Other comments left for this publisher: |
As described, this is a B/W and Color image of the woman holding a scifi looking gun, with a face tatoo and military-like badges on her shirt. Size is 1200x1650 (could be better, but not bad). What is not very noticible from the preview image is that you can see her nipple. What you definitely can't tell from the preveiw is that you can clearly see her full boob under the shirt. The shirt is not skin tight. It is form fitting. In other words, it was an image of a naked woman and the artist color changed her top half and hoped no one would notice. Closer inspection reveals the gun and the arm holding it is not in the same style as the woman, making it quite jarring. It is obvious that the gun is just there to cover the other nipple that I am assuming was added to cover the other nipple that just wouldn't look right color changed. Also her midriff is exposed. If the pants were any lower, you'd start seeing public hairs. It just looks unnatural as is. I have to cut off half this image for it to be usable.
This is a very good illustration. Its free, so of course just "buy" it to use it. However, many of the other ERG art pieces don't match the quality so check out those previews (if possible) and reviews before buying.
The preview wasn't working, but based on the art in another of the ERG art packs, I picked this up. It has 10 pieces, all around 1300x1300 pixels. 5 are the exact same dragon, but with different coloring. The dragon is kind of cartoony in a way. "Dragon Charmer" also lacks some detail, almost as if we're zoomed in too far. "Dragon Egg" is interesting and good if it fits your needs. "Mounted Knight" is also lacking detail/large brush strokes that doesn't fit a style I like, "Purse" is good for what it is, but a purse on a table with some coins isn't very interesting unless there is some special context, and "Thief Group" is likely usable/interesting if it fits your needs.
The preview wasn't working, so I took a chance with this. Since this has 36 images I can likely use a few. 14 or 15 are over about 1000x1000 pixels. But then some have the character/creature to the edges of the piece. (Not good for cropping/bleed/etc.) A couple of the larger ones (space marine, gunchick, bot, golden knight, golden warrior) are pretty crude.
Full list (* is usable, is very usable): assassin, assassin2, bald mage, blacksmith, bot, daemon, druid, elf, esquire, fire mage, golden knight, golden warrior, gunchick, high priest, hunter, legionaire, lizzard, mistress, necromancer_bald, necromancer_hairy, orc5*(crop issue), oriental_mage(but kinda small), phalanx(but kinda small), pistol, rogue knight, samurai, savage_orc, shaman, skeleton, skull_daemon, sorceress, space_marine, warrior_girl, vampyress*, zombie_hand, zombie.
The preview wasn't working, so I took a chance with this. I may (likely not actually) be able to use one of these pieces. Even if the preview were working, unless it showed full-size pictures instead of thumbnails, I wouldn't be able to tell if I could use it. The art's brush strokes are large. Almost like these are pieces of a larger painting. But in any case the art isn't very detailed. The sizes are all also 5-600 x 8-900 pixels. So 2"x3" if used at 300dpi. Very small.
Creator Reply: |
Hello Joe,
I am sorry to disappoint you. The preview did not work because I was changing my webhost, I apologise for the inconvenience.
Nevertheless, the description contained the resolution of the images (600x800) so you could expect them in those resolution, but
maybe it wasn\'t that obvious.
Thank you for your review!
I\'ll try to meet the needs of my customers.
Kind Regards,
Peter |
This is a very nice piece. I like the look and the feel. I wish more people would do art like this.
Overall Score: 4
Utility: 3 (Could be useful character or NPC imagery.)
Artistic Appeal: 4 (Good computer generated images)
Cost: 4 (Decent price for 14 images.)
14 computer generated images of an Asian woman in various poses. Good for those wanting an image for player handouts. Provided in PNG format.
This is a fine painting of a gentleman with an unusual and exotic pet - a tiger. Given his accoutrements, he's probably some kind of explorer, adventurer or hunter - but at least he seems to value his companion for more than a mere trophy or tiger-skin rug! His dress and gear are indeterminate enough that you could use him in just about any genre of game, even though a 'pulp' one might be the most appropriate.
