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d20Zine! - October, 2002
by Mark W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/25/2003 00:00:00

d20Zine! always delivers fine content. The covers always have fine art.

This particular issue offered new clerical domains and 61 new spells in "From the Books of Ancient Lore".

Tactical Combat offered my favorite classes (wizards and sorcerers) good advice of how to jump into combat (rather than imitating scrolls with legs...).

Hostile Climes offers four new monsters.

"The Design An Artifact" section offers a pre-made adventure "Long Night At The North Pole". (Four Characters, 6th level). The adventure is enjoyable, although I prefer full stat blocks rather than just hit points. The map of the Elven Stronghold isn't the greatest quality, but this is a free magazine. "Gwendolyn and the Bottle of Arcana" is for the same party make-up as above. The map is a bit rough, but fully usable, and full stats are provided for the monsters. "Pearl of the Eternal Waves" and "Necklace of the Banshee" are sketchy adventures that would need work before I could use them.

The reviews are interesting and thoughtful, although dated now.

Music In Gaming is though-provoking piece.

Overall, this issue has the goods, and delivers solid content.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
d20Zine! - October, 2002
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