very well play them in the background of a skirmish-type game. I think these tracks serve board/miniatures gamers more than role-players.
GMs who like to include sound effects in their games (and I’m one of those) will get several useful clips from this collection, although some of the other clips may be less inviting. Don’t expect background music; these are short, one-off clips of various things like a sarcophagus being opened (from the inside, presumably), a vampire dying in sunlight, and so on. If you want to use these alongside of your background music, you’ll need a way to queue up the GMS clips to play without disrupting your background music, which will require a little extra planning. This pack included a few tracks of people reading “mummy’s curses,” which I did not care for; that’s not the sort of thing I would subcontract to a sound clip. But the others are pretty good; the sarcophagus opening and the angry mob are particularly effective. Unlike some other music/sound-effect publishers, Toxic Bag has taken the time to make sure the ID3 tags are in good order and contain useful information (though “album cover” art would be great to add).