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Lost Roads of Lociam - Core Rulebook - Age of the Black Chaimara
by Daniel [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/15/2025 14:08:30

A really enjoyable game. I love how smooth the combat is — in other systems, my least favourite part is how defeating a single group of enemies can take over an hour in some cases. That isn't the case here, and as a result you get to spend more time actually roleplaying, which I love.

The world feels lovely and fresh, too, with lots of really enjoyable mechanics and lore to explore.

I also really love the character creation process. I felt a backstory for my character forming as the dice were being rolled and my sheet was starting to fill.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Lost Roads of Lociam - Core Rulebook - Age of the Black Chaimara
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Lost Roads of Lociam - Core Rulebook - Age of the Black Chaimara
by Björn [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/05/2025 08:42:55

Great system, you will need one copy of the $10 game master book to create characters. I love how quick the combat is, just 1 roll for each player and dm. (compared to some games that takes hours to resolve a single turn). I also love the fresh take on magic and how characters skills and back-story are handeled.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Lost Roads of Lociam - Core Rulebook - Age of the Black Chaimara
by Jonas [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/20/2024 00:51:13

I really enjoy the world and how easy the system is to learn and start playing. The characters creation (different book) is fun as it provides a connection to the world and draws some dots for the character to be.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Lost Roads of Lociam - Core Rulebook - Age of the Black Chaimara
by Maja [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/18/2024 04:55:53

Rules and gameplay are very well streamlined and easy to learn. The focus is mainly on storytelling but there is way more choices than is appearant at first.

The world building is very intriguing and well written as well!

I highly recommend trying it out!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Lost Roads of Lociam - Core Rulebook - Age of the Black Chaimara
by Valentina [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/18/2024 08:32:28

it was shorter than the your usual corerulebook which i liked very much. Also easy reading

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Lost Roads of Lociam - Core Rulebook - Age of the Black Chaimara
by Charlie [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/21/2024 05:07:56

Super fun and easy tabletop rollplaying game!

I've only participated as a PC but really enjoyed it! The core rules give you a great overview and are truly all you need to play and occasionally look up information. In addition to the rules and stat information there is some background about the setting and world. My favorite thing about the system is probably that you only need a D100 and by a simple roll can easily determine if you succeeded or not on most of the rolls. Combat is super quick (one round takes maybe a minute) and all roll simultaneously, so no one has to wait until everyone else's turn is over. While setting some fix points, the system is super adaptable as to not limit your fantasy and even encourages versatility which makes for a more fun playing experience as trying different approaches is usually the best strategy and everyone is a valuable member of the party with different strengths. There are also some really nice (optional) roleplaying prompts but they make the game much more fun and immersive as it requires some thinking as a player if someone suddenly makes up words- but try it out yourself, I don't want to give away too much.

I would highly recommend to give it a try (why not, it's free after all, right?) and hope you have as much fun as our table!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Lost Roads of Lociam - Adventure - Same Old Story
by Kobey J. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/27/2023 10:02:20

Deceptively simple in its story, the adventure none-the-less is challenging, and you feel engaged and motivated to push on, even when it gets hard. We made the mistake of going in guns blazing, and had to retreat and lick our wounds prior to trying again, but then, using a storm as cover, we managed way better against the bandits!

Adding more equipment-lists at the back of the adventure is cool too, and my knight now has a fully customized set of armor base on some of the modifications available there. Really cool.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Lost Roads of Lociam - Adventure - Same Old Story
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Lost Roads of Lociam - Adventure - Circles Disrupted
by Kobey J. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/27/2023 09:59:49

The adventure is pretty cool, and I love the characters that you encounter in it, but what really pulled me in was that the adventure includes brand new elements for the game itself – the Sphere of Nightmares! And this was so cool too! I need to make a magician that can make use of this. It feels like it could be a whole theme for a character in and of itself.

Anyway, great adventure, loads of fun, and while one of our number fell of the tower while on fire in the end, we still managed to complete our task!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Lost Roads of Lociam - Adventure - Circles Disrupted
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Lost Roads of Lociam - Adventure - Lights in Old Houses
by Kobey J. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/27/2023 09:57:40

Holy smokes this was hard! For an introductory adventure our group figured we could just go hard, and we got our collective hides handed to us!

