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The Box of Dead Badgers
by Brandon P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/27/2017 13:54:33

The finest random table including dead badgers on DrivethruRPG badger none...I mean bar none. I can't wait for the sequel, "A Box of Live Badgers," and the prequel, "Schrodinger's Box of Badgers."

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Box of Dead Badgers
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Black Seven
by Chuck C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/14/2016 21:52:51

If you've ever wanted a game where stealth gets the same attention that combat does, this is the game for you. It provides an abstract but still crunchy system for playing out infiltrations, with options for not only the Techie and the Face, but cybertech and psionics as well.

This is an excellent little book, whether you use it straight up for a covert ops game, or adapt its ideas to any game where the characters go sneaking about (and that's almost every game, right?). If you liked John Wick's Wilderness of Mirrors, you'll like this game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Black Seven
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The Box of Dead Badgers
by Rafe B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/26/2015 13:43:09

If your players are constantly demanding BADGERS BADGERS BADGERS , this is the product for you. Forget trying to throw mushrooms in their way (that'll only distract them for a second before they're back to demanding more BADGERS BADGERS BADGERS), and the less said about that disastrous time I had a snake cross their path the better!

On a more serious note (or at least as serious as you can get on a review about a random box of dead badgers generator), this gave me a good chuckle, and the thought of throwing a crate or two of dead badgers (with some interesting twists) into different campaigns with the same players over time as a running meta joke rases a mischievous smile. What more could you ask for $1?

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Box of Dead Badgers
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Tales of the Space Marines
by Noah D. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/07/2014 12:43:22

If you have a group of players that is taken with the idea of playing huge men in enormous armor wielding ridiculously large weapons in order to slaughter vast populations of other sentient beings in the furtherance of the agenda of an ultraviolent imperialist hegemony, then I dare you to play this game with them. Just one evening will completely alter the way they see the galaxy, and their character's place in it.

It's clearly intended for one evening's play, and the idea can be easily adapted to any system, but in its quiet way "Tales of the Space Marines" makes some powerful points about gaming, power and morality.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Tales of the Space Marines
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Black Seven
by Simon E. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/20/2012 11:08:28

I just bought and read this game through- first of all, the price is an absolute bargain, and an excellent impulse-buy. Even if you're on the fence about it, three dollars is excellent value to try something new out.

The influences listed in the front of the book includes Deus Ex and the Thief series of games as well as Hitman: Silent Assassin, which makes a strong case right out of the gate for this being a firm stealth-'em-up that knows what it wants and how to get there. The emphasis is on quick, abstracted actions- more or less every action your character takes is resolved with a single dice roll which, even if you fail, still gets you to your target (Knocking out the guard, hacking the computer, stealing the blueprints). The dice roll is not to see if your character can take out the guard or to crack the safe, it's to see if they can do so without being noticed. Stealth isn't an ability score on your character sheet, it's the game's entire raison d'etre, so I wouldn't recommend this title to folks who prefer to min-max their sheets to destroy everything around them with a twitch of the wrist. The setting is a very loose 'ten minutes into the future' sketch, providing little more than an excuse for the action- there's no metaplot, simply a page or so that explains the context of the game.

The core of the game is supplemented with additional (entirely optional) rules for cybernetics and even psionic powers, but there's nothing at all to stop players from adapting it to a historical setting. Assassins' Creed is listed among the influences, and the game as written is abstract enough to need no change at all to work just fine as a historical or fantasy thieves/assassins-guild game.

The book itself has nothing in the way of art, but I didn't feel that the game lacked anything for the absence. The plain-text dossier-style writeup doesn't take anything away from the quick-and-dirty espionage aesthetic- it's something you can run off quickly on a desktop printer, pop in a binder and pass around the game table. The whole thing weighs in at 47 pages including cover, example of play, an eight-page sample campaign (the simple, slick abstraction of the game allows a multi-mission campaign to only take up eight pages and a single session, how clever is that?) and five pages of blank character sheets and reference cards.

Cleverly enough the purchase not only includes a PDF, but an epub version (DRM free, no less!) suitable for ereader devices and tablets, so there's not even a need to print it out. Email it to a few friends with Android devices or Kindles (A single two-quid covers the license for your entire gaming group), meet in the pub on Saturday night with a few dice and poker chips and all of a sudden every single one of you is James Bond, or possibly Batman (or Catwoman). Let me reiterate: For less than the price of a bus ticket, you can be Batman. How ridiculously cool is that?

To conclude, I would have no hesitation in recommending this game to anyone who thought Deus Ex, Mission Impossible or Casino Royale were in any way cool and if you're waiting for Andy Schatz's Monaco to be released, this is thoroughly ideal. It's fast, slick, smartly written and loose enough that you can steal (or kidnap, or rescue), assassinate (or sabotage) or anything you like in any time period you care to name. Love it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Black Seven
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Black Seven
by Gordon K. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/02/2011 11:06:42

Love computer games? Love RPGs? Black Seven is a great combination of both with good writing and design. It has simple mechanics, easy character creation and I especially like the optional rules for cybernetics, psionics and switching GMs during a session. Considering you also get a prewritten adventure I think this is excellent value for money.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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