The picture arrives in 2 full-colour formats - TIF and BMP - and is well-executed with considerable attention to detail when you look closely (even if I do wonder what happened to the pupils of the tiger's beautiful golden eyes).
For those seeking to use it for more than a nice character portrait, the accompanying licence - when you wade through the legalese - boils down to permission to use the image as an illustration in any work you choose to publish in any format with no need to seek further permission or pay any extra fee. The only prohibition is selling it as a picture. Unusually for such licences, there's no requirement to credit the artist in your work - but if I do I shall, if only out of politeness!
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for your kind words, and yes, I do not require to credit me in the final product, but I appreciate it if happens, but it is absolutely up to the owner of the product. :) |
For the most part I'm quite satisfied with this purchase. It contains 36 images, so I can't complain about the price. Most of the pictures are very well done, though there are three images that are a bit too cartoony for my tastes. The only reason I can't give this product a perfect rating is there are five images that are so small it will be hard for me to find a good use for them. By resizing them the image becomes too pixelated. So far though I have found a use for several of the pictures and I certainly don't regret buying this package.
I am surprised that no one else has taken the time to comment on this excellent piece of work. Needless to say, it has found a good home, and it will be used very soon.
Vibrant collection of color images offers very good value and quality. Very pleased with this purchase.
Solid piece of art, delivers exactly what it promises. The costuming is generic enough that it could reasonably fit a wide variety of fantasy worlds, without being tied down to any one particular background.<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: Good art, comes in both color and line-art. Demo accurately reflects what the piece actually looks like.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: I would have prefered it to be bigger, but that's not a real obstacle to using it.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for the advice. I was a bit uncertain about what size should I use. I went for the 1200x1650 (about half page at 300 dpi) size, but probably a bigger would be better. Actually, it is not a big deal to create a full page one after this size. Thank you! Alas, I have another portrait up and selling at half page but the third one will be full-page sized. |
Very nice pictures. Now I just need the chance to use them ;)<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>
Creator Reply: |
Thank you, I am glad you like my images. |
The work here is far better than the price tag implies. You're getting access to the work of an accomplished artist with a subtle, smooth, european style to his work far superior to most other stock and clip art available. Where you'll use other work because it is cheap, you'll use this because it is good.
I hope this is followed up soon with some themed art entries for Science Fiction, Horror, Fantasy and others.<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: A wide selection (taster) of pieces all with some utility.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Not enough are high enough resolution to use in print.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
Creator Reply: |
I thank you for your kind words. The worst problem with these images that they are "leftovers", I mean: copyright left at me, they are made for fun only or for some projects never finished. Some were made to electronic (computer game) use, or for desktops. I apologize for this. The next package will be aimed for e-publishers or pod publishers all images being higher resolution, but keeping the price as it is.
Thank you! |
Publishers, do the math. For the price, if you use ONE (1) image from this collection, you've found yourself a bargain. A single, full-color image from a contract artist is easily 6-10x more expensive than this entire collection.
I will get far more than my money's worth from this product.<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: On most the images, the artwork is exceptional for a stock art collection. At the price point of around $5, picking this one up, if for no other reason than to expand your collection, is a no-brainer. ALSO, as a huge point of interest, the creator of this product was extremely gracious and helpful when I had questions about the product. Good customer service goes a long way.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: It's a rather non-focused collection spanning modern images, sci-fi, and fantasy, but that's a very small nitpick as many of the images are usable to me, a fantasy publisher. Some images are very small and probably not ideal for print or e-publishing, but a great deal of them are extremely high resolution.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
Creator Reply: |
Thank you John! I apologise for the inconvenience, and I grab the possibility here to inform all my possible clients that the tiffs are zipped with WinRar 3.51, as John has a lower version he had decompressing problems. At the moment I don't have a registered lower version, so I probably will use a free softwar (7-zip or alike) to rezip the package (as soon as I get there). Thank you again! |