I played Soracrasta for my next attempt, and while we were somewhat spoiled as to the contents of the adventure, it was more an exercise in seeing how we could attempt to solve this problem without going all gung ho. We tried stealth and diversionary tactics, and pulled off the challenges without getting pasted along the walls, which happened the first time.

I am happy that the adventure lets you explore different ways of handling the challenges, and it is a great little dungeon-crawl (after a fashion). Love the map too!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Lost Roads of Lociam - Adventure - Lights in Old Houses
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Lost Roads of Lociam - Example Characters 1
by Kobey J. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/27/2023 09:53:34

The character pack is great if you either don’t have The World To Be, or can’t be bothered making your own character. There is something here for everyone, but I loved Soracrasta the most, as I found the background great. I am looking forward to play Horkson too, one day. There’s something to be said about big burly masses of metal that take themselves way too seriously.

This is a great addition, and the illustrations are spot-on for each character as well, bringing them to life on the page!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Lost Roads of Lociam - Example Characters 1
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Lost Roads of Lociam - Character creation ruleset - The World To Be
by Kobey J. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/27/2023 09:51:27

Introduction: Dive into the immersive world of character creation with Lost Roads of Lociam's companion book The World To Be, an exceptional tapestry that weaves together innovation, simplicity, and a touch of darkness. I played the older version of this game, and with this versiopn I was enthralled by the depth and versatility offered within its pages. This remarkable guide allows players to craft unique personas that seamlessly blend into the game's captivating narrative. With its robust mechanics and themes, the character creation book is a gateway to boundless storytelling possibilities.

Unleashing Creative Innovation: The character creation book of Lost Roads of Lociam serves as a testament to the game's commitment to innovation. It breaks free from the shackles of conventional character creation systems, encouraging players to think beyond the ordinary, and focusing on the actual story of the character prior to the game’s start, not mere collections of statlines and abilities. With its myriad of options, each character will end up wholly unique. The book's innovative approach ensures that each character becomes an integral part of the game's dark and enchanting tapestry.

Simplicity Breeds Depth: While Lost Roads of Lociam's character creation book offers a wealth of possibilities, it does so without overwhelming aspiring storytellers. The book strikes a delicate balance, providing accessible guidelines while maintaining the opportunity for depth and complexity. The intuitive layout and straightforward explanations allow both experienced roleplayers and newcomers to navigate the character creation process effortlessly. It's a testament to the game's commitment to inclusivity and ensuring that everyone can participate in crafting their own unforgettable tales.

In the world of Lost Roads of Lociam, I embarked on a journey to create a character that defied expectations and captured the essence of the game's themes. I managed to roll up a Salgod Merchant, but it is not as if the character ended there – oh no! In fact, it turns out that he is a family man, haunted by dark secrets in his past, and now carrying some sort of profane idol that he found somewhere. To say that the backstory of the character provides ample inspiration for playing him in the adventures to come is to understate matters greatly! I love the random approach to character creation, even if there are options to not go quite as random.

A Dark Canvas of Possibilities: Lost Roads of Lociam’s character creation book presents players with a dark (but pretty empty) canvas, waiting to be painted with tales of courage, tragedy, and redemption. Its robust mechanics and thematic depth allow players to mold characters that resonate with the game's conflicted and dangerous world. The book's meticulous attention to detail ensures that each choice made during the character creation process contributes to the overall narrative tapestry, offering players an opportunity to craft characters that seamlessly fit into the game's intricate web of stories.

The character creation book of Lost Roads of Lociam is a remarkable companion that embraces innovation, simplicity, and the allure of darkness. Its ability to foster creativity, while maintaining accessibility, makes it a treasure trove for storytellers of all backgrounds. Within its pages lies the potential to craft characters that will forever leave their mark on the game's narrative landscape. Whether you're a seasoned roleplayer seeking new depths or a novice eager to embark on a creative adventure, this character creation book is an essential tool to unravel the extraordinary tales waiting to be told in the world of Lost Roads of Lociam.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Lost Roads of Lociam - Character creation ruleset - The World To Be
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Lost Roads of Lociam - Core Rulebook - Age of the Black Chaimara
by Kobey J. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/27/2023 09:41:17

Step into the hauntingly beautiful world of Lost Roads of Lociam, a roleplaying game that masterfully combines innovation, simplicity, and an alluring charm, despite its dark setting. I was thoroughly impressed by the game's ability to captivate and immerse players in its gripping narrative. With its robust handling of diverse situations, Lost Roads of Lociam emerges as a true gem, one which I have been eagerly awaiting since I first heard of this new version coming out.

Innovative Gameplay: Lost Roads of Lociam breathes a bit of new life into the roleplaying genre with its innovative gameplay mechanics. The game dares to explore uncharted territories, introducing fresh ideas that challenge traditional norms. Its unique approach to character progression, decision-making, and world-building sets it apart from its peers. Every encounter and interaction feels engaging and unpredictable, providing a sense of excitement and discovery throughout the game. The developers have successfully managed to create an experience that feels both familiar and groundbreaking, catering to the desires of seasoned adventurers and newcomers alike.

Simplicity with a Dark Depth: Despite its dark and mysterious setting, Lost Roads of Lociam maintains a remarkable simplicity that makes it accessible to a wide range of players. The game's mechanics are elegantly streamlined, allowing for an effortless and immersive experience. Whether you are a veteran roleplayer or a beginner, you'll find yourself effortlessly drawn into the game's world. The simplicity of the gameplay mechanics serves as a contrast to the game's atmospheric and immersive storytelling, making each decision and action feel impactful and consequential.

Charming Presentation: Prepare to be enchanted by the mesmerizing charm of Lost Roads of Lociam's presentation. While the game's world may be shrouded in darkness, its art style and attention to detail are simply breathtaking. The craftsmanship and love is evident in the illustrations, with some hints at humor. The juxtaposition of the dark and charming creates a unique atmosphere that is both captivating and immersive. Robust Handling of Diverse Situations: Lost Roads of Lociam shines in its ability to handle diverse situations with depth and nuance. The game skillfully explores complex themes and tackles challenging situations, making it a thought-provoking experience. It doesn't shy away from hard issues such as religious strife, offering players a chance to engage with and reflect upon a variety of perspectives. The robustness of the game's narrative and mechanics ensures that every decision made by the players can be handled with a minimum of fuss and bother, allowing the narrative to take center stage.

Conclusion: Lost Roads of Lociam is a remarkable achievement, seamlessly blending innovation, simplicity, and charm within a dark and captivating world. With its fresh approach to skills and abilities, great art, and solid handling of things like combat, magic and faith, this game stands as a testament to the ever-evolving nature of the roleplaying genre. I am happy to have been part of the Kickstarter for this game and even happier now that I can play this with my friends!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Lost Roads of Lociam - Core Rulebook - Age of the Black Chaimara
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Legacy - Lost Roads of Lociam - Core rulebook - Light
by Simon S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/08/2012 07:09:25

Playable game, seemingly a fairly standard old-school d100 system with lots of bonuses and conditional modifiers and table look-ups typical to old-school d100 systems. If you've played something like runequest you'll know what to expect, not that that's a bad thing.

Also checkout the Lost Roads of Lociam official site because there seems to be a growing amount of new material such as sample adventures, GM sheets, character worksheets, etc.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Legacy - Lost Roads of Lociam - Core rulebook - Light
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Legacy - In glorious ashes
by Kobey J. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/22/2011 18:36:27

This is post-apocalyptic fantasy. Think about that for a minute. Post-apocalyptic + Fantasy. How awesome isn't that?! I love this setting, even though I have been killed a few times by the Shambling. I did get a few cool treasures though, and the rules for making random magic items are awesome!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Legacy - In glorious ashes
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Legacy - I am Special!
by Kobey J. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/22/2011 18:28:01

These are so much fun! The publisher hands these out at conventions sometimes, and I got one (the fencer) and played it in my group, and it was awesome! I knew it was coming up today (facebook people, facebook!) and got hte rest of them. Ten in all, loads of fun stuff to play!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Legacy - I am Special!